Anya Parampil Reporting From Caracas, Venezuela

Anya Parampil is another young, investigative journalism I highly respect.  She is also reporting from Caracas, Venezuela about the massive crowds of pro-Maduro, pro-Chavez,  pro-Bolivarian government supporters standing

Anya Parampil, investigative journalist

in lines that stretch for blocks, as they wait to sign a public petition demanding that the United States stop meddling in their country’s internal affairs.

Please, take a few minutes to watch Ms. Parampil’s video report here.  Listen to the voices of Venezuelan men and women who support their president and plead with the world’s leaders not to undermine their government or agitate for war.

Reports such as these (also see the post linking to Max Blumenthal’s Venezuelan coverage) demonstrate how grotesquely dishonest are the monotone refrains for regime change in the mainstream media.

Here is a good test case illustrating how extremely propagandistic are the major American news outlets.