On US Censorship and Our Arming of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Yes, the US government engages in censorship just like the Russians. But, of course, the US corporate media will never admit to such things.

Of course, anti-war voices have been censored for a long time in this country. That’s why all of my favorite journalists work for independent news outlets and are never heard from on the major networks.

However, recently the censorship has become worse. Now independent reporting is being attacked wherever it appears. The video below offers two stories in one. First, independent journalist Abby Martin describes the erasure from the internet of the video archive from her old show “Breaking the Set” on RT television.

If you don’t think our government censors the news, listen to her story. She is not the only one who has experienced it recently.

Secondly, Aaron Mate discusses the role of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion in the Ukrainian national guard, as well as the influence of Nazi politicians in the Ukrainian government.

But, of course, the average American has no idea that we are supplying military weapons to a government that arms Nazis without hesitation. That’s because of CENSORSHIP.

Mate’s report on Ukrainian Nazis begins at the 20 minute mark.

Martin begins to tell her story of censorship at the 29 minute mark.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