I was recently invited to speak at an online web conference titled “Better Citizens for a Better World.” The conference addressed various aspects of how to live out our Christian citizenship in the here and now.
The conference addressed a wide range of subjects, including an opening talk about “God and Empire” followed by my talk, “Why Christians Can’t be Nationalists.”
My friend Dr. Rob Dalrymple does the first presentation, ending at the 20:15 mark. I then follow up with my presentation outlining what I believe are the proper Christian approaches to patriotism, nationalism and Christian nationalism.
My talk ends at 48:20 when Rob and I begin to answer write-in questions from viewers.
I hope that you find this interesting and helpful in this election season. Thanks for watching:
The current student anti-war, pro-Palestinian demonstrations are if historic significance.
Despite the establishment media’s scurilous attempts to vilify these college students and their supportive professors as churlish antisemites, the abundance of video clips avalable on youtube, X, tic tok, facebook and elsewhere reveal the truth.
Whatever violence my occur is consistently started by the police.
The rare instances of genuine antisemitism are either the outlier having nothing to do with the demonstration’s organizers and membership, or they are false flag incidents committed by pro-Israel agitators trying to make trouble.
These campus demonstations give me hope, not only for the future of our country, but for the eventual demise of Israel as an apartheid state.
The American journalist, Chris Hedges, understandings all these things and eloquently expressed his support by delivering a sermon yesterday on the grounds of Princeton University.
As a Christian, I wish that I could call Mr. Hedges my brother in Christ. Unfortunately, his disbelief in the incarnation and the bodily resurrection of Jesus prevents me from saying that.
I do not believe, as Hedges does, that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ stands as metaphor for the redemptive power of unjust suffering. I see the cross, as I believe the New Testament does also, as the inevitable climax of a life lived in complete obedience to our Father in heaven. (There is much more to be said about this, but that is for another post.)
Nevertheless, as a fellow human being I can only applaud Chris’ profound understanding of the human condition in this world and the cries for justice that arise from those who suffer.
In fact, Chris Hedges has a better understanding of God’s heart for justice, and the work that our Creator asks his people to perform in the temporal pursuit of this justice here and now than does the typical church-goer — fundamentalist, evangelical, liberal or mainline — in this country.
There is much to learn from Chris’ message. I urge you to read it all, prayerfully with a heart ready to respond.
All truth is God’s truth no matter who says it or where it is said.
Here is an excerpt:
. . . To resist radical evil, as you are doing, is to endure a life that by the standards of the wider society is a failure. It is to defy injustice at the cost of your career, your reputation, your financial solvency and at times your life. It is to be a lifelong heretic. And, perhaps this is the most important point, it is to accept that the dominant culture, even the liberal elites, will push you to the margins and attempt to discredit not only what you do, but your character. When I returned to the newsroom at The New York Times after being booed off a commencement stage in 2003 for denouncing the invasion of Iraq and being publicly reprimanded by the paper for my stance against the war, reporters and editors I had known and worked with for 15 years lowered their heads or turned away when I was nearby. They did not want to be contaminated by the same career-killing contagion.
Ruling institutions — the state, the press, the church, the courts, universities — mouth the language of morality, but they serve the structures of power, no matter how venal, which provide them with money, status and authority. All of these institutions, including the academy, are complicit through their silence or their active collaboration with radical evil. This was true during the genocide we committed against native Americans, slavery, the witch hunts during the McCarthy era, the civil rights and anti-war movements and the fight against the apartheid regime of South Africa. The most courageous are purged and turned into pariahs.
The theologian James Cone in his book “The Cross and the Lynching Tree” writes that for oppressed blacks the cross was a “paradoxical religious symbol because it inverts the world’s value system with the news that hope comes by way of defeat, that suffering and death do not have the last word, that the last shall be first and the first last.”
Cone continues: “That God could ‘make a way out of no way’ in Jesus’ cross was truly absurd to the intellect, yet profoundly real in the souls of black folk. Enslaved blacks who first heard the gospel message seized on the power of the cross. Christ crucified manifested God’s loving and liberating presence in the contradictions of black life—that transcendent presence in the lives of black Christians that empowered them to believe that ultimately, in God’s eschatological future, they would not be defeated by the ‘troubles of this world,’ no matter how great and painful their suffering. Believing this paradox, this absurd claim of faith, was only possible in humility and repentance. There was no place for the proud and the mighty, for people who think that God called them to rule over others. The cross was God’s critique of power—white power—with powerless love, snatching victory out of defeat.”
Reinhold Niebuhr labeled this capacity to defy the forces of repression “a sublime madness in the soul.” Niebuhr wrote that “nothing but madness will do battle with malignant power and ‘spiritual wickedness in high places.’ ” This sublime madness, as Niebuhr understood, is dangerous, but it is vital. Without it, “truth is obscured.” And Niebuhr also knew that traditional liberalism was a useless force in moments of extremity. Liberalism, Niebuhr said, “lacks the spirit of enthusiasm, not to say fanaticism, which is so necessary to move the world out of its beaten tracks. It is too intellectual and too little emotional to be an efficient force in history.”
The prophets in the Hebrew Bible had this sublime madness. The words of the Hebrew prophets, as Rabbi Abraham Heschel wrote, were “a scream in the night. While the world is at ease and asleep, the prophet feels the blast from heaven.” The prophet, because he or she saw and faced an unpleasant reality, was, as Heschel wrote, “compelled to proclaim the very opposite of what their heart expected.”
This sublime madness is the essential quality for a life of resistance. It is the acceptance that when you stand with the oppressed you will be treated like the oppressed. It is the acceptance that, although empirically all that we struggled to achieve during our lifetime may be worse, our struggle validates itself.
(This post is a continuation of my series on Critical Race Theory. The previous post appears here.)
Recently, I have been working my way through the book, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America (W. W. Norton, 2017), by Richard Rothstein.
Rothstein provides an exhaustive (and exhausting) account of racist housing policies in American history, up to the present time.
If you have ever wondered how and why dilapidated, inner-city ghettos got started in the major metropolitan areas of this country, then Rothstein has the answers you are looking for.
He describes both the historical developments and the many legal arrangements that have enshrined racial discrimination, by way of legalized
Richard Rothstein
segregation and violent enforcement, into the fabric of American society.
He also documents the continuation of such policies into the late 20th and early 21st centuries, long after the laws had been struck from the books.
These things have happened at every level of government, federal, state, and local. It appears in housing regulations, real estate boards, zoning laws, banking practices, tax valuations (which affects local school budgets), unequal wages, you name it. The list goes on.
As he writes in the book’s Preface:
We have created a caste system in this country, with African Americans kept exploited and geographically separate by racially explicit government policies. Although most of these policies are now off the books, they have never been remedied and their effects endure. (xvii)
In unearthing this story as extensively as he does, Mr. Rothstein has produced a definitive history of only one component of Systemic Racism in America.
Earlier I explained that Critical Race Theory offers three specific principles to the modern discussion of race relations: White Privilege, Systemic Racism, and Intersectionality. I briefly discussed White Privilegehere.
Systemic Racism and White Privilege are mutually reinforcing.
White Privilege supplies both the ideology (whether overt or hidden, conscious or unconscious) and the motivation (both individual and communal) for maintaining white superiority and dominance over people of color.
That domination is sustained through Systemic Racism, which appears in the social, cultural, and legal structures created, typically by white folks, in order to maintain White Privilege.
Systemic Racism is a fact of life in this country. It is impossible to deny, even though many still try.
Christians who deny the reality of Systemic Racism typically base their criticisms on the personal, individual quality of human sinfulness.
To put things very simply – since people are sinners, people are individually responsible for their personal sins. People are not “systems” or structures, so systems, as such, cannot be held accountable for the racist sins of individual people.
Thus, ideas like Systemic Racism are damaging because they shift the responsibility for evil away from guilty individuals, who need to confess and repent, onto impersonal structures/systems.
These Critical Theories may also impute guilt to all members of “the system” regardless of their personal attitudes or behavior. And that is unjust.
These critics go on to say that rather than condemning impersonal structures, Christian people within those structures should be living Godly lives in order to make a personal difference for others. (At least, this is what I gather from the Christian critics I have read.)
That is how systems change, by changing the individuals involved first.
Finally, for these critics, Critical Race Theory is wrong because it is not biblical. It is guilty of “allowing secular thinking to overtake a biblical worldview.” (I will save my criticisms of “biblical worldviews” for another day.)
Unfortunately, the vagueness of the Southern Baptist statement quoted above is typical of this conversation. Here are my thoughts:
One: A few weeks ago, my pastor and I were talking about the human tendency to trap ourselves into binary thinking – stop/go, left/right, up/down, good/bad, secular/biblical . . . you get the picture.
In human relations, binary thinking is the favorite blunt instrument used for carving out tribal boundaries. “My way is good; your way is bad” – that’s just about all the Baptist “secular/biblical” binary has to offer to us, unfortunately.
Two: Every disagreement cannot be reduced to an either/or, binary answer.
There is often a third alternative, or the solution may require a both/and answer. So, I insist that the sin and guilt for American racism appears in both individuals and social systems. Both must be held accountable and both must be altered, as necessary.
It is the convergence of these two sources of America’s social ills that makes racism so powerful and long-lasting.
Three: This criticism is stereotypically Western in its analytical devotion to individualism, first and foremost. I am reminded of the absurd remark made by the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. When asked about the nature of society, she famously replied, “There is no such thing as society. Only individuals.”
Thatcher’s comment represents binary reductionism in the extreme.
Four: We cannot forget that human beings are created as the Image of God. That Image remains in all human beings. It was not eliminated by the Fall in Genesis 3.
This means that human beings, including those who do not believe in God, can still possess valuable insights into solving life’s difficult problems.
I insist that the insights of Critical Race Theory are evidence of the continuing benefits of that DivineImage which characterizes all human beings. I can learn from any number of “irreligious” thinkers in this world. Thus, the Baptist binary distinction between secular/biblical thinking is actually counter–productive to this discussion. (It’s also anti-intellectual, but that too must wait for another post.)
Five: When sinful people get together to do sinful things, especially sinful tribal things intended to protect one tribe’s interests against another’s, oppressive social norms and systematic evils are the result.
Societies are built by people. Sinful people build broken, flawed societies that exhibit their brokenness through rigged systems that produce creepy-crawly things like Systemic Racism (among other social ills).
It’s not hard to figure out.
Frankly, I am shocked at the blinding power of Southern Baptist ideology (and they are not alone in this) causing their denominational leaders to ignore such simple observations.
They offer a good example of how “secular thinking” can sometimes be more in line with truth and reality than the supposedly “biblical thinking” of avowed Christians.
Finally, I am convinced that the Christian church must share in the responsibility of undoing the horrendous damage done by centuries of Systemic Racism.
It is not enough — in fact, it is down right unacceptable — for white Christians to insist that personally rejecting racism and not discriminating individually is a sufficient Christian response.
As Mr. Rothstein concludes in his book, Undoing the effects of de jure [legalized] segregation will be incomparably difficult. To make a start, we will first have to contemplate what we have collectively done and, on behalf of our government, accept responsibility (217).
The Old Testament prophets believed in collective responsibility. They condemned wicked rulers for the systemic evils they inflicted upon their people.
When Christians refuse to take the systemic dimensions of human evil seriously, they close their eyes to important biblical truths and excuse themselves from the important task of social/cultural transformation.
They also blatantly suggest that they are more interested in protecting their current creature comforts than they are in performing the hard introspective, anti-establishment work required of those who “seek to maintain justice and do what is right” (Isaiah 56:1).
No, benefiting from the rigged structures constructed and maintained for the survival of SystemicRacism does not necessarily make every white person a racist. On that score, I disagree with the more extreme proponents of Critical Race Theory.
But it does demand that we recognize the issues at stake; acknowledge the unmerited advantages we have and do receive as Caucasians; and commit ourselves to undoing the lasting damage confronting us today.
(This is the fifth and final post in my series comparing and contrasting Christian prayer with a magical worldview. If you missed the previous posts, you can find links to them all in here in part 4.)
I would summarize the differences between the magical and the New Testament views of prayer like this: Magic focuses on the manipulation of spiritual power in order to gain a measure of control over life’s circumstances.
One of the most notable features of ancient magical texts/prayers/spells/incantations is the frequency of words of command. I offer two short examples from the book Ancient Christian Magic:
First, a spell for healing –
Osphe, Osphe, Osphe, Yosphe, Yosphe, Yosphe,
Bibiou, Bibiou, Bibiou
Yasabaoth Adonai, the one who rules over the four corners of the world,
In whatever I want – I, [supply name], child of [ supply name], —
Now, now, at once, at once!
Second, an incantation for the power of blessing and cursing –
Yea, yea, for I admonish you by your manner of going in and your manner of going out and your manner of going up and your manner of coming down, that you shall listen to the words of my mouth and you shall act in accordance with the actions of my hands in every work of mine – every one, whether love or hate, whether favor or condemnation, whether binding or loosening, whether killing or vivifying, whether assembling or scattering, whether establishing or overthrowing…
Notice the various elements discussed in previous posts: the magician uses secret words, names and phrases, repetition, and words of command for the exact result desired. Notice, too, the language of “binding” and “loosing” for the power of blessing and cursing others; language that many Christians use today for their supposed “control” over demonic forces.
These traits all fit with my earlier description of magic as Utilitarian, focused on Immediacy achieved by mastering proper Technique.
In these different ways, the magician became a Master in control of his/her medium. Some people practice to become master musicians, others master woodcarvers, magicians became masters at imploring the spiritual powers to accomplish what they desired.
Petitionary prayer was a method of spiritual control.
I hope it is obvious that the magical goals of power and control are antithetical to Jesus’ own priorities in prayer.
Christian prayer is always directed by the understanding that our heavenly Father is in control, not us. Remember how Jesus taught the disciples to pray in (what we call) The Lord’s Prayer,
Jesus Alone in the Garden, painting by Mikhail Shankov
“Father in heaven, cause your kingdom to come, cause your will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
At his most desperate moment in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Father, not my will, but your will be done.”
Whatever else may be involved, true Christian prayer begins by surrendering control to God.
We must stop trying to use prayer as a tool for getting what we want, when we want it, as we want it. Because, frankly, we are all too stupid, narrow-minded, selfish and short-sighted to have the foggiest notion of what’s best for us, or what God’s plan may be for us at any given moment.
Recall that even the apostle Paul admitted that his prayer life was entirely dependent on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit because he didn’t understand how he ought to pray or what he ought to request. Paul is wonderfully candid when he writes in Romans 8:26,
…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through groans that words cannot express.
We do not know what we ought to pray for.
This is not an excuse to stop praying. It an invitation to surrender our conspiracies at twisting prayer for pious manipulation. I will often stop in the middle of my prayers when I am feeling particularly lost or confused and simply ask the Lord to hear the Spirit’s prayers for me and do whatever the Holy Spirit is requesting — through His “groans that words cannot express” — on my behalf.
No, that’s not a cop-out. It is learning to pray like Paul. It is praying like Jesus.
It is not an excuse to stop bringing our requests before God’s throne. It is a reminder that our final request must always be a heartfelt “not my will, but your will be done.”
(This is the 4th installment of a series examining the differences between Christian prayer and a pagan, magical worldview. You can find the previous posts here, here and here.)
The fourth distinction I want to make between magic and Christian prayer is the magical emphasis on secret knowledge.
For the magical mindset, incantations, spells, etc. (let’s call them magical prayers) are effective because the properly trained and educated magician knows the secret ingredients, words, phrases and names that make the incantations powerful and effective.
These can include the bizarre ingredients we popularly identify with cartoon witches: frog eyes, bat wings, snake bladders and more. Specialists now debate whether or not such weird recipes were to be taken literally or if, perhaps, they were code words signifying more common items available in the average home. I suspect that we will may never know the answer. But regardless, the average person seeking help from the local magician certainly believed that actual bat wings and newt testicles were essential items in the magician’s bag of potions.
