We’ve Got “Clowns and Baboons in Washington” Threatening War

Those of you who have read this blog for sometime will know that I try to keep track of Lawrence Wilkerson, his interviews, lectures and writings, as

Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

diligently as possible.

You may recall that Wilkerson is a retired Army colonel, former chief of staff to Colin Powell during the Bush Jr. administration.  He is now a regular contributor to The Real News Network.

He is a rare breed.  As far as I know, he is the only member of that administration to have promptly admitted to the wrongheadedness, stupidity, deception, illegality, and wholesale systemic, political failure that led up to the disastrous and immoral Iraq war.

The United States is now teetering on the brink of a major conflict, perhaps even an outright war, with Iran.  Those of you who have followed the recent history of US relations with Iran will not be surprised to hear Col. Wilkerson describe this administration’s current anti-Iran saber rattling as a repetition of the horrific boondoggle that led us into the Iraq war.

I won’t take the time to rehearse that sorry story-line here, rather I will simply quote a few of the more telling words from Col. Wilkerson in the hopes that you will be motivated to watch the entire 17 minute interview available here and here.

Below are a few gems from Wilkerson:

“I wouldn’t doubt for a moment that we [the US government] would manufacture another Gulf of Tonkin incident…” [Remember, the Gulf of

Vietnamese children fleeing their village; it had just been hit with napalm.

Tonkin incident was a fictitious “attack” on an American ship that became the official excuse for US military action in Vietnam.]

We are being governed “by clowns and baboons in Washington…”

“The world now sees the US as insane…warmongers…”

I believe that every follower of Jesus is called to be a pacifist. Consequently, the Christian’s public posture must always be in favor of peace, combating war and violence whenever, wherever it tries to raise its ugly head.

The necessity of public, anti-war protest is especially urgent when our “leaders” agitate for war on the basis of lies, misinformation and propaganda.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for the United States to see Iran as a hostile power, much less an enemy in need of a good bombing.

Know this: You and I are being lied to regularly by the MSM every time they discuss Iran.

I urge you to please do what I have done — call and/or write your elected officials and urge them to say NO to any and all efforts to attack Iran.

Only Congress has the Constitutional authority to declare war.  Tell your senators and representatives, at the very least, to insist on the enforcement of the War Powers Resolutions of 1973.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