Update on My Friend, Anas, Who is Now Part of Israel’s Invisible Hostage Exchange

Not long ago I wrote about my young Palestinian friend, Anas, who had been arrested by the Israeli army.

A few days ago, Anas’ wife and family received news from the local, West Bank military authority telling them about his situation.

Anas was being held in an Israeli prison under the conditions called “administrative detention.” That is, he was not charged with any crime. There are no plans for a trial date. He was simply being held for six months in a military prison.

(There is no “civil jurisdiction” for Palestinians in the West Bank because they live under military occupation. Military rule is all they know.)

At the end of that six month period, Anas may be imprisoned for another six months — again without any criminal charges, trial, or recourse to a defense attorney.

But then, as a friend of mine who is a Palestinian defense attorney once said, “Without charges, evidence, or a trial date, there is nothing for a defense attorney to do within the military prison system.”

This unjust process of administrative detention may be repeated indefinitely.

During its recent ceasefire negotiations with Hamas, Israel released a number of Palestinian prisoners, mainly women and children, in exchange for Israeli hostages.

These were the visible prisoner swaps shown to us in public.

Anas is now a part of the other invisible prisoner swap taking place in the West Bank, often under the cover of darkness.

For every Palestinian prisoner released in a publicized, photographed hostage exchange, Israel is busy kidnapping and detaining many more Palestinian hostages whose stories will never be told on CNN or MSNBC.

Israel is busy ensuring that none of its dark, cold prison cells will remain empty.

This new generation of prisoners, like Anas, are also hostages; additional bargaining chips held indefinitely in brutal military prison conditions for whatever inhumane games Israel decides to play with their lives in the months to come.

If you are a praying person, please pray for my friend Anas, as well as the many other Palestinian hostages now held in Israeli prisons whose only crime is being Palestinian.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

2 thoughts on “Update on My Friend, Anas, Who is Now Part of Israel’s Invisible Hostage Exchange”

  1. Praying. This is so wrong! “How Long O’ Lord?” For the sake of peace and justice for all, let this man go home to his family.

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