There is No Disrespect in Telling the Truth About Dead Senators

I am sorry, but I can’t abide the heaping shovels-full of shamelessly fawning bromides being spewed out by the corporate media in their oh-so UN-journalistic obituaries of John McCain.

Apparently, patriot and patriotism are the civil-religion mantras of choice at the moment, intended to numb our critical faculties and mesmerize us into another dreamscape of American greatness and war-hero sainthood.

Don’t fall for it.  We need to resist.

You see, John McCain never met an American war that he didn’t like and wish to expand.  He was a rabid hawk who seemed incapable of feeling anything like  empathy for the untold masses of people killed, maimed and displaced by American military adventurism around the world.

It is one thing to believe the mythology of noble America’s military virtue as a little child, but to leverage those nationalistic lies over and over again from Capitol Hill in the merciless mission of immolating country after country (e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, to list only a few of McCain’s wars of choice) upon the altar of American hegemony is an unconscionable evil perpetrated against God and the divine image placed within every human being.

As citizens of God’s kingdom first and foremost, who view this world and its shenanigans through the lens Jesus’ kingdom ethics, nostalgically memorializing McCain’s political career is the last thing any follower of Jesus should be doing.

I don’t know anything about McCain’s religious convictions.  I hope that he confessed his sins and surrendered to the Lord Jesus while he still had the opportunity.

For an unvarnished, historically accurate appraisal of Senator McCain’s political career, please watch this clip (22 minutes) from Democracy Now.  Amy Goodman interviews Norman Solomon, Medea Benjamin and Mehdi Hasan who remind us of the many unsavory facts about McCain’s politics that the corporate media deliberately omits from its obits.


Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