Trump Appears to Believe in “Mass Human Sacrifice”

President Trump torpedoed son-in-law, Jared Kushner’s, plan for a federally organized, covid testing program because he believed that it would primarily benefit “blue states” (the states that he did not carry in the 2016 election).

A recent investigative article at Vanity Fair explains what happened. I have posted an excerpt below:

Despite the Rockefeller Foundation’s round-the-clock work to guide the U.S. to a nationwide testing system essential to reopening, the foundation has not yet been able to bend the most important curve of all: the Trump administration’s determined disinterest in big federal action.

On July 15, in a video call with journalists, Dr. Shah looked visibly frustrated. The next day, the Rockefeller Foundation would be releasing a follow-up report: It called on the federal government to commit $75 billion more to testing and contact tracing, work to break through the testing bottlenecks that had led to days-long delays in the delivery of test results, and vastly increase more rapid point-of-care tests.

Though speaking in a typically mild-mannered tone, Shah delivered a stark warning: “We fear the fall will be worse than the spring.” He added, putting it bluntly: “America is not near the top of countries who have handled COVID-19 effectively.”

Just three days later, news reports revealed that the Trump administration was trying to block any new funding for testing and contact tracing in the new coronavirus relief package being hammered out in Congress. As one member of the Rockefeller coalition said of the administration’s response, “We’re dealing with a schizophrenic organization. Who the hell knows what’s going on? It’s just insanity.”

You can read the entire story here.

President Trump’s mismanagement of the US pandemic have been largely motivated (above and beyond his gross incompetence) by his partisan efforts at reelection.

Members of Kushner’s task force reveal that Trump was disinterested in their plan because he believed that “blue states” would be hardest hit by covid.

In other words, if he didn’t carry a state in the 2016 election, he didn’t feel the need to help the people who didn’t vote for him.

Let that fact sink in…

Numerous outlets are reporting this story in one form or another (here, here, here, here, and here for only a few examples).

Ironically, the current resurgence of the virus is now hitting red states the hardest, and seems to be a major cause for the current nose-dive in Trump’s approval ratings.

Now that the “mass human sacrifices” are including Republican voters, what will Trump do?

Personally, I am not holding my breath. Trump remains Trump, a gross narcissist who is too ignorant and stupid to care about anyone but himself, even when the nation is dying.


Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

One thought on “Trump Appears to Believe in “Mass Human Sacrifice””

  1. No surprise!

    Trump has made no secret of his own belief that he inherited everything from intelligence to an ability to withstand pressure through the “great genes” passed on to him by his parents and grandparents. He has also frequently compared the importance of “good bloodlines” in humans to the breeding of champion racehorses, a view that overlaps in uncomfortable ways with those of eugenicists.

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