Some Call It Censorship; I Call It Anti-Arab Racism

Krystal Ball at Breaking Point news offers a penetrating look at anti-Palestinian media bias.

The way in which people and events are described in news reports tells us a lot about the prejudices, likes and dislikes of news producers and reporters.

In western media Jews and the state of Israel are generally covered very positively. Whereas, Palestinians and the victims of Israel’s aggression in Gaza are portrayed rather negatively.

Check out the evidence offered below. It’s titled “Study Reveals How Media Whitewashes Genocide”:


Max Blumenthal Asks, “What is Wrong with Israelis?”

Max Blumenthal is the chief editor and investigative journalist at The Gray Zone, an independent news outlet.

He is also the author of two excellent books related to the current war against Gaza:  Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013) and The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza (2015).

Given the recent Israeli poll showing that 68% of Jewish Israelis favor the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, I am sad to say that the evidence of anti-Palestinian sentiment in this sadistic video is not surprising.

To watch the video copy the url address contained within quotation marks:
