Durham, North Carolina First To Ban Police Exchanges With Israel (The Forward)

The first paragraph from today’s article in The Forward reads:

“The City Council in Durham, North Carolina, has voted unanimously to bar the city’s police department from international exchanges in which the officers receive ‘military-style training’ in a slap at such programs held with the Israeli army and police.”

This is excellent news. I hope that it is a first step in a nation-wide movement to delegitimize (as Benjamin Netanyahu loves to lament) the military policing tactics used by Israeli authorities.  They are criminal methods as employed within Israel and the Occupied Territories.  They remain abhorrent, criminal and immoral when exported elsewhere — as I mentioned in an earlier post about police lynchings in America.  It is a travesty that an international exchange program allowing Israel’s apartheid policing philosophy to infiltrate this country was ever condoned in the first place.

I encourage you to read the article if you want to know about Israel’s influence in our police academies.  I intent to write about this in the near future.  For now, here are a few additional sources (here and here).

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

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