Ali Velshi on Democracy and Public Protests

Ali Velshi is a reporter/host for MSNBC. Granted, I bash MSNBC quite often because they are the establishment Democratic equivalent of the Republican party franchise called Fox News.

But Velshi recently offered an editorial piece about the importance of public demonstrations in a liberal democracy, something that the Right and Donald Trump never seem to understand.

In the past I have argued that the Department of Homeland Security should never have been created. Its mere existence pushes this country closer to fascism.

The fact that president Trump’s decision to send unrequested federal “forces” to cities such as Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, and Chicago is unconstitutional should be enough reason for all Americans to object to Trump’s illegal extension of executive power.

But no. Conservatives overwhelmingly approve.

We are all in trouble, folks. Please take a few moments to hear Velshi out. He is wise in this clip.

An Important Word from Mehdi Hasan on Fascism

Mehdi Hasa is a British journalist who wears many different hats. I always try to listen to him when I can. Over the years he has done reporting for the British version of the Huffington Post, Al Jazeeera (which I also watch regularly), The Intercept, and MSNBC.

He recently did on editorial on American fascism that I believe is worth watching and digesting.  I hope you will listen to what he has to say: