America’s Gun Idolatry and Fake Christianity #gunsinchurch #schoolshootings

Last week’s school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas brings the count to 22.  That’s right.  Five months into 2018 and there have already been 22 school shootings (slightly more than 1 mass shooting per week) in America.

Widen the circle beyond our schools and there have been 101 mass shootings in this country so far this year, leaving 202 dead and 473 injured (see MassShootingTracker).  And these figures do not include the many additional causes of gun injuries and deaths such as suicide, police shootings and accidents. According to the research organization Gun Violence Archive, there have been 22,257 gun related incidents in 2018, including 5,511 deaths and 10,071 injuries.  Those numbers include 1,000 teenagers, 238 preteen children and 646 accidental shootings.

Yet, many public officials continue to insist that guns have nothing to do with this problem.  In fact, as  they feed themselves at the NRA corruption-trough of gun manufacturer campaign contributions, discounts, pay-offs and lobbying efforts, these folks want us to believe that the solution to mass shootings and other gun deaths is to sell MORE guns to more people.

But this is not surprising.  It is exactly what I expect lobbyists for the arms industry to say. (See me earlier post on guns, shootings and the NRA here).

American politicians and makers of public policy love guns, and all the cash that comes with it, more than they care about Americans.  It is a pop culture form of idolatry.

In the March 14, 2018 edition of the Christian Century, Peter W. Marty penned an article entitled “Guns are Americans’ Golden Calf.”  Below is an excerpt:

President Trump and his son being introduced at this year’s NRA convention, 2018.

“We’re in golden calf country here, elevating a loyalty to the gun over a fidelity to God’s desire for abundant life. More than a hunting or safety device, the gun has become an object of reverence. We bow in devotion at its altar. ‘Sacred stuff resides in that wooden stock and blued steel,’ onetime NRA president Charlton Heston said. And when a gun becomes an idol, it demands loyalty even if it regularly disappoints. Like other small g gods that offer false consolation, a gun’s guarantee of ultimate safety and security is a myth.”

Unfortunately, people calling themselves Christians are no more immune to idolatry than anyone else.  If anything, church-goers have even more ways to express this human penchant for worshiping false gods than do atheists and other non-religious folk.  Believers have to navigate the many run-of-the-mill secular temptations to idolatry as well as the many corrupting excesses of religious practice and aberrations of faith.

Vice-President Mike Pence speaking at the recent NRA convention, 2018.

When those two streams of temptation flow together and succeed in sweeping the church away in its turbulent currents (always with a heavy undertow), well, the resulting idolatry is especially repugnant.

Idolatrous, Fake Christianity, Exhibit A – Recently a friend of mine showed me the notes of a church council meeting approving its newly minted plan for well-armed, congregational security guards at its corporate gatherings.  Church members were selected for the necessary training in order to become body guards for the Body of Christ.  Can there be such a thing as a body guard of Christ?  I don’t think so.

In how many different ways can you say apostasy?

Asking for church elders and deacons to arrive packing heat whenever the congregation gathers for corporate worship is one of the grossest expressions of anti-faith I can imagine.

Unless you are part of a church with an extremely high public profile for its incredibly effective, vocal, activist agitation uprooting America’s military-industrial-intelligence-surveillance-corporate media-war mongering empire, then arming your church members reflects an astonishing level of paranoia.

We are all more likely to be struck by lightning than we are to be shot in

This flier promises a free AR-15 giveway to people who attend the March 23 service at Grace Baptist on Fourth Avenue in Troy.

church by an anti-religious misanthrope – unless you are shot accidentally by one of the armed elders during an over wrought hymn-sing.

I know that the church’s leadership team will undoubtedly defend itself by

pleading marriage and parenthood.  That is, as leaders of their households, these men must remain vigilant in protecting their families against surprise attack in an increasingly violent America.

There is so much wrong with this picture that it would take a small book to address the overflow of theological, Biblical, pastoral and practical disasters revealed by any plan to arm the local church.  I will touch on 3 issues but focus on only the last one.

First, the ancient, Christian justification for using violence in self-defense  finds its roots in the Just War Tradition that arose after Christianity’s embrace by the Roman Empire.  I discuss the many Biblical mistakes committed by that tradition in chapter 9 (“Does Kingdom Service Permit Military Service?”) of my new book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America.  Please take a look.  You will find it as helpful as it is interesting.

I also encourage anyone interested in this topic to read John Howard Yoder’s classic little book, What Would You Do? If a Violent Person Threatened to Harm a Loved One….  A violent reaction to violent threats is the default position for fallen human nature.  Yoder will help you to think more clearly, more practically and more Christ-like about non-violent ways (and thus more Christ-like ways) of responding.

Second, one of my seminary professors, who was also the pastor of a large city church, would regularly complain about Christianity’s “idolatry of the nuclear family.”  Aided and abetted by popular ministries such as James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” and similar programs, many people in the church have replaced obedience to Jesus with obligations to one’s family.

We excel at finding seemingly unimpeachable, family-friendly ways of abandoning Jesus.  So we can conveniently ignore our Lord’s words when he says things like this:

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:37-38)

 “If any man come to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26-27)

Regardless of the details, Jesus’ central point is clear: disciples must have greater devotion to Jesus than to the dearest members of their families, including spouses and children.

The third and final point is intimately connected to the last one above. Faithfulness to Jesus requires every disciple to follow in his footsteps, including his submissive acceptance of suffering and death, for him/herself as well as others, including parents, spouses and children.

“Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:37)

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35)

Hear it again.  Whoever wants to save his/her life will lose it, but whoever loses his/her life for me and for the gospel will save it.  Affluent Christianity’s obsession with self-preservation and the avoidance of suffering arises from a false gospel.  A ‘gospel’ that can never save anyone.

Carrying a gun into the body of Christ, for whatever reason, is a grotesque act of unbelief and idolatry. In fact, carrying a gun anywhere and thinking that you are ready, willing and able to use it against another human being, is the quintessential act of an anti-disciple.

Fortunately, Jesus still loves and can save even anti-disciples, just as he can save all of us faithless believers.  But relying on firearms to protect members of the body of Christ remains a consummate act of faithless unbelief, all the same.

Jesus models faithful kingdom living when he goes to the cross without attempting to defend himself.  He explicitly tells every would-be follower that we all must be as non-violent and ready to die as he was.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35)

Not only did Jesus not try to defend himself, neither did he defend his disciples, knowing full well that they too might be subject to arrest and execution as his co-conspirators. In fact, Jesus quickly put a stop to Peter’s misguided efforts at defending both the Lord and himself, insisting that he wanted nothing to do with violence for any reason at all (reflect on Matthew 26:51-56).

Jesus praises his followers when/if they are ever killed or injured as a result of belonging to him. He promises that they will be blessed many times over in eternity. What sort of Christian is hell-bent-for-leather on making sure that Jesus’ promises can never be fulfilled, not for them, not for others, and especially not for a spouse or child?

The Answer: a fake Christian. An idolatrous Christian. An anti-disciple who has bowed the knee to America’s Golden Calf of guns.

Collaborator Christianity, Yesterday and Today

Fox News recently interviewed Robert Jeffress, one of president Trump’s spiritual advisors, about his upcoming prayer at Monday’s opening of the new American embassy in Jerusalem. Pastor Jeffress was as giddy as a school girl who had just been asked out on her first date.

Listen to the interview below:

As a dyed-in-the-wool Dispensationalist, he naturally piled a heavy load of theological freight onto America’s endorsement of Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel.  First, this is evidence of God’s providential hand in history.  Second, it confirms that Israel’s creation in the 1948-49 war was God’s own doing.  Third, it establishes that, for the past 3,000 years, Jerusalem has always been Israel’s capital city.  Fourth, it also “blows apart the myth that the Jews stole this land from the Palestinians 70 years ago.”

Anyone who understands the basics of logical argument, or is capable of simple clear-headedness, will easily see through the foolishness (not to mention the immorality) of Jeffress’s claims.  They are a tangle of irrational statements called non sequiturs and petitio principii – which are just fancy ways of saying that Jeffress isn’t talking sense.  (Where in the world did he get his doctorate?)

