Living in a Relativistic, Fact-Free World

I have not written anything so far about the election broo-ha-ha mainly because I hate to waste my time dealing with such blatant absurdity.

However, as the Christian Right/Republican/Trump mania continues — not just to the bitter end, but undoubtedly well beyond, all the way to the dregs of this seemingly bottomless tankard of paranoid, right-wing swill — I find some aspects of the nation’s tumult rather interesting.

I don’t know the numbers of confessing Christians who believe that Biden “stole” the election from Trump, or are now marching in “stop the steal”

An election worker places a ballot in a counted bin during a hand recount of Presidential votes on Sunday, Nov.15, 2020 in Marietta, Ga. (John Amis/Atlanta Journal & Constitution via AP)


The entire movement, if you can call it that, looks very much like a new religion, and not simply because so many evangelicals are a part of it.

But I intend to reflect more on that element in a future post…I will only say for now that, even setting aside all the partisanship and divisiveness, it is an extremely unhealthy approach to any sort of belief, whether political or religious.

I do know that, according to a Reuters p0ll, over half of all registered Republicans believe that Trump actually won the election. Almost 70% of Republicans think it likely (or definitely believe) that the vote count was “rigged” or fraudulent.

While I am as willing to believe in potential election fraud as the next person, the main problem with these accusations is the complete lack of evidence.

Yes, many stories are being told, but accusations alone are not evidence, and accusations based on second-hand stories, often without substantiation, are not evidence, either.

Though Trump acolytes repeatedly insist on having such evidence, they never actually produce anything even remotely relevant, much less convincing. So, it is extremely noteworthy that when Rudi Giuliani is in court, he NEVER says he is arguing a fraud case.

In fact, he claims the opposite when standing before a judge. He only uses the word fraud when speaking in public…where no one has the power to disbar him.

Below is a video clip of only one example illustrating just how flimsy are the Republican claims to possessing evidence of fraud.

Ms. Bee Nguyen is a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.  Recall that the state of Georgia had not one but THREE recounts. NONE of them produced any evidence of election tampering or fraud of any sort.

All of these recounts have been a huge waste of time and tax dollars.

Watch Rep. Nguyen debunk the so-called evidence a state colleague claims to provide as proof of Georgia election fraud. She dismantles this Republican fraud quite handily.

It would all be very funny were not so pathetic to see such partisan dimwits as her Republican opponent sitting in political office, misrepresenting the facts of the case, and fomenting the rising tide of political hatred.

As the late Senator Patrick Moynihan once reminded his senate colleagues: We are all entitled to our own opinions. But we are not entitled to our own facts.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