“Cheney Was Evil,” Says Former Bush Administration Official, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

I have not seen the new movie “Vice,” but plan on watching it soon.  I have, however, watched a conversation with retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who worked with Vice-President Cheney during the Bush administration.

Wilkerson was the chief of staff to General Colin Powell while the general was George W. Bush’s Secretary of State.  He is now an adjunct professor at William & Mary college where he teaches courses on national security.

To my knowledge, Col. Wilkerson is the only official involved in president Bush’s selling of the Iraq war who has publicly admitted how wrong he was in helping the president lead this nation into that illegal catastrophe.

He is a Republican and a strong critic of the ever-expanding American empire fueled by our perpetual aggression abroad and our oppressive surveillance-security state at home.

Below is part 1 of Col. Wilkerson’s discussion of the movie “Vice,” his appraisal of Dick Cheney, and his lament over the fact that our government

Lawrence Wilkerson

now operates for the rich, by the rich who very intentionally “make a killing” (pun intended) from America’s endless lust for war.

Col. Wilkerson does not mince words, “Cheney was evil.”

Click here to watch.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