Either his conclusions have no relationship to the preceding argument (non sequiturs) or he simply assumes the truth of what he says and repeats it as an “obvious” conclusion (petitio principii).  Clearly, such muddle-headedness doesn’t bother Donald Trump or Jeffress’s congregation in Dallas, Texas.

Massacre of Palestinians at Deir Yassin by Israeli forces

There is, however, a more important issue that disturbs me a great deal.  It is the blatant immorality embedded in statement #4 above.  That is, I am deeply offended by Jeffress’s pompous, ignorant dismissal of Palestinian suffering over the past 70 years.

Palestinian refugees fleeing to Jordan, 1948

Jeffress’s attitude – in fact, the common-place attitude of all American Christian Zionists – is an example of what I call Collaborator Christianity.

Collaborator Christianity talks the talk of Christian faith, but its attention has moved away from Jesus to be refocused onto the idolatrous image of nationalistic patriotism.  Collaborator Christianity rewrites the good news of Jesus Christ in order to elevate a gospel of ethnic exceptionalism where God’s hand is best seen in the victorious elevation of a master race, class, or people group.

Christian history is copiously smeared with ugly, “I-can’t-believe-it” eras of Collaborator Christianity. For only a few examples, think of:

The Crusades when popes and bishops blessed Christian armies in their hellacious mission to slaughter Muslims (and any Jews who got in their way).

Circa 1520, The Spanish Inquisition at work on suspected Protestants and insincere Christians in a torture chamber. All their gruesome work was carried out in the name of Christianity; note the altar and officiating monks on the right. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)

The Inquisition when church officials tortured innocent men and women with sublimely obscene creativity and then executed them simply because they had expressed themselves in ways that fell outside of the cultural norms.

Depiction of Spanish atrocities committed in the conquest of Cuba in Las Casas’s “Brevisima relación de la destrucción de las Indias”.

The Conquistadors when Spanish galleons, loaded with soldiers, horses, weapons and priests, landed in the new world searching for riches, territorial expansion made more palatable by its pretense of missionary work.  Typically, the “men of God” were more than happy to help enslave the natives or to bless the impending genocide should the subhuman pagans prove uncooperative.

The German Christian Church which eagerly applauded Adolf Hitler as God’s anointed leader, sent to restore the fortunes of a German empire, ready, willing and able to fulfill its mission as God’s chosen nation.

Western Christian Zionism which sees God’s own hand in Israel’s brutal, war-time creation of nearly 750,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948-49 and 1967.  Christian Zionism typically assumes that Israel can do no wrong, while Palestinians remain genetically predisposed to terrorism.

Christian Zionists contribute tens of millions of dollars to Israel, funding immigration, new (illegal) settlements and other forms of expansionism (for examples see here, here, here and here).  Whereas, the Palestinian Christian church is ignored or slandered as historically unorthodox.

As Palestinians, the Christian population suffers the same injustices as their Muslim neighbors, oppressed by the same military occupation. Yet, the average evangelical tourist finds more excitement in visiting an Israeli synagogue than in searching out and worshiping with Palestinian brothers and sisters in Christ.

Over the past six weeks, somewhere between 40 to 60 unarmed protesters have been shot and killed in Gaza, while 4,000 to 6,000 have been seriously injured (most due to Israeli gun fire) in the weekly Land Day marches. There has not been a single, serious injury, much less a fatality, on the Israeli side of the fence!

Yet, Robert Jeffress (and others like him) has the audacity publicly to betray the Lord Jesus – the Lord who told us to love our enemies and to situate ourselves among the poor and the refugees – by ignoring the vast levels of Palestinian suffering created by his beloved nation, Israel, while enjoying lavish, sumptuous diplomatic dinner parties at Jerusalem’s new American embassy.

We are surrounded on all sides by outrageous demonstrations of Collaborator Christianity.  Tragically, twenty-first century America is not unique.  The human penchant for depravity, both within and without the church, is never ending, and it knows no historic, national, religious, cultural or ethnic boundaries.

