A Twitter Storm for my Friend Munther Amira on Nakba Day

Last March I wrote about my Palestinian friend, Munther Amira.  Munther is a social worker who lives near Bethlehem. He had just been arrested for protesting the way Israeli soldiers regularly arrest, abuse and imprison Palestinian children.

For important information documenting these widespread abuses, please check out the Defense for Children International/Palestine website as well as the work of an Israeli human rights organization called B’TSELEM, The Israeli Information Center on Human Rights in the Occupied Territory.

Change.org has launched a petition and a Twitter campaign on Munther’s behalf.  The campaign is scheduled for May 15, known as Nakba Day to the Palestinian people.  The Nakba, Arabic for The Catastrophe, is the Palestinian designation for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine that was put into effect by Israeli military forces in 1948-49.

It is illegal for Palestinians to commemorate this day in Israel.

Munther’s arrest and imprisonment also demonstrate that there is no such thing as freedom of speech in the Occupied Territories.  It is also against the law (apparently) to protest Israel’s imprisonment of minors in military prisons.

Please, read the full petition at Change.org and speak up for Munther on May 15th.

I have excerpted the announcement below, complete with suggested tweets.

“It would be great if as many people as possible could join us in expressing solidarity with Munther by tweeting using #FreeMuntherAmira #FreePalestine #Nakba70 . Please share this information widely too, and let’s make this twitter storm as big as possible.

“Here are some suggestions for tweets that you could use, or you might want to compose your own, but do include the hashtags.

“Greetings to Munther Amira from [your country]. We stand alongside you in your continuing campaign for freedom and justice #FreeMuntherAmira #FreePalestine #Nakba70

“Greetings to Munther Amira from social workers in [your country]. We stand alongside you in your continuing campaign for freedom and justice #FreeMuntherAmira #FreePalestine #Nakba70

“Solidarity with fellow social worker, Munther Amira, thank you for standing up for the rights of Palestinian children and for being a shining example to us all #FreeMuntherAmira #Nakba70

“We stand in solidarity with Munther Amira & all Palestinian refugees on #Nakba70 and recognise the UN Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country” #FreeMuntherAmira #FreePalestine #Nakba70

“Freedom and justice for Munther Amira, Ahed Tamimi and all Palestinian children in Israeli military detention #FreeMuntherAmira #FreePalestine #Nakba70