I’m Taking a Break

I am travelling out of the country tomorrow and will be away for the month of November.

So, this is a head’s up letting my subscribers know why I won’t be posting for the next few weeks.  I will not have ready access to either the internet or a computer.  But, never fear!  I will return sometime in late November or early December.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

3 thoughts on “I’m Taking a Break”

  1. We remember you were going. We must pray for you and your friends there. I’m glad you are going. WE agreed to give a small donation to the girl who needs college education and not sure it came out. I could try to catch up posts I haven’t gotten to. You won’t write while away? Love to you and Terry!!

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