Magicians also knew the secret names and titles that allowed the magician to command the many gods, spirits, and angels required to bring a positive response to a prayer. Every spiritual force had multiple designations. Some
A Victorian pendant inscribed with the ancient, magical word Abracadabra (a near palindrome, which was always popular in magic)
names and titles were public knowledge. But only those who were initiated into “the mysteries” of a spiritual power knew the secret names and titles of that power. When those secret names and titles were used properly, perhaps combined with a potion containing the necessary secret ingredients, then the person offering those magical prayers could expect the designated deity or demon to do exactly what was requested.
We can see a good example of such magical thinking in Acts 19:13-16 when the apostle Paul encounters the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest
Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.
This text provides an ancient example of Jewish magical exorcism practiced by Jewish magicians (who were probably entirely orthodox in their religious
The seven sons of Sceva
beliefs). The sons of Sceva had seen Paul’s successful exorcisms when he declared the resurrected Jesus’ victory over the power of Satan in this world.
As was common in ancient religion, the concept of “personal faith” was not always relevant to religious practice. The Jewish magicians simply latched onto Paul’s use of a new secret name – Jesus.
Here is another example of magical prayer and its emphasis on technique (see the previous post). The Jewish magicians thought they had discovered a new, obviously effective, technique – call upon the secret name of Jesus and watch the demons flee.
Little did they know that Christian prayer is not magic. The results of authentic prayer in the name of Jesus have nothing to do with using the correct technique, or saying the proper phrasing with the right names in the right way.
So, what lessons can we learn?
First, the results of Christian prayer are tied up with personal faith in a real personal relationship with one’s personal Lord and Savior, allowing his Lordship to determine the answers we eventually receive. True prayer is about spiritual intimacy not technique.
Second, there is no hierarchy in the Body of Christ determined by secret or special knowledge. There is no “in group” who is privileged to know the more powerful, more effective ways to pray. Ways that are not available to others who have not yet learned the correct “prayer language,” who haven’t attended the proper conferences or seminars, who haven’t had certain mystical experiences, who have yet to learn the most effective ways to express themselves to God. Such ways of thinking are characteristic of Gnosticism not Christianity.
Third, every Christian should be suspicious of anyone unduly fixated on acquiring and possessing spiritual power. Certain strains of the Christian church seem obsessed with gaining power, exercising power, seeing displays of power, being empowered and living a power-filled life.
Typically, this fixation with power fills the concept with more worldly, pagan notions of power that it does New Testament ideas of power. In fact, I find very little New Testament precedent for this common preoccupation with becoming a more powerful Christian.
For example, let’s look at THE New Testament power- prayer where Paul most explicitly prays for believers to experience more of God’s power, Ephesians 3:14-19:
For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
As far as the apostle Paul was concerned, the most vital experience of spiritual power available to any Christian, and the focus of his prayers that fellow believers become endowed with power, concerns the Christian’s daily experience of union with Christ leading us to a deeper and deeper awareness of the eternal, immeasurable, divine fullness of Christ’s love for each of us.
Get that?!
The immeasurable height, depth, length and breadth of Jesus’ love for his people is so infinitely beyond any human ability to comprehend that the most profound operation of God’s eternal power is best realized when a sinful follower of Jesus slowly apprehends a bit more and a bit more and a bit more again of what the full measure of Christ’s love means in his/her life. That blows my mind…
THAT’S a display of divine power in this life, my friends. And it’s the most incredible display of power anyone can ever experience this side of eternity.
A few days ago The Wall Street Journal published an expose revealing the Trump administration’s intention to remake Latin America in its own image, continuing to use the well-worn strategies of assassination, economic sanctions — which commonly lead to widespread starvation — and military intervention.
“The Trump administration’s attempt to force out the president of Venezuela marked the opening of a new strategy to exert greater U.S. influence over Latin America, according to administration officials.”
Hence, I offer the following New Testament pesher (a contemporary interpretation) from John’s Apocalypse, chapter 18:
After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor.With a mighty voice he shouted:
The harvest of a US trained Salvadoran death squad
“‘Fallen! Fallen is America the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
“‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for America’s sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered the crimes of the United States. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done.
Pour her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned as queen; I am the sole Super Power. I am not a widow; I will never mourn.’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her…
..Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:
“With such violence the great nation of America will be thrown down, never to be found again. The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No worker of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again. The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. In America was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people — who stood to warn you but were few and far between — of ALL who have been slaughtered on the earth by your drones, your assassinations, atomic bombs, cruise missiles, special forces, cluster bombs, stealth fighters, torture programs, death squads, economic sanctions and regime changes.”
And, believe it or not, the New Testament does not call that “worship.”
Second, we found that the New Testament insists that Christian worship is the stuff believers do in their day-to-day lives as they obediently follow Jesus. We worship God when we do the things Jesus has called us to do as members of his upside-down, counter-intuitive kingdom.
Worship is a lifestyle not because we sing praise songs and lift our hands while driving, but because we make the radically hard choices of actually being like Jesus and obeying his not-of-this-world teaching in our daily lives with others.
This is the point where I frequently hear an objection: If worship is an everyday affair, aren’t I minimizing the idea of worship as a “sacred/special” activity?
