More than 9,000 children in Gaza have undergone amputation, in many cases without anesthesia: In the Gaza Strip, the life of any child could turn into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. Families try to keep their children safe, but this becomes harder and harder with the intense bombardments. Many houses have been destroyed, and many children ended up under the rubble. More than 9,000 children have been injured in the Gaza Strip, leaving them grappling with the loss of an arm or a leg.
Read the story of 4-year-old Ghazala, who lost a leg, here.
This harrowing story is taken from the Israel-Palestine News site at If Americans Knew (IAK). It is an excellent source for daily updates on the situation in Palestine-Israel, bringing facts and figures to Western readers that you will never see on the mainstream, corporate media.
In the following clip from Breaking Point News, Krystal Ball offers a good summary of recent developments in the assault against Gaza.
Be sure to watch for the recent Israeli national poll showing that 83% of the Jewish people in Israel favor the “voluntary immigration” all the people from Gaza.
I am not sure how anyone can consider such an action to be voluntary, given the fact that Israel has flattened their homes, turned the region into a vast parking lot, and destroyed any semblance of Palestinian civilization in the area.
Certainly every eventual “emigrant” will have a rifle to his or her back motivating their “voluntarism.”
But, then, we should never underestimate the delusional power of Zionism to turn reality on its head, causing its adherents to imagine that black is white and up is down.
Also wait for the statistics demonstrating that Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has been the most destructive war of the 21st century, by far:
The video speaks for itself. This is a former member of the Israeli Knesset (Israel’s parliament).
I wish I could say that this man’s speech is an outlier. But I have now seen far too many video clips declaring the same message from average citizens and government officials alike to remain that naive.
A former Israeli sniper explains the circumstances in which soldiers are instructed to “shoot anything that moves.”
The recent shooting of three Jewish hostages — shirtless, waving a white flag and shouting in Hebrew — was anything but accidental or a mistake. It was the direct result of explicit rules of engagement in the Israeli army.
If Israel will flagrantly murder three of its own people in this way, just imagine how many Palestinian civilians have been gunned down under similar circumstances.
The murder of these three hostages illustrates the moral bankruptcy of Israel’s claims to having “the most moral army in the world.” Moral armies don’t teach 18 to 20 year olds to “shoot anything that moves,” no matter the circumstances.
The Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac is the pastor of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Christmas church. He is also a professor at Bethlehem Bible College.
This Christmas Eve, he delivered a power prophetic, gospel-inspired message directed at the western Christian church.
As the Gaza Strip is demolished, its people massacred, and ethnic cleansing continues unabated throughout the West Bank, far too many US evangelicals approve of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
As pastor Isaac says, “Silence is complicity.” Yes, too many remain silent, but even more damnable are the “Christian” voices raised in support of Israel’s war against Gaza because, some how or another, this slaughter is preparing the way for the return of Christ.
There are three things that I know with certainty about following Jesus. Walking with Christ never requires us to sanction, much less to embrace, ignorance, prejudice or bloodshed.
Those now approving of Israel’s genocide are committing all three of these inexcusable sins.
The following clip of Rev. Isaac’s message is 17 minutes long. Please take the time to listen to it in full. We all need to listen, lament, repent, and become activists for peace and justice in the name of Jesus Christ. We can begin by calling for a ceasefire in Gaza:
The following clip is a 12 minute interview with pastor Isaac broadcast by Democracy Now. Listen to him explain how the Palestinian people feel abandoned by the world, the Palestinian church abandoned by their western brothers and sisters. Remember — Gazan churches are being bombed; Gazan Christians are being murdered along with everyone else.
Have we no compassion for the Arabic-speaking family of God trambling in terror, huddled in the ruins of bombed out churches, desperately praying for God’s deliverance?
Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac is a professor at Bethlehem Bible College as well as the pastor at the bethlehem Lutheran Christmas church. Terry and I often worship at this church whenever we are in the West Bank.
Pastor Isaac understands that now is the time for a prophetic word addressed to the western church. He declares hard truths powerfully.
He is a Christian leader speaking to his fellow believers in the western Church — a Church that largely approves of Israel’s current campaign of destruction against his people. How can this be?
I am privileged to count both the Rev. Drs. Mitri Raheb and Munther Isaac among my friends. You will meet them in this video from Democracy Now.
Together with the other Christian leaders of Bethlehem, they are speaking prophetically to the rest of the world as public celebrations have been cancelled in Bethlehem this Christmas.
Oh, they are not neglecting the wonder of Jesus’ birth. But they are grappling with the contexual realities of remembering Jesus’ birth while also suffering brutal Israeli attacks in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Thus, they haver turned to the Old Testament tradition of lament, that is crying out to God in protest against both worldly injustice and his apparent absence.
The western Christian church has become immune to the biblical concept of collective, corporate lament. Even when we try to construct a lament service, we don’t really know how to be comfortable with it.
In part, this awkwardness is due to American isolationism, ignorance, and lack of empathy for others.
We fail to identify with our Palestinian brothers and sisters in Christ because many don’t realize that Palestinian Christians exist.
We ignore the news of literal genocide occurring in Gaza because we are generally disinterested in the rest of the world.
And when we go to visit Israel, we are more feverish about visiting Zionist synagogue services than we are about worshiping with Palestinian brothers and sisters.
The Palestinian church is showing us once again what biblical lament means as they endure a multitude of the cruelest war time injustices.
Never before has the Jewish settlement movement held as much power as they do today. Several of their leaders are members of the Israeli cabinet. They now call the shots in the West Bank, accelerating Jewish attacks against Palestinians, stealing their homes, destroying their crops and killing them with impunity.
The following video compilation offers a glimpse into this world of daily threats and violence:
Our friend, Layla, is a journalist working for the online news magazine, Mondoweiss. She filmed some members of the Amira and Al Azzah families after the Israeli soldiers, who had physically attacked them all, had finally left with Munther laying in the back of their truck.
This is our extended family in the West Bank. I admire their fortitude and resilience. I wish I was with them right now.