Brothers and sisters —

Remember the Crusades.

Remember the Inquisition.

Remember the German Christian Church.

Remember American evangelicalism’s ignorant indifference to Palestinian suffering as their pastors bow and scrape, offering sacrifices of money and adulation before the idols of Israeli political Zionism.

A Good Sojourners Article about the History of School Prayer

Here is an excerpt from a good article entitled “Why School Prayer is so Divisive” in Sojourners magazine.  The author, Frank Ravitch, discusses the history of mandated prayer in our public schools.  It is well worth reading:

“In the 1840s and throughout much of the 19th century, school prayer and Bible reading were used in an attempt to discriminate against Catholics and other religious groups.

“There are examples of Catholic students being whipped and harassed and priests being tarred and feathered and ridden on rails, which involved parading someone around on a wooden rail. Catholics were even killed when they refused to participate in prayer and Bible reading in the common schools.

Much of this violence was about more than just prayer. A lot of it was fostered by resistance to Irish immigration, anti-Catholicism, and perceived job competition. Yet, school prayer and Bible reading issues often served as significant fuel for this anti-immigrant fire.

“During the 19th and early 20th centuries, school prayer was challenged in court by some citizens affected by it for violating state constitutions. These early cases often found that state-mandated school prayer violated the constitution of the state in question. One of these landmark cases, decided in 1872, is “Board of Education of Cincinnati v. Minor.”

“In that case, Judge Alphonzo Taft, former President William Howard Taft’s father and an Ohio Superior Court judge, upheld a school policy prohibiting school prayer and Bible reading in the already religiously diverse Cincinnati public schools.

It was the unanimous opinion of the Ohio Supreme Court upholding Judge Taft’s decision, which made a strong argument for separation of church and state. Justice John Welch, writing for the court, noted:

“When Christianity asks the aid of government beyond mere impartial protection, it denies itself. Its laws are divine, and not human. Its essential interests lie beyond the reach and range of human governments. United with government, religion never rises above the merest superstition; united with religion, government never rises above the merest despotism; and all history shows us that the more widely and completely they are separated, the better it is for both.”

“Interestingly, some of the religious groups that support school prayer today opposed it only 40 years ago, often for the same reasons suggested by Justice Welch. Some Southern Baptists and evangelicals, for example, viewed public school prayer as an affront to God.”

Sorry, I Don’t Need Government Sanction for My Prayer Life

The loss of special privilege is not persecution.

Let me say it again: The loss of special privilege is not persecution.

Furthermore, the loss of religious privilege is neither religious persecution nor an infringement of religious liberty.  Rather, it is an honoring of the American ideal that no religion will receive special government patronage.

Unfortunately, this failure of basic logic is a major source for confusion and poor political posturing among the conservative block of America Christianity.

It also is symptomatic of the way in which too many Christian leaders hunger for dominance over our public life, believe that they know what’s best for everyone, and don’t really trust the Holy Spirit’s ability to hold his own on a level playing field.

All of these political, spiritual, and logical shenanigans were on full-blown, gory display in the Rose Garden on Thursday when president Trump read his Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer and then signed his Executive Order on the Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative.

According to the Religious News Service, Trump’s executive order “aims to give faith groups a stronger voice within the federal government and serve as a watchdog for government overreach on religious liberty issues.” 

What’s wrong with that? Well, a number of things:

First, let’s recall that we have traveled this road several times before, and it has never turned out well.  Required reading for all of today’s faith-based enthusiasts should be David Kuo’s book, Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction.  Kuo was the Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives under President George W. Bush.  He offers a moving confession of political seduction and “a heartfelt plea for a Christian reexamination of political and spiritual priorities.”

Washington D. C. has not changed, and I very much doubt if anyone in the Rose Garden last Thursday either remembers David Kuo or has read his book of confessions.

Furthermore, the current crop of evangelical advisers — the “court evangelicals,” as Professor John Fea aptly labels them — appear even more eager than their predecessors (if that were possible) to sell their ever-lovin’ souls for that much coveted “access” to the devil’s own hallowed halls of power.