To put the question more negatively, people sometimes object, “If everything is worship, then nothing is worship.” (One of my former colleagues used to say this regularly).
“There must be something unique or ‘special’ about worshiping God,” they insist. “Otherwise giving God our focused attention simply melts away into the repetitious fabric of mundane existence, and it will never really happen at all!”
This worry arises from a legitimate concern, but I believe that its impulses are misguided. My response to this objection has two parts. Here I will offer part one. Part two must wait for the next post.
First,the New Testament has dramatically eliminated the Old Testament distinction between the sacred & the profane within the Christian life.
In the Old Testament, the “sacred” was conceived of in terms of proximity to God. God’s presence appeared at certain shrines, in the Tabernacle or in the Temple. These places involved sacred locations (like altars), sacred personnel (priests), sacred objects (vestments, incense burners) and sacred acts (sacrifices, offerings).
The profane, on the other hand, was excluded from the sacred. Profane things involved the mundane, day-to-day, worldly affairs of normal life, normal places and normal people.
Old Testament saints lived within two different sets of distinctions:
One was the sacred/profane distinction described above.
The second was the covenantal distinction between Israel’s membership in the Abrahamic & Sinai covenants, compared with everyone else in the world who lived outside of God’s covenants. Israel and Israel alone were the Lord’s covenant people.
These two dimensions of (a) sacred/profane and (b) inside the covenant/outside the covenant intersected Israel’s existence in significant ways.
All those living inside the covenant were God’s chosen people. As God’s covenant people, Israel was commanded to maintain the distinction between the sacred – i.e. they went to the Temple, offered sacrifices and understood God’s presence to be centered in the Holy of Holies – and the profane – i.e. they believed that God always saw them and heard their prayers, but they never entered into God’s presence at home as they did when they entered into the Temple.
All of Israel’s life was lived within the covenant, but covenant life was not identical with the sacred way of life. Even Israel’s priests – who were always members of the covenant – moved back and forth between the sacred and profane, depending on their times of temple service.
With the coming of Christ, however, God instituted a radical change of affairs. The Lord Jesus inaugurated the NEW Covenant, or the New Testament.
With the coming of God’s New Covenant, what had previously been two different distinctions (sacred/profane and in covenant/out of covenant) are now fused into one. In other words, every member of the New Covenant is alwaysliving a sacred existence in sacred space. Those outside the New Covenant, because they do not know Jesus, live a profane life in profane space.
Anyone participating in the resurrection life of Jesus Christ can know that the previously profane has been transformed into the perpetually sacred. The covenantal distinction is now identical with the sacred/profane distinction. All disciples of Jesus are holy people. Every Christian is a priest. Every act of obedience is a sacred act, an offering of praise, a sacrifice acceptable to God.
I am convinced that this New Testament “universalizing” of the sacred, scattering sacredness throughout all of the Christian life, is a sign of Christ’s intention to restore the universe to God’s original design.
When Adam and Eve walked through the Garden of Eden, all of life was sacred. The entire cosmos was sacred. Sacred space was everywhere. There was no place that was not a sacred place. The Creator walked and talked with the first man and woman as they strolled through the aspen groves and smelled wild roses in the overgrown thickets along the bubbling stream.
Sacred space was all there was.
So now, since the coming of Jesus, the apostle Paul can describe his lifestyle of obedient discipleship as “his priestly service” (note the language of a sacred person offering a sacred activity – i.e. worship) given up to Jesus Christ from the dirty streets and dark alleyways of every Greco-Roman city where the apostle sets the light of the Good News ablaze.
Worship becomes a lifestyle of faithful kingdom citizenship, first and foremost, because of who we are.
Jesus makes us saints and priests whose every breath drawn in thanksgiving, every thought of God’s glory, every word spoken in the light of Christ’s presence, every decision made in accordance with God’s intention, becomes a moment of worship offered up by a sacred individual inhabiting God’s new world.
Now, is that amazing, or what?
Praise be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His indescribable gifts to us all!
In part one of our exploration into the meaning of New Testament worship, we did a few word studies of the Greek vocabulary translated by the English word “worship.” We made an interesting discovery. The New Testament writers do not like to describe the things that Christians do together in groups as “worship.”
Part two then asked the obvious follow-up question: If Christian gatherings are not described as times of worship in the New Testament, then when and where does worship happen? We discovered that the New Testament consistently uses worship vocabulary to describe the daily life of obedient discipleship. Christians worship God as they fulfill the Lord’s calling in their day-to-day lives, doing the things Jesus has sent them into the world to do.
But these observations raise another question. If Christian gatherings are not “times of worship,” then what are they? What are New Testament Christians doing when they gather together in groups, large or small?
The answer: group meetings provide opportunities for mutual encouragement and building up the Body of Christ.
David Peterson hits the perfect note in his excellent book, Engaging with God:
“It is misleading to think of church services as occasions for worship in the sense of prayer and praise. Paul’s teaching requires us to also recognize the central importance of the concept of edification for the meeting of God’s people…Paul uses the terminology of upbuilding or edification rather than the language worship to indicate the purpose and function of Christian gatherings.” (pages 195-96, 206; emphasis mine)
We shouldn’t miss this important point. The language of “upbuilding” or “edification” is Paul’s favorite way of describing the different things that happen when followers of Jesus come together. Here is a selection of New Testament texts describing the wide variety of activities typical of such group meetings. Check them out and note what is happening in each instance:
Matthew 18:15-20
Acts 2:42-47; 4:24-31; 13:1-3; 20:7-12
I Corinthians 11; 12; 14
Galatians 3:5 (maybe)
Ephesians 5:15-20
Colossians 3:12-17
I Thessalonians 5:16-22
I Timothy 2:1-3:15
Titus 1:7-2:15
Hebrews 10:19-25
James 5:14-18
Let me offer a few general observations:
As I mentioned in part one, explicit “worship” vocabulary only occurs in Acts 13.
Activities that we would normally associate with “worship” are certainly described; for instance:praise
“spiritual songs”
corporate prayer
the Lord’s Supper (but, notice, never baptism)
BUT the primary focus of these descriptions is “Body Life” (to use Ray Stedman’s terminology from the 1970s). In other words, the goal of corporate gatherings is the health of the body of believers in all of its various dimensions
Note the lengthy discussion that Paul gives to the collective operation of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 – 14. Paul is very clear – without the full-fledged functioning of spiritual gifts, in some way, shape or form, there can be no healthy collection of God’s people.
It is impossible to escape the conclusion that the primary purpose of New Testament gatherings was NOT, first of all, to deepen one’s own personal experience of intimacy with God (even though that may well happen). Rather, the principle objective is to further develop the overall health and well-being of others believers.
In other words, we come together in order to give ourselves away in service to each other.
Of course, that may happen when a gifted music team leads a time of praise and adoration in song. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.
Authentically “New Testament-type” gatherings also require intentional moments where people are able to:
share prayer requests
hear one another’s stories, both good and bad
confess their sins and ask for forgiveness
offer personal words of correction
teach a lesson from God’s word
correct a brother or sister who has gone astray
challenge those who have become lackadaisical
facilitate personal reconciliation
become vulnerable enough to know how to meet each other’s personal needs
Fortunately, the New Testament is not overly rigorous or unbending in requiring a specific model of organizational planning or group structure to accommodate this kind of Body Life. As long as the leadership ensures that there is always room somewhere for these crucial, communal activities to be happening, the upbuilding and edification of the church will unfold.
And that is the main purpose for gathering together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Of course, several questions remain to be answered, but I will wait to answer them, as well as offer a few practical suggestions for real-world implementation, in upcoming posts. Stay tuned!
This post revisits one of my pet peeves: the misunderstanding and misuse of Biblical vocabulary. Today I want to begin looking at how we commonly misuse the word “worship.”
OK, I may be a bit like Scrooge, but I wish that Christians would use Biblical language the same way it’s used in the Bible. Doesn’t that sound sensible to you? Instead, we often redefine Biblical vocabulary (without realizing it) and then use it in ways that are totally disconnected from its original meaning.
For example, in a previous post I explained how we do this with the word “praise.” Christians commonly talk about “praising God” when their actions, whether it be clapping and raising their hands, or repeating the words “praise God” over and over again, actually have no connection at all to the Biblical notion of praise.
Language certainly can evolve and change over time. That is natural. But for Christians – who have an unchanging, authoritative Book taken as “normative” (in one way or another) in its descriptions of God and human existence – using words from that Book in ways that are unrelated to their original significance becomes very misleading. It is far too easy for us to import ourmodern(mis)understanding of those words back into the Bible without understanding the mistake we are making. Such unconscious habits all but guarantee that we will misunderstand the Scriptures whenever we encounter those misunderstood words.
No one is thinking clearly or understanding Scripture accurately when that sort of linguistic confusion is going on. Our modern use of worship vocabulary is one more pesky example of this common, Christianese word mangling.
So, I had been planning to write a series of posts about Christian worship for some time, but I was finally pushed over the edge last Sunday morning at church. The congregation was coming to the end of the final song when the music leader shouted out, “Come on. Let’s give God some worship.”
The crowd burst into applause.
Oh, my goodness. I had to pick my eyeballs up off the floor. I hope I didn’t groan too loudly.
So, let’s begin with a few word studies. The word study is an important research method that every serious Bible reader needs to keep in his/her tool box, for one simple reason: Words do not have meanings as much as they have uses. Words mean what we use them to mean. And word usage changes over time. That is why dictionaries are regularly reissued in new, updated editions, because we don’t use all of our words the same way today as we did yesterday.
Ponder the very different ways we have used the English word “gay,” for example. In 1934, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers made a movie called “The Gay Divorcee.” Astaire played a randy, young heterosexual male who spends most of the movie chasing after a lovely, young lady – certainly not the plot-line this movie title congers up for theater-goers today.
So, the question becomes: whose understanding of a word is being read into a text? And is it an appropriate understanding or not?
Now we need to do something called a word study. Open a good concordance. Your concordance will list every appearance of every word in the Bible, verse by verse. A good English concordance (like the NIV Exhaustive Concordance) has sections to help you deal with the complications created by the different English translations of the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
Now, open your Bible and read every instance of the word(s) you want to understand. Look at the wider context of each sentence. This may take some time.
Look at how the word is used in its literary context. As you progress in your research, you will notice that the same word is often used in different ways in different contexts. That is why dictionaries can often list several different definitions for a single word. You will also notice that a variety of Greek and Hebrew words can be translated by the same English word. (This may sound confusing, but it will sort itself out as you become more familiar with your chosen vocabulary.)
The New Testament uses 4 different Greek word groups that can be translated into the English word worship.
