The Gray Zone: Life in Jerusalem Under Israel’s Military Dictatorship

The video speaks for itself.

I have shopped and eaten at the Educational Bookshop many times. It is generally the first place I visit when in Jerusalem.

Miko Peled: How Israel Indoctrinates Its People

Israel is one of the most militarized societies in the world.

Military service is compulsory for all graduating high school seniors. Everyone remains a member of the military reserves and is eligible for a  call back into active service well into middle-age.

Israeli dissident, Miko Peled, son of a famous Israeli general and former soldier himself, explains how this militarization of civil society affects Israel’s culture and indoctrinates its people.

Some Call It Censorship; I Call It Anti-Arab Racism

Krystal Ball at Breaking Point news offers a penetrating look at anti-Palestinian media bias.

The way in which people and events are described in news reports tells us a lot about the prejudices, likes and dislikes of news producers and reporters.

In western media Jews and the state of Israel are generally covered very positively. Whereas, Palestinians and the victims of Israel’s aggression in Gaza are portrayed rather negatively.

Check out the evidence offered below. It’s titled “Study Reveals How Media Whitewashes Genocide”:


The Genocide Occuring in Gaza is Unmasked at the International Court of Justice

This week was marked by the opening of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice.

Many international experts in the field of genocide studies agree — Israel is committing both genocide and ethnic cleansing against the 2.3 million Palestinian people living in Gaza.

Whereas many US news outlets covered Israel’s defense against South Africa’s charges, very few offered coverage of South Africa’s case for the prosecution. Another example of western bias when discussing Israel.

Consequently, I offer here only a portion of the case made against Israel earlier this week. It is chilling and damning.

Israel deserves to be convicted, shunned and sanctioned by the international community until it not only stops the current war, but dismantles its oppressive apartheid state.

Watch and hear some of the abundant evidence presented for yourself:

Gideon Levy: Sanctions on Israel Are the Only Hope

What happens to a society where the vast majority endorse their government’s policy of committing genocide against a subject people?

Unsurprisingly, it will demonstrate increased levels of hard-heartedness and moral corruption.

Gideon Levy is an award-winning Israeli journalist who provides a chilling description of how Israeli society-at-large now illustrates such corruption as the people of Gaza are exterminated.

Watch and shudder.

Anthony Lowenstein: The Majority of Israeli Jews Support the Removal of Palestinians from Gaza

Israeli Jews have always viewed the native Palestinian population as a dangerous “demographic threat” to the maintenence of a Jewish majority in the Jewish state.

Investigative journalist Anthony Lowenstein discusses the long history of Israel’s attempts to rid the country of Palestinians, by hook or by crook.

Thankfully, There is an Anti-War Peace Movement in Israel

The Israeli peace movement is certainly small when compared to the pro-war majority, but the image of God shines brightly in these brave anti-war protesters.

Max Blumenthal Asks, “What is Wrong with Israelis?”

Max Blumenthal is the chief editor and investigative journalist at The Gray Zone, an independent news outlet.

He is also the author of two excellent books related to the current war against Gaza:  Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013) and The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza (2015).

Given the recent Israeli poll showing that 68% of Jewish Israelis favor the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, I am sad to say that the evidence of anti-Palestinian sentiment in this sadistic video is not surprising.

To watch the video copy the url address contained within quotation marks:



More than 9,000 children in Gaza have undergone amputation, in many cases without anesthesia

More than 9,000 children in Gaza have undergone amputation, in many cases without anesthesia: In the Gaza Strip, the life of any child could turn into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. Families try to keep their children safe, but this becomes harder and harder with the intense bombardments. Many houses have been destroyed, and many children ended up under the rubble. More than 9,000 children have been injured in the Gaza Strip, leaving them grappling with the loss of an arm or a leg.

Read the story of 4-year-old Ghazala, who lost a leg, here.

This harrowing story is taken from the Israel-Palestine News site at If Americans Knew (IAK). It is an excellent source for daily updates on the situation in Palestine-Israel, bringing facts and figures to Western readers that you will never see on the mainstream, corporate media.