Get ready to watch history repeat itself and the Christian church be publicly shamed again and again.

Second, if you have read Trump’s Proclamation, or if you listened to his speech, I hope you noticed that it had as much to do with Jesus Christ, the gospel message, or the kingdom of God as a tea-teetotaler at an Irish wake.

There was absolutely nothing particularly Christian about any of the glad-handing, obsequious antics going on at that pompous affair.  A sure sign of things to come.

In fact, it was a full-out, no-holds-barred display of America’s false gospel of civil religion, pure and simple.  Followers of Jesus Christ have no business signing on to such spiritual quackery, much less “praising the Lord” and polluting the Body of Christ with its deceitful promises. (I unpack all of this anti-Christian messaging in my new book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America).

Of course, I recognize that the best way to safeguard any religious expression in America is to protect all religious expression in America.  So such Executive Orders must be generic.  I enthusiastically applaud religious freedom for everyone — including those who choose not to believe — in our country.

But that is not my problem.  My objection is two-fold.

First, I believe that evangelical lament about religious persecution is a Trojan Horse being used to promote their agenda of evangelical superiority and control over  public policy (more on this in a future post).

Second, as a Christian, and an evangelical one at that, I believe that the public embrace — which is a public endorsement! — of civil religion is a form of idolatry.  It is a betrayal of the good news of Jesus Christ.

As an American, I applaud the reaffirmation of religious liberty for all religious groups in this country.

But, as a citizen of God’s kingdom, I have no interest in confirming others in the validity of their prayers to a deity other than the heavenly Father of our crucified, resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus.

THIS is what followers of Jesus Christ ought to care about most deeply!

Neither Trump’s Proclamation nor his Executive Order will provide a diddly-damn’s worth of influence towards advancing the kingdom of God in this world.

So why are “Christian” leaders applauding presidential edicts sanctioning policies and actions that could deceive the very people who may actually be  searching for the answers that only Jesus Christ can provide?

Power and privilege.  It is all about the acquisition of power and privilege.

Finally, we return to where I started — the disentangling of religious privilege and the perceived threat of religious persecution.

Christian radio and television have managed to brainwash many evangelicals into thinking that if Christianity is not sitting at the head of a government table, then their religious freedom will be violated.  (Read my earlier post on this subject).

For instance, take the long-standing debate about prayer in our public schools.  Evangelicals have long insisted that, unless there is a specific law sanctioning their prayers in public schools, then they are experiencing oppression at the hands of government.

We might call this the cry-baby approach to religious liberty in America.

I grew up in public schools, and no one ever stopped me from praying inside the building whenever I chose to. In fact, I have never needed a law specifically sanctioning my approach to personal spirituality anywhere in public. (My children also attended school in a nation with mandatory religious instruction.  I had to deprogram them after each indoctrination session).

But, then, religious freedom is not really the point of the prayer debate.

The real point is that evangelicals want a bigger piece of the public policy pie, which they will use to wield greater power over what is acceptable and unacceptable in public discourse.

President Donald Trump, surrounded my members of the clergy, signed the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty, in the Rose Garden of the White House, On Thursday, May 4, 2017. (Photo by Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

I fear that this is the motivation behind a portion of Trump’s Executive Order which says its purpose is “to reduce…burdens on the exercise of religious convictions and legislative, regulatory, and other barriers to the full and active engagement of faith-based and community organizations in Government-funded or Government-conducted activities and programs.”

In other words, the point, in

CHICAGO, IL – JUNE 30: Sister Caroline attends a rally with other supporters of religious freedom to praise the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby, contraception coverage requirement case on June 30, 2014 in Chicago. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

part, is to make it easier for future Hobbie Lobby-type companies to force their employees into abiding by the employer’s religious convictions.  In the case of Hobby Lobby, it was to deny female employees the sort of health care coverage that would pay for their choice of contraception, despite the fact that these employees are not necessarily Roman Catholic.

Folks, it is all about power and privilege.  Power and Privilege.

