Caitlin Johnstone: “Liberals Are Crazy Idiots”

Professional political blogger, Ms. Johnstone, is very cheeky, and that’s

Caitlin Johnstone

probably why I read her blog. That and the fact that she, as an Australian, frequently offers insightful political commentary.

Her most recent post “Liberals Are Crazy Idiots” offers an all to brief discussion of how and why so-called liberal news outlets like MSNBC, with pundits like Chris Hays and Rachel Maddow, are nearly as useless as Fox News.

Here is an excerpt:

Liberals are such crazy idiots. They pretend to stand for truth and logic then spend years promoting the fact-free Trump-Russia collusion narrative. They pretend to stand for social justice then drop those values the second it becomes politically convenient, like making homophobic jokes about Trump and Putin, calling Lindsey Graham “Lady G” for being a closeted gay man, and lecturing black political leaders about how black people should think and vote. They pretend to stand for the little guy, then support austerity and war while literally worshipping John McCain.

Just last night on MSNBC Chris Hayes was talking about Trump’s controversial commuting of Roger Stone’s prison sentence and he parroted the completely false and utterly baseless claim that Stone was a “go between” for WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign.

“Roger Stone was what he looked like: a go-between between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks, and then he lied about it, which is what he was convicted for,” Hayes said.

This is just completely untrue. The only communications between Stone and WikiLeaks prior to the November 2016 presidential election were WikiLeaks telling Stone to stop falsely claiming that he was in communication with the outlet and had been getting information from them. 

You can read the entire post here.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