First, proskunien/proskunētēs – to bow down, prostrate oneself; to kiss; to do obeisance.
Originally, this word meant to show submission or respect to a superior. The precise significance of the homage rendered depended upon the status of the one being honored. For example, at numerous points in the synoptic gospels various people “bow down” before Jesus, not to worship him as divine but to honor him as someone able to do great things (like heal their leprosy, Matthew 8:2).
When the object of such homage is divine, then giving appropriate honor becomes “worship,” as people acknowledge God’s worthiness of honor, submission and obedience (John 4:23; Revelation 7:11).
But, there is something very interesting about this word: with the sole exception of John 4, the New Testament never uses this particular word to describe what Christians do for God, whether individually or collectively. In other words, New Testament believers are never described as giving worship (proskunien) to the Lord. Odd, but true.
The ONE place where Paul uses this word in connection with an earthly gathering of Christians, it describes the response of a visiting unbeliever who is convicted of God’s presence by observing the spiritual gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:25).
We will come back to the importance of this observation later.
Second, latreuein/latreia – to serve.
Originally, in the Greek Old Testament (called the Septuagint, abbreviated as LXX), this word was used as a synonym for the “service” rendered to a master by a servant or slave – service of any sort at all. Eventually, it became more narrowly applied to “one’s service of God.” Most often it described the specifically sacrificial service offered by an Israelite worshiper in the temple cult where gifts, offerings, prayers and sacrifices were made. Such temple service was an act of obedient sacrifice (Luke 2:37; Romans 9:4).
St. Francis worshiping with a congregation of birds.
Let’s note a few developments in this piece of vocabulary. Worship is made an act of service offered in obedience; to worship God and to serve God become synonymous activities. Worship is an obedient service, and obedient service can be worship. Thus, the word could be extended to include the broader life of obedience. For instance, see Deuteronomy 10:12 (in the Greek text), where the Israelites are told “toserve (latreuein) the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.” Here latreuein/worship becomes a lifestyle of faithfulness.
An especially interesting aspect of this particular word in the New Testament, is that – unlike proskunein – latreuein is frequently used to describe Christian activities, but never to describe what Christians do when gathered together. Hmmmm…
We will need to revisit this important fact about New Testament worship/latreuein before we finish.
Third, leitourgein/leitourgia/leitourgikos/leitourgos – to serve (a particular constituency). The English word “liturgy” is derived from this Greek word.
Originally, in the Greek Old Testament, it meant “to offer a service” (similar to latreuein), but leitourgein quickly became more specifically applied to the cultic services of the priesthood. For the Old Testament, leitourgia is the specifically ritual-oriented tasks performed exclusively by priests.
The New Testament retains this sense, for example, in Luke 1:23, “When Zechariah’s time of service/worship was completed, he returned home [from the temple].”Also, check out Hebrews 10:11, “Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties/worship/service.”
Two important points call for our attention in summarizing the New Testament’s use of the leitourgia word group.
One: it is never used for any particular Christian “office” such as apostles, bishops, elders, etc. In this New Testament era, offering up leitourgia to the Lord is every believer’s privilege. There is no such thing as a special Christian priesthood, because the New Testament insists on the priesthood of ALL believers. Everyone who follows Jesus is now a genuine priest standing before God’s throne. You don’t have to wear a dog collar or fancy vestments.
A Quaker “worship” service
Two: this word group is often applied to the whole of the Christian life, much like latreuein. Only once does it (feasibly) describe what Christians do when they are gathered together in a group. This single exception appears in Acts 13:2, “While they [the church at Antioch] were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’”
Otherwise, the leitourgia word group never describes what Christians do when they gather together in groups. At the fear of sounding like a broken record (does anyone use that metaphor nowadays?), this is another curious observation that will demand more attention before we finish this study.
Fourth, thrēskeia – religious service, religion, worship.
For the NT, this is the word used when debating the differences between true and/or false religion. It is most often used to describe false religion (see Acts 26:5, “the strictest sect of our religion”; Colossians 2:18, “the worship of angels”; Colossians 2:23, “self-imposed worship”; James 1:26, “his religion is worthless”).
On one occasion thrēskeia describes true worship in James 1:27, “Religion/worship that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” This single exception is most likely explained by the context of debate and the word’s previous appearance in verse 26.
So, one last time…let’s notice something very interesting about this word. As we have noted elsewhere, thrēskeia is never used to describe the things that Christians do together when they gather collectively. In the only instance where this word is used positively, thrēskeia describes an obedient, holy lifestyle demonstrated by generosity to the poor.
These are the essential puzzle pieces necessary for understanding how the New Testament uses the vocabulary of “worship.” Now that they are all out on the table, see what you can make of trying to fit them together.
Next time we will begin the process of fitting it all together and synthesizing the New Testament sense of what it means to “worship the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The recent brouhaha stirred up by Jeff Session’s reference to Romans 13, in defense of Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their
St. Jerome studying scripture
parents, has irritated another of my pet peeves. (Check out my explanation of Romans 13, lifted from my book I Pledge Allegiance, here and here).
So, I have decided to chime in on the latest Bible reading controversy.
First, let me say that I have been upset with Jeff Sessions for a long time, beginning with his record of refusing to enforce Alabama’s civil rights laws. Concerning his comments on illegal immigrants, I found his earlier public statement on Trump’s policy most mind-numbingly dystopian when he referred to parents illegally bringing their children across the border as “smugglers.”