Other illustrations could be listed, but this one must suffice.  (I also suspect that this new Executive Order is another feature of the long-term Republican strategy to dismantle the New Deal by starving public programs like Social Security, Medicare, affordable public housing, and more.  But that argument must wait for another day).

Honestly, I felt a bit depressed last Thursday after watching men and women who should have known better, so-called Christian leaders accountable to the Church, scurrying around the Rose Garden like a gaggle of glad-handing geese gobbling up the stale crumbs of white bread thrown to them by the White House.

There is an old saying (that I just made up) which goes — when the monks come calling be sure to hide the wine.

Well, look out public policy!  The Religious Right is coming. And they ain’t necessarily working for you.

The Church Fights for a Seat at the Head of the Table, An Excerpt from “I Pledge Allegiance”

Jesus warns his followers that when they live as he lived and invite others to inhabit the kingdom of God as he did, they would experience opposition.  In the Sermon on the Mount, he encourages them by saying, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”

American Christianity has horribly twisted Jesus’ teaching.

White evangelicals regularly complain about the persecution they face because of their Christian faith.  This perception of anti-Christian hostility was a large piece of the cultural backdrop to last Thursday’s Rose Garden ceremony where president Trump issued a Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer and then signed his Executive Order on the Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative.

The church leaders standing beside the president actually thought that he was doing something to relieve the Christian church of religious oppression in America.  Many of these people actually believe that Christians suffer more discrimination than black people in the USA.  White evangelicals are “more likely to see discrimination against themselves than against minority groups, [saying] oh, no, we’re the ones being persecuted(emphasis mine).

Such is the power of spiritual delusion, of suffering with the blindness of white privilege, of embracing the liturgies of American civil religion, and of investing more energy into protecting oneself than into actually living like Jesus.

This white evangelical pity-party might be laughable were it not so spiritually crippling.

 I confront this spider web of problems in the following excerpt from chapter 11 of my new book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America. The chapter title, “Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted Because of Me,” is lifted from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:11).

“When it comes to the prospects of suffering for the gospel, the American church commits two mistakes that distort a proper understanding of its role in this world: first, Christians wish to occupy a privileged place in society; second,Christians want to live ‘triumphantly’ here and now, immediately possessing all the power and authority exhibited in Christ’s resurrection.

“The first error is most clearly seen in the so-called culture wars supposedly waged between what passes for a Christian worldview and secular humanism. What this obsession with spiritual warfare reveals, however, is not secularism’s efforts to extinguish Christianity, but the church’s assumption that Christianity has a right to unchallenged preeminence in the public square. This cultural conflict is not evidence of a cosmic struggle between light and darkness as the televangelists proclaim. Its roots are much more mundane and secular, for this so-called culture war is actually the last gasp of an antiquated confusion between church and state once referred to as Christendom, that is, the merging of Christianity with a nation’s social, political, and cultural life such that the church and its teachings dominate public affairs, confusing Christian discipleship
with state citizenship. The current cultural combat is not concerned with
a genuine defense of Christian faith, but is fomented by the church’s misplaced desire to assert social and political dominance over society at large. Personally,I cannot blame nonbelievers for resisting these efforts.

“How curious it is, then, to observe that neither Jesus nor Paul (or any of
the other New Testament writers, for that matter) ever expresses the least bit of concern about seeing the church assert control over the social, cultural, or political landscape in their own day and age. The apostle Paul was surrounded by an utterly pagan Greco-Roman society awash in idolatry, immorality, and bloodthirsty political maneuvering; yet he never so much as hints at the need for his communities to devise a strategy for taking over Rome’s politics, social customs, arts, or mores. In this respect, Paul was following his master, for as Christopher Bryan correctly notes, Jesus did not show any interest in changing, much less controlling, the temporal forms of political power in his day either. Instead, Jesus and Paul focused on creating a new, alternative community that would shine as a light to the world, showing the spiritually curious where they might discover the kingdom of God in the midst of this world’s corruption.

“In a pluralistic society such as America’s, why should Christian prayers,
holidays, and ceremonies be prioritized above those of other religions? Why
should displays of the Ten Commandments, crucifixes, