New Poll: 83% of Israelis Favor the “Voluntary Immigration” of the People of Gaza

In the following clip from Breaking Point News, Krystal Ball offers a good summary of recent developments in the assault against Gaza.

Be sure to watch for the recent Israeli national poll showing that 83% of the Jewish people in Israel favor the “voluntary immigration” all the people from Gaza.

I am not sure how anyone can consider such an action to be voluntary, given the fact that Israel has flattened their homes, turned the region into a vast parking lot, and destroyed any semblance of Palestinian civilization in the area.

Certainly every eventual “emigrant” will have a rifle to his or her back motivating their “voluntarism.”

But, then, we should never underestimate the delusional power of Zionism to turn reality on its head, causing its adherents to imagine that black is white and up is down.

Also wait for the statistics demonstrating that Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has been the most destructive war of the 21st century, by far:

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