When the U.S. Ruins a Country, It’s Survivors Have a Right to Asylum

President Trump and his base are in an uproar over the so-called caravan of Latin American refugees applying for asylum at our southern border, despite the fact that this is  perfectly legal.

These poor people are asking to apply for legal asylum — something allowed by U.S. law.  Yet, we see them gassed and shot at by U.S. border “security.”

Personally, I think that there needs to be a new question added to all asylum petitions:  “Are you fleeing a country where the U.S. government has sponsored a coup, overthrown a leader, meddled in elections, trained death squads, supported a dictator, imposed economic sanctions or manipulated the economy?”

Chris Hedges

Anyone who can check that box — which is anyone and everyone fleeing any country south of the U.S./Mexico border — deserves automatic asylum in this country.

If you are curious as to how U.S. foreign policy helped to create the current migrant “crisis,” watch Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges interview Professor Dana Frank here.  She details just some of the ways in which the 2009 overthrow of Honduras’ democratically elected

Professor Dana Frank

government, perpetrated by the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton as its premier cheerleader, led to the catastrophe that has now engulfed Honduras.

America owes not only asylum, but reparations and continuing support, to every man, woman and child now hoping to find a new life north of the border.

The “Rogue Journalist” Says It Like It Is

I have mentioned before that Caitlin Johnstone is one of my favorite bloggers and social, political commentators.  You should check  out her blog here.

Like me, she too developed recurring bouts of sustained nausea (mine was accompanied with cramps, groaning, eye-rolling, and periodic laughter)

Caitlin Johnstone

over the endless, collective lying sessions the nation was forced to endure during the funeral and burial services of former president George H. W. Bush.

Why did ever single network repeat the same mindlessly patriotic pablum, most of which was misleading, about this American war criminal?

Johnstone’s analysis is entitled, “How Plutocratic Media Keep Staff Aligned with Establishment Agendas.”  I have copied an excerpt below:

It is an obvious fact that mainstream media outlets are owned by the extremely wealthy, as has been the case for a very long time. Owning media is in and of itself a profitable investment, “like having a license to print your own money” as Canadian television magnate Roy Thomson once put it. So when it comes to the news media outlets which form people’s perceptions of the world, what incentive would a powerful plutocrat have to platform anti-establishment voices on those outlets and help sow ideas which upset the status quo upon which said plutocrat

has built his empire? It certainly wouldn’t make him any more money, and if anti-establishment ideas like socialism, anarchism, non-interventionism or skepticism of government agencies gained popular footing in public consciousness, it could upset the foundation of the plutocrat’s dynasty and cause him to lose everything.

“Plutocrats have put a lot of energy into influencing government policy in order to create legislation which ensures the continued growth of their wealth and power. A whole lot of maneuvering has had to happen over the course of many years to create a political system wherein government bribery is legal in the form of campaign finance and corporate lobbying, wherein deregulation of corporations is the norm, wherein tax loopholes are abundant and tax burdens

Jake Tapper

are shifted to the middle class, wherein money hemorrhages upward to the wealthiest of the wealthy while ordinary people grow poorer and poorer. What incentive would these powerful oligarchs have to risk upsetting that delicate balancing act by helping to circulate ideas which challenge the very governmental system they’ve worked so hard to manipulate to their extreme advantage? And how many incentives would they have to keep everyone supporting the status quo?”

I believe that Ms. Johnstone hits the nail squarely on the head.  I encourage you to read her entire piece here.

For followers of Jesus Christ who understand that their primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, last week’s display of over-the-top, lock-step homage to a man who once said that he “would never apologize for America.  I don’t care what the facts are” should have been disturbing, at least, repulsive, at best.

People like Caitlin Johnstone can help us to become better critical thinkers and more discerning viewers of the nationalistic propaganda we are subjected to on a daily basis.

I will talk more explicitly tomorrow about the many crimes against humanity committed by president George H. W. Bush.

