86 Year Old Palestinian Woman Tells Her Story of Ethnic Cleansing in 1948

The city of Jaffa was a major metropolitan area when it was attacked by Jewish forces on May 13, 1948, two days before the end of the British Mandate over Palestine.

After three weeks of siege and attacks, Jaffa fell to Jewish troops. Those troops immediately began the expulsion, the ethnic cleansing, of Jaffa’s Palestinian population.

By the time they were finished, 50,000 people from Jaffa alone — all of them Palestinians — had been expelled, pushed into the Mediterranean Sea, or sent packing among the streams of destitute refugees looking for safety.

Many of these refugees died along the road. They were death marches.

Ebtihaj is now 86 years old. In April 1948 she was just a little girl, but she well remembers being forced from her home and expelled from Jaffa.

She vividly recalls the Jewish soldiers who shot and killed her unarmed brother as he watched them drive into town from his doorway.

Listen to her story here:


Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

One thought on “86 Year Old Palestinian Woman Tells Her Story of Ethnic Cleansing in 1948”

  1. Watching this video on ethnic cleansing breaks my heart. Not only for this dear elderly woman but all Palestinians. Their land has been stolen, fact and it continues to be stolen, another fact. Yet this woman describes it all so well. It is if “they are buried alive”! That’s exactly what the Israeli’s have done by ethnic cleansing. Stealing their land and forcing most of them to live in Gaza. Somehow these Zionist Jews (not all Jews) seem to have forgotten all about what Adolf Hitler? I find it eerily strange that in Israel today they are committing genocide to the Palestinians. It’s horrible, unlawful and inhuman and it needs to stop now!

    My heartbreaks for all Palestinians and like most people that care about them, we all know that the Zionists won’t ever stop.Not unless they are forced to do so. Guess we all really do know why? So the US can keep on funding Israel. Anything to keep their industrial military complex going.

    I think your blog is amazing! Keep up the great work. Especially as most people tend to forget about the Palestinians. Just like others around the world that suffer once the headlines are over.

    It’s soul destroying to these amazing strong and beautiful people with a culture far older than our own being destroyed. It must stop and it has to stop now!!!

    To your Readers, Please take the time to go to Amnesty International and sign their petition to help the Palestinian people be free? Plus if you can afford to donate some money to help them too? Which obviously after the all the recent atrocities committed by Israel. They really need all the support and help that they can get don’t they.

    Blessing & Namaste🙏

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