What? Yes, loving parents who risk everything they have trying to get their children someplace where they can try for a better, longer and safer life, suddenly become child smugglers in Sessions’ view. Oh boy. George Orwell would have a field day with Mr. Sessions’ use of the English language.
Most recently, Christian and secular media alike are up in arms about Sessions’ reference to Romans 13:1-7, a New Testament text that mentions “submission” to government authority. Both he and Sarah Sanders have cited the Bible’s apparent emphasis on law-keeping as somehow a universally applicable word from God on following orders.
Apparently, no one in the Trump administration has heard of the Nuremburg defense, which is, in fact, no defense at all. And we all should beware of politicians citing Bible verses!
Inevitably, as the ruckus brews the media chimes in on the dubious citation of Christian scripture in arbitrating American public policy. Next, we have the unavoidable influx of historians dispassionately describing the various ways that the Bible has been interpreted and (mis)applied in the past.
This historical overview typically provides a very unsavory retelling of humanity’s worst impulses justified by assorted Bible verses wrenched from their contexts. Or are they? How can we know? Helpful guidance on answering these questions is rarely a part of the historians’ contribution.
Prepare yourself for the onslaught of historical references to slavery, South African apartheid, western colonialism, southern opposition to desegregation, and any number of atrocious actions, all of which were once defended by “good Christians” standing on the supposedly solid rock of Romans 13.
By the time this public furor has run its course, the only thing most people are sure of – including the Christian historians with their scurrilous illustrations and the run-of-the-mill believer with a now dented faith in scripture – is that the Bible makes a handy club for battering the less fortunate. It is subject to so many different, competing, even contradictory readings that it is impossible for anyone – except, perhaps, for a few ivory pillar, egg-head scholars, who can’t even agree among themselves – to know what the Bible may actually mean.
Eventually, the controversy dies down. Everyone returns to their own corner, while the general public is confirmed in its long-held suspicion that the Bible is, in fact, just as inscrutable as they had always suspected. No one can say for sure what any part of it actually means. There are as many possible interpretations as there are readers. All interpretations are equally plausible, it seems. There is no way to sort out the preposterous from the compelling.
Thus, most folks continue along the road of least resistance. The majority continue to ignore the Bible altogether. Why not? Those who bother to read it at all are confirmed in reading the Bible as they wish. We interpret it as we wish. We apply it as we wish. And we castigate our opponents for being wrong as we wish.
This is the point where I begin to scream, jump up and down, and pull out my hair. (Luckily, I have a lot of it. I need every last strand.)
I watched a good many of these “the futility of turning to scripture” cycles when I taught at Calvin College. I heard students and faculty alike conclude, with a greater or lesser – often a much lesser, even diffident – sense of disappointment, that the Bible offered no help at all in adjudicating our ethical debates. So, let’s forget about Bible reading and move on to the more substantive matters of general morality with the infusion of “Christian values” into public policy.
I sometimes quizzed people at this point in the conversation.
I asked a few simple questions. I initially asked because I was genuinely curious about the answers. But eventually I asked because it was a good way to make an important point. Here are my questions:
What parts of the relevant Biblical passage(s) do you find most difficult to understand? Why?
Which commentaries have you consulted as you have tried to resolve your questions?
Which commentaries were most helpful to you? Why?
Among the different possible interpretations that you have discovered, which one(s) do you find most convincing? Why?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different interpretive options?
What are the different, possible social applications arising from these various interpretations? How has your preferred application influenced your choice of preferred interpretation?
Actually, believe it or not, I never got further than the second question. The reason is simple: I never encountered anyone who invested that much energy into finding answers to their questions. I am not surprised when the general public knows so little about reading scripture, but I was asking my questions of faculty and staff members at a Christian college with a sizeable theological library available to anyone. Oi vey…
Yep, sometimes understanding the Bible takes a bit of work. But discussions that leave us believing that scripture is hopelessly inscrutable are irksomely lazy, misleading and just plain wrong.
First, I believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. If a person doesn’t believe that statement, then they are off the hook when it comes to the work of interpretation, but they should also stop pontificating about the Bible’s usefulness/uselessness in today’s world.
Second, if a person does share my belief in Biblical inspiration, then it should follow that expending a bit of effort in the task of rightly understanding a Word from God is no big deal. So, get to work.
Third, every Christian ought to read and study scripture regularly, even daily, with the help of (at least) a good single-volume Bible commentary and a Bible dictionary.
Fourth, yes, there are many multi-volume Bible commentary sets available. But I will let you in on a little secret: a good many of the modern series are not saying anything particularly new about the Bible. Most of them exist because today’s publishing houses all want to market their own set of books. Yes, you will find some variations in interpretation. There are some choices to be made, but not nearly as many as there are commentaries to buy. Don’t be fooled by the abundance of books available.
Fifth, a good commentary will survey the interpretive options available whenever a text has been read in different ways throughout church history. It will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each interpretation, concluding with the commentator’s own preference and the reasons for that selection. Don’t rely on commentaries where the author only pushes his own views without explanation or looking at the alternatives. (Note: there are far fewer alternatives than the pundits want you to believe).
Sixth, notice how much of the Bible is actually rather straight-forward. Yes, historical background is a big help here and there, but most of scripture’s pages will speak to you very simply and straightforwardly. And remember, the Spirit is always calling us to respond.
So ask yourself: How does this reading want to change me?