B’Tselem Head Speaks to U.N., Condemned by Netanyahu

B’Tselem is the Hebrew work for “in the Image.”  It appears twice in Genesis 1:27, “So God created humanity in his own image, in the image of God he created humanity.”

B’Tselem  is also the name of an important Israel-based human rights organization (its full name is The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territory) that gives special attention to the inhuman treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories (i.e. the West Bank and Gaza).

B’Tselem is staffed by Israeli men and women of conscience who understand that all people are created as the Image of God.  Building upon this Biblical foundation, they also understand the dehumanization and systematic abuse inflicted upon the Palestinian people by Israel’s illegal military occupation.

As their website explains:

“B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories strives to end Israel’s occupation, recognizing that this is the only way to achieve a future that ensures human rights, democracy, liberty and equality to all people, Palestinian and Israeli alike…”

B’Tselem finds creative ways to inform the world about Israel’s egregious, daily crimes against humanity.  If you want to know the truth about Israel/ Palestinian relations, forget about Christian news outlets.  Turn off the corporate news media.  They only repeat the acceptable lies, misrepresentations and puerile mutterings of Israel’s Zionist propaganda.

Instead, as a first step towards learning the truth, read the regular updates available from B’Tselem.  Subscribe to their newsletter.  Order a few of their many publications.  Watch the numerous videos on their Youtube channel.

Discover the truth for yourself.

Hagai el-Ad is the current head of B’Tselem.  He recently spoke to the

Hagai El-Ad, Executive Director of Israeli NGO B’Tselem.
AFP / JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images)

United Nations about Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people and was instantly condemned by Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister.

You can watch Amy Goodman’s two-part interview with Mr. el-Ad here and here.

Mr. al-Ad and his coworkers are a shining ray of light, truth and humanity in an otherwise very dark, oppressive land known as Israel.

The ICEJ Promotes Zionist Propaganda and Shares the Guilt

Today I received a fundraising email from the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.  The ICEJ is a American based, Christian Zionist organization that spreads Israeli government talking points, whatever they may be.

Here are the letter’s first two paragraphs:

“In the last 3 months, more missiles have been fired at Israel than in the last 3 years combined.  About 600% more! Night after night, families have been awakened by the piercing sound of warning sirens, knowing they have only seconds to scramble for cover, fearing their home will be the next one destroyed…

“Terror kites and incendiary balloons have filled the skies over southern Israel for months, burning over 8,500 acres of crops, trees, and nature reserves and filling homes and communities with choking smoke.”

Let’s put this letter into perspective.

Israel has unilaterally confined nearly 2 million Palestinians within a 141 square miles (approximately 25 miles long, averaging 6 miles wide) area called Gaza.  The people of Gaza are fenced in, trapped, and they are not allowed to leave.  Even those suffering from serious medical conditions are commonly prevented from traveling by ambulance to the nearest Israeli hospitals.  All the Gazan hospitals have been bombed.

The Gaza fence is not Israel’s southern border, as Zionist propaganda claims.  It is a tightly controlled prison fence, guarded by the Israeli military.

Until 2010 it was official Israeli policy to control food imports into Gaza in order to maintain the entire population at the borderline of malnutrition.  The Israeli government calculated that each Palestinian needed only 2,279 calories/day.  Available food stuffs were restricted accordingly.

Fishing is/was a major industry for the Gazan economy.  Since Israel imposed its blockage against the Gazan people in 2007, fishing areas are severely restricted by the Israeli navy.  Israel arbitrarily limits Palestinians fishermen to a 6 mile fishing zone.  But even within that narrow limit Israeli naval vessels regularly attack fishermen and destroy their boats.

Israel arbitrarily declared a 300 meter wide “no man’s zone” extending from the fence encircling Gaza.  It is now a free-fire zone, where anyone — man woman or child — can be shot and killed.  Besides shrinking the size of Gaza dramatically, all of this land is private property, much of it farmland now made inaccessible by Israeli fiat.

Beginning this past March, thousands of Palestinians began making weekly marches at the Gaza fence, protesting their imprisonment.  Israeli soldiers use live ammunition to kill, maim and cripple innocent Palestinian civilians every time they march.

