The History of Abortion Access in America is More Complicated than Justice Alito Imagines

Justice Samuel Alito composed the now famous ruling that recently overturned Roe vs. Wade. An important line of argument in that ruling was Alito’s assertion that abortion access did not have a long, established history in this country.

I am not an American historian, but then neither is Justice Alito.

I do know that this particular line of argument has been heavily criticized since its publication. PBS News recently offered a fascinating story covering this “complicated history” in early America.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

One thought on “The History of Abortion Access in America is More Complicated than Justice Alito Imagines”

  1. Dear David,

    Hello! Thank you for writing this post. Indeed, I concur with you that “The History of Abortion Access in America is More Complicated than Justice Alito Imagines”. There is plenty to explore regarding the escalating conflicts between the two major parties. Any reasonable and discerning person can conclude that the USA has been plagued by ignorance, dogma, falsity, blind faith, spiritual stagnation and epistemological impasse . . . . .

    Apart from what you have discussed in your post, even just the fallouts of the main event regarding the SCOTUS’ decisions on abortion and its striking down Roe v. Wade can have various implications and ramifications for the following:

    Reproductive freedoms…
    LGBTQ freedoms…
    Contraceptive freedoms…
    Migrants freedoms…
    The freedom of liberty (common sense gun safety, and police reform)…
    The right to vote…

    We have been witnessing so clearly the insidious nature of Trumpism, Machiavellian conservatism and inimical illiberalism perverting democracy for nefarious purposes and for justifying, obfuscating or muddying the waters of systemic sexism, racism, historical negationism, discrimination, marginalization and curtailment of civil rights. Given your position and concerns, you are hereby invited to peruse my latest post entitled “🏛️⚖️ The Facile and Labile Nature of Law: Beyond the Supreme Court and Its Ruling on Controversial Matters 🗽🗳️🔫🤰🧑‍🤝‍🧑💉“, as I am certainly very keen and curious about what you will make of my said post published at

    At the “Conclusions” section, I have not only embedded the same video but also mentioned an engaging presentation (dated 30 May 2016) about predicting people’s political convictions based on neuroscientific analyses of differences between liberals and conservatives in cerebral structure (with 71.6% accuracy) and brain activity (with 82.6% accuracy) as opposed to parental influence (with 69.5% accuracy).

    I welcome your input and am curious to know what you make of my said post as well as your perspectives on those matters discussed in my post. I look forward to savouring your feedback there!

    Wishing you a wonderfully productive August doing, enjoying or blogging whatever that satisfies you the most!

    Yours sincerely,

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