Thus far, Israeli soldiers have killed at least 130 people (including journalists, medics and children).  They have seriously wounded, crippled and maimed at least 20,000 people.  Let that sink in.

But such bloodshed in Gaza is not unusual.

Israel’s last concerted attack on Gaza in 2014, called Operation Protective Edge, inflicted massive civilian casualties.  According to the United Nations Office on Humanitarian Affairs Israeli bombers, missiles and planes killed — do I need to remind my reader that the Palestinians have none of these weapons? — more than 2,250 people.  At least, 1,462 of them were civilians, 551 children, and 299  women.

11,231 Gazans were injured, including 3,436 children and 3,540 women. Over 1,500 children were orphaned.  18,000 housing units were demolished.

From July through August, the Israeli military carried out more than 6,000 airstrikes on Gaza, many of them hitting residential buildings.  The army reported using 5,000 tons of munitions, including 14,500 tank shells and 35,000 artillery shells.  These figures do not include precision-guided missiles or aerial bombing.

So, it is not surprising that the people trapped in Gaza, who are regularly used for target practice and shot like fish in a barrel, protest their captivity.  Wouldn’t you?

Some of them build home-made rockets and fire them into southern Israel.  These are not “guided” missiles.  They are generally very short range, and Israel boasts that the majority of these missiles are intercepted by their “Iron Dome” anti-missile system.

But, of course, they can still be deadly.  Between 2001 and 2014, 44 Israelis (30 civilians and 14 soldiers) were killed by rockets and mortars fired from Gaza.  I don’t know the cumulative figures since then.

Every Christian must condemn violence, whatever form it takes.   We grieve for every Israeli, especially unarmed civilians, killed or injured by Gazan rockets.  God’s people are called to be instruments of peace in this violent world.

Yet, who grieves for the Palestinians?

Apparently, not the ICEJ.  Nor the millions of other Christian Zionists in the west who never give a second thought — in fact, they never give a third, fourth or fifth thought — to Palestinian suffering.  We are morally incurious, never bothering to learn about the inconvenient millions who  happen to stand in the way of Israel’s plan for a purified ethnic state forever populated by a Jewish majority.

How blind God’s supposed people can be.

It is a profound spiritual blindness that reveals the truth about the hearts of American evangelicals.  Our hearts are hard.  Hard as granite.

We raise our hands in church and shed tears of joy for ourselves whenever the Lord seems to answer our self-centered prayers for excess.  A bigger house.  A better job.  A pretty spouse.  A longer vacation.  You name it.

And all the while we are applauding and helping to finance one of the more horrendous crimes against humanity in the modern world.

The typical evangelical would rather go to Israel as a tourist, walk where Jesus walked, get weak in the knees over a visit to the Western (Wailing) Wall, and never give a thought to the weekly slaughter of innocent human lives occurring only a few miles south of Jerusalem.

Neither do the majority of tourists ever think to worship with their Palestinian brothers and sisters in Christ who weep and suffer every day beneath the massive boots of Zionist thugs.

We are those thugs.

The boots are ours.

Palestinian blood stains the American church indelibly.  The Lord Jesus will not forget our guilt.  He will judge us all when The Day finally arrives, saying:

“Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.  For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,  I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”  (Matthew 25:41-43)


John Bolton is a Sociopath.  He and Trump are Cut from the Same Cloth

John Bolton, the current White House National Security Adviser, is one of

John Bolton

several demons whispering war-mongering advice from the shoulder of our presidential Devil in Chief.

Bolton was a staunch advocate for the disastrous Iraq War, remaining unapologetic for the many lies he told at the time about Iraq’s nonexistent WMDs.  He continually urges military action against and regime change in Syria, North Korea, Libya, and Iran.  He has never met an American war he didn’t love, regardless of the innumerable innocent civilians slaughtered in the process.

In 2002, during the lead up to the US invasion of Iraq, the Brazilian diplomat José Bustani was head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.  Bustani was negotiating with Sadaam Hussein about

José Bustani

allowing weapons inspectors back into his country in order to make unannounced inspections of Iraq’s facilities.  According to Bustani, Bolton made a surprise visit to OPCW headquarters in the Hague, bringing a direct threat from Vice President Dick Cheney.

Numerous family members and coworkers have substantiated Bustani’s story.  As The Intercept reported on March 29, Bolton said:

“Cheney wants you out.  We can’t accept your management style.  We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.

 “You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you.

 We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”

Death threats against a man’s children.

That’s everything we need to know about John Bolton in a nutshell.  He is a ruthless, bloody-minded enforcer with no conscience.  He is the type of hit-man always eager to make the Mob Boss proud.  Which is exactly why Donald Trump elevated him to his current position.

Bolton is the cold-hearted thug breaking kneecaps behind closed doors while Trump flashes his creepy, malicious grin to the world’s cameras.  The only thing more disgusting than these evil twins is the mindless support their brutal foreign policies receive from American conservatives.

Please take a few minutes to hear Lawrence Wilkerson’s appraisal of John Bolton as the executor of Trump’s policies towards Iran. (The discussion about Bolton begins at the 9:00 minute mark).

Lawrence Wilkerson

Wilkerson knows Bolton very well.  They have worked together closely in the Bush administration.  Towards the end of this interview, he calls Bolton (and by implication Nikki Haley, as well) an immoral man without a conscience.

Recall that Wilkerson was Colin Powell’s chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration.  To my knowledge, Wilkerson is the only official to

Nikki Haley, president Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations

publicly confess the lies and manipulation perpetrated by Bush officials in the march to war against Iraq.

Wilkerson is that rare man of conscience who has been to the devil’s banquet table of political power and wisely walked away to warn others of the dangers.  He is a rare specimen. (I believe he is also a devout Roman Catholic).  Sadly, for America and the rest of the world, there does not seem to be another like him in the Trump administration.

Tragically for American Christianity, there are precious few like Larry Wilkerson among this country’s evangelical leadership.

Check Out the Work of Abby Martin

In my opinion, Abby Martin is one of the most significant independent journalists working today.

Abby Martin

I invite you to set aside some time and listen to this interview discussing media censorship, US imperialism, ongoing coup attempts in South America, and more.  Hopefully, this brief sampling will introduce a new perspective or two for those who take the time to listen.

I have become a regular follower of Ms. Martin’s work, especially the documentary program “The Empire Files” on Telesur English.  Previously, you could find her TV program “Breaking the Set” on RT.

Intelligent, educated people who want to remain life-long learners never stop reading and listening to new voices, especially voices with whom they think they disagree.  Sometime, those are the voices that become most illuminating to us.

Furthermore, I am absolutely convinced that Christian discipleship requires us to live as citizens of the world.  The international Body of Christ commands my first loyalty in this life, not my country, not my ethnicity, not my gender.  I believe this fact requires me to become reasonably well informed

Perhaps the most famous image from the Viet Nam war. A child flees her village after it was bombed with napalm.

about world  affairs.  More than that, as a citizen of the most powerful country in the world with a long history of treating other nations as its servants, I am required to speak out against American injustice and to defend those who suffer from US dominance.

The traditional conservative Christian social critique of “us against them” has never been a sound theology or a helpful way to engage the world.  For far too many, secular humanism and its adherents have been the “enemy,” opposing the things of God.  So these so-called secularists were to be shunned, criticized and displaced whenever, wherever possible.

Please don’t think that way.  And stop now if you have in the past.

The creation story in the book of Genesis makes two very important points about God’s world….and, yes, this is still God’s world, lock, stock and barrel.

First, the entire creation, including human beings, were declared to be “good.”  In fact, human beings are much more than good,  we are the best of the best,  the cherry on top of God’s creation.  God judged everything else to be “good,” but people are “very good.”

The entire universe is good, but people are fantastic in God’s eyes.

Extolling the virtues of intolerance. Her shirt says Intolerance is a Beautiful Thing. Sadly, for many, their intolerance extends beyond ideas or actions to include people.

Second, all human beings are created as “the image of God.”  We won’t go into the meaning of that designation here, but whatever the details, it means nothing less than the fact that if you want to find an approximation of God on earth, stare long and hard at the next person you see.  That’s the best God-approximation you’ll see this side of heaven.

The intrusion of sin into the creation did not change any of this.  That, too, is a discussion for another day.  But its true.

So, why in the world would anyone who loves God and His works ever imagine that it would be a fine idea to wall themselves off from the largest portion of His Very Best Creation, their thoughts, insights, artistry or alternative ways of thinking?

Oh my goodness, how incredibly knuckle-headed Christians can be.

I thank God for Abby Martin and her work.  I pray that she will come to know Jesus one day.  I have written to her on Twitter, letting her know that there  are thoughtful Christians in America.  In the meantime, she continues to teach me a tremendous amount about this broken world.

The image of God shines brightly in Ms. Martin. In certain respects, she reflects the ethics of Jesus and his kingdom more clearly than a good many Christians I know.

Nabi Saleh, The Toughest Little Village You Probably Have Never Heard Of

Terry and I stepped off the bus and walked to the small gathering area beneath a few shade trees.  It was still morning but you could already feel that it was going to be another hot day.

We sat on one of the village’s shaded benches and waited for others to arrive.  It did not take long.  Soon we were joined by a handful of international supporters who came, like us, to link arms with the residents of Nabi Saleh, a small Palestinian village in the central-western portion of the West Bank.  (A great deal has been written about Nabi Saleh, much of it malicious and false.  For some introduction, check out here, here and here).

Every Friday morning a small group of villagers, together with whoever else wants to come along, attempt to walk down the narrow, one-lane road

Do these people look like dangerous terrorists to you?

offering the only access to their homes.  It is also the only paved access to the nearby spring that historically served as the village’s primary water supply.

The spring is owned by the Tamimi family, an extended network of men, women and children who compose a sizeable portion of the village. The spring at the foot of the hill has been in their family for generations.

Not anymore.

The Nabi Saleh spring

A Jewish settlement now “occupies” the Nabi Saleh spring, making it inaccessible to their Palestinian neighbors across the road.

The settlement is called Halamish.  It now occupies the neighboring hillside, easily overshadowing the  village of Nabi Saleh only a stone’s throw away.

According to international law, settlements like Halamish should not exist.  They are prohibited by the international convention on apartheid.  But people who build such illegal, fortified settlements and then live in them

The illegal settlement of Halamish

while stealing the neighbors’ only water supply obviously do not care about such niceties as international law or anti-apartheid conventions.

Israeli-Jewish settlers often don’t even care about Israeli law, since the Israeli supreme court has, on rare occasions, also ruled against these West Bank settlements.  In fact, Jewish settlers in the West Bank are notorious for committing the most egregious, violent acts against Palestinians with total impunity.

On this particular Friday morning, our march began with 30 to 40 people, mostly villagers, including many children and young people.  Our only armaments were flags and banners, though a few teenage boys eventually pulled out their sling-shots and began throwing rocks after the Israeli soldiers arrived and began pelting us with tear gas.

This march has happened every Friday for years.  The goal is very simple.  The villagers want to walk down to their spring, affirming their right of access.  The village leaders want to talk with the people of Halamish and ask them by what right they not only took over their water supply but now exclude Palestinians from using it.

That goal has never been achieved, to my knowledge.  What happened to us happens every week.  In fact, we got off easy.  We hadn’t walked more than

Soldiers begin to block the road

20 yards before several military vehicles appeared from nowhere, sped onto the village road and blocked the intersection about 75 yards away.  Dozens of soldiers armed with automatic rifles and tear gas launchers jumped from armored personnel carriers and fanned out in a long line.  Troops not only blocked the road but watched us from the nearby hills ensuring that we all were targets wherever we went.

Soon the tear gas canisters began to fall among the unarmed, peaceful

Shooting tear gas

demonstrators who only wanted to walk to a spring.  In Israel it is a crime for Palestinian villagers to visit and take a drink from their only source of drinking water, a spring that refreshed their parents, grandparents and great grandparents as far back as anyone can remember.

For Zionist Israel, Palestinians pose a threat by their mere existence.  Israeli’s commonly refer to them as the “demographic” or the “existential” threat to Israel.  For political Zionists, Israel can only exist as a purely Jewish state.  Thus, all Palestinians must go, one way or another.  Allowing them to drink from a traditional pool of water is, apparently, a slippery slope to another Holocaust.  Or so it would seem.

The march came to a halt.  I suspect that we got just about as far as it has ever gotten.  We were barely out of the village.  Yet, we had been quarantined as if we were a dangerous band of Typhoid Marys threatening to unleash an unstoppable epidemic among the Jewish population beyond.

Who is David and who is Goliath now?

I decided to walk forward in order to talk to the soldiers.  Behind me teenage boys began to swing their slingshots at the soldiers in the same way that David felled Goliath.  The villagers knew how to protect themselves against the gas.  Most of the younger children returned to their homes.  There were no guns or weapons of any kind, except those carried by the Israelis.

When I was close enough I shouted out to the soldiers, “Why?  Why are you doing this?  They only want to walk to their spring!”

The soldiers, including this boy with peach fuzz, act as if I am invisible

After first shouting at me to go back, they all decide to ignore me.  No one so much as turned his head to look when I yelled.  I suspected that these soldiers had plenty of experience in ignoring western visitors coming to protest the grotesque inhumanity they show towards their fellow human beings.  It was my own up close and personal experience of the stone-cold poker face Israel has cultivated over the years as it consistently ignores the numerous protests, boycotts and complaints lodged against it by members of the international community still possessing a conscience.

The tires begin to burn

I am certain that had I not been such an obvious western visitor, one of these soldiers would have shot me in the head or chest without a second thought.  The families of Nabi Saleh have grieved many times over the dead and wounded loved ones who have been shot on that single-track

road leading to Halamish.

Chest and head shots are the soldiers’ favorites.

It wasn’t long before a few young men had set tires on fire in front of the marchers, masking them from the line of fire.  The black smoke obscures the soldiers’ vision so that, hopefully, fewer tear gas canisters hit their target.

Slowly the marchers began to disperse.  I turned back to the village.  The soldiers eventually climbed into their armored vehicles and drove

Soldiers and a manned sniper tower keep watch over the only road into Nabi Saleh

away, though the small installation with its sniper tower at the end of the road remained occupied, guns always pointed at the people of Nabi Saleh.

I also knew that the villagers who marched that day would steel themselves against the threat of after-dark raids by these very same soldiers.  Who might be arrested or shot or thrown into the back of a truck conveying them to the local military prison for interrogation?

(Below is a film showing a military night-raid in Nabi Saleh.  Protesters are arrested and removed from their homes while a skunk wagon sprays skunk water into their homes).

It happens regularly.

While waiting for our bus Terry and I met Bassem Tamimi, one of the village leaders and the father of (now internationally known) Ahed Tamimi, whom I will write about another day.  Mr. Tamimi kindly invited us into his home for tea where he talked about his life, his wife and children, his village, and his commitment to continued peaceful resistance against Israel’s military occupation and continued theft of his property.

I wondered how many of the residents of Halamish kept their binoculars near the window sill in order to watch Mr. Tamimi’s weekly efforts to visit his family spring.  I suspect that the struggles of Nabi Saleh makes for interesting sport among these settlers.

Do they cheer when the soldiers arrive, screeching to a halt in their massive gray machines?

Did they root for the men shooting at us?

Do they shout when someone is hit and injured, as so many have been in the past?

Does anyone in Halamish ever stop to ask themselves, Why did we take their water away from them?  Why can’t we share it with Nabi Saleh, or even give it back to the villagers outright?

Does anyone in Halamish have conscience enough to see their neighboring Palestinians as people no different than themselves?

These are some of the questions I pondered as I sat with Terry on Bassem Tamimi’s couch, waiting for his wife to finish making our tea.  We enjoyed a friendly conversation that day with a generous man and his wife whose primary concern in life is ensuring that his children and grandchildren will have a safe, peaceful future to look forward to in the family village.

Why does that make him a criminal in his own land?

Why should asking for a safe, peaceful future in his own home put his family at risk every Friday morning in the Occupied Territory of the West Bank?

Take a moment to watch Ahed Tamimi describe her life in Nabi Saleh, a tiny Palestinian village under Israeli military occupation:

A Prayer Request and More Praise for My Book, I Pledge Allegiance

Like most authors, I always appreciate receiving feedback from my readers.  I am especially grateful whenever I hear a story about how my work has stirred positive transformation and been encouraging to someone, especially when that someone is trying to follow Jesus faithfully.

Below I have copied a very kind note I recently received from a minister who has read my newest book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America (Eerdmans, 2018).

Thank you, pastor, for taking the time to be an encouragement to me:

“At the recommendation of [a] long-time friend and former parishioner… I just finished reading….for the second time…your book, “I Pledge Allegiance”. All I can say, David, is THANK YOU!!! You’ve helped me find some renewed sense of balance in what it means to live in this country at this time as a follower of Jesus. Having just recently retired from parish ministry… I’m aware of how often I waffled, especially in my preaching. There are times when I experience guilt and wish I could begin again to deal in a better way with the influences of congregants. And then there are those times when I’m grateful that I made it through without getting kicked out. The events of this past week put me into an even deeper depression. However, your insights and reminders have helped me immensely. Again, thank you!! And, please, keep writing. David”

In response to this man’s last sentence, let me say that I am trying to continue my writing.  But I am facing a few obstacles.  I mention this because, if you are a praying person, I could use your prayers about my next (possible) writing project.

I want to write a book about both(1)  the theological problems of Christian Zionism and (2) the human suffering entangled with American evangelicalism’s blind support for the nation of Israel.  The book will be half Biblical theology and half real-life stories.

The theology sections will explain the serious errors of “Christian Zionism” (i.e. those who believe that modern Israel is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in need of the church’s, and America’s, wholehearted support).

The real life stories will describe graphic instances of Palestinian suffering and abuse that I have witnessed first-hand during my visits to the West Bank area (captured by the Israeli army during the 1967 war and kept under military occupation ever since).

My proposal for this book has now passed over a number of publisher’s desks.  One publisher said (I am paraphrasing), “Dave, we think this would be a good book, but your previous books haven’t been great sellers for us.  We don’t think we’d make much money from this one, either.”

Four other well-known publishing houses have all said something similar, “David, we like and agree with your proposal.  We think this would me a good book, but we can’t figure out how we would sell it.  Sorry.  Good luck.”

Needless to say, I am a bit frustrated and disappointed.  So, I would very much appreciate your prayers as I try to figure out where next to send the proposal.  I firmly believe this book needs to be written.

Otherwise, perhaps I am at the end of my writing career.  I hope not, but who knows.

Why Erasing “In God We Trust” Would be a Good Thing for Everyone

Genuine Christians don’t trust in God.

Real Christians trust in the eternal, heavenly Father of the resurrected and ascended Lord, Jesus Christ.  There is a difference, a BIG difference between these two deities.

Trusting in God does not require anything of us, because God-trusters always make God in their own image.

The generic God of the God-trusters is a God of convenience.  And what is America today if not the wasteland of endless, ad nauseum convenience?

Idolatry’s promise of religious convenience is at the heart of why God-trusters embrace their ever-convenient God.  Like all idolatry, trusting in the God of American civil religion is easy-peasy religion, because that God is always on our side.  What’s not to like?

Who wouldn’t want to be on God’s side when you already think you know that God’s side is always your side?

The angel of American manifest destiny

He is always, predictably, the God of our nation, our history, our wars, our empire, our manifest destiny, our foreign policy, our political party, our consumerist lifestyle, our race, even our skin color, if and when appealing to such racial niceties becomes necessary.

How nice it is to believe in an agreeable God who wants for your nation what you do, who believes in the rightness of your cause just as you do, who excuses the world-wide bloodshed caused by your country for the same reasons you do.

How insufferably convenient to embrace a religion of such logical redundancy.  Clear-headedness is never expected of anyone.

This is always the way with idolatry.

This In-God-We-Trust God emerges from our own selfish desires, hopes and priorities.  For even when we fail to achieve our desires, this God of the God-trusters is flexible enough to adopt failed outcomes as the deepest desire of his heart.  So, America can do no wrong, even when she fails abysmally and wreaks havoc among those who suffer from her miscalculations.

On the other hand, if there is one thing the Bible tells us about the one, true God, Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the eternal Father of Jesus of Nazareth:  God is never convenient.

Following Jesus of Nazareth is not convenient, not at all convenient.  That’s why so few people really do it, consistently, day in and day out, for a lifetime.

When Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) devoted a chapter in his book, The Social Contract (1762), to the centrality of civil religion in the modern nation-state, he emphasized the civic dangers of Christianity.  In fact, he believed – rightly, in my opinion – that the gospel of Jesus Christ, when embraced by true believers, posed the single greatest threat to the long-term survival of any modern nation-state.  He even went so far as to insist that the Roman Catholic church (the only form of Christianity he knew) be outlawed if the nation-state hoped to survive.

Rousseau’s fears can be boiled down very simply:  The Christian God was not controllable.  The Christian God is neither predictable nor convenient – at least, not from a human point of view.

Jesus Christ can never be relied upon to cast his vote for “my side.”  And he always demands an allegiance transcending national, political and social loyalties.

The atheist Rousseau understood Christianity better than most American Christians.

If we understood the import of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Christians would be the first to ask that idolatrous phrases like “In God We Trust” be erased forever.

We would abandon the silly, meaningless conflicts over state-sanctioned “prayer” in public schools.

We would shun idolatrous ceremonies demanding that we “pledge allegiance” to a flag.

We would laugh hysterically whenever we hear the next televised nattering nabob boast about winning some war over saying “merry Christmas” in the public square.

We would speak up and declare, “No, I do not trust in your God of convenient nationalism.  I trust in the heavenly Father of Jesus Christ; Savior of ALL people everywhere; King of the universe; the Lord whose kingdom of righteousness makes public inconvenience a hallmark of the faithful.”

There is No Disrespect in Telling the Truth About Dead Senators

I am sorry, but I can’t abide the heaping shovels-full of shamelessly fawning bromides being spewed out by the corporate media in their oh-so UN-journalistic obituaries of John McCain.

Apparently, patriot and patriotism are the civil-religion mantras of choice at the moment, intended to numb our critical faculties and mesmerize us into another dreamscape of American greatness and war-hero sainthood.

Don’t fall for it.  We need to resist.

You see, John McCain never met an American war that he didn’t like and wish to expand.  He was a rabid hawk who seemed incapable of feeling anything like  empathy for the untold masses of people killed, maimed and displaced by American military adventurism around the world.

It is one thing to believe the mythology of noble America’s military virtue as a little child, but to leverage those nationalistic lies over and over again from Capitol Hill in the merciless mission of immolating country after country (e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, to list only a few of McCain’s wars of choice) upon the altar of American hegemony is an unconscionable evil perpetrated against God and the divine image placed within every human being.

As citizens of God’s kingdom first and foremost, who view this world and its shenanigans through the lens Jesus’ kingdom ethics, nostalgically memorializing McCain’s political career is the last thing any follower of Jesus should be doing.

I don’t know anything about McCain’s religious convictions.  I hope that he confessed his sins and surrendered to the Lord Jesus while he still had the opportunity.

For an unvarnished, historically accurate appraisal of Senator McCain’s political career, please watch this clip (22 minutes) from Democracy Now.  Amy Goodman interviews Norman Solomon, Medea Benjamin and Mehdi Hasan who remind us of the many unsavory facts about McCain’s politics that the corporate media deliberately omits from its obits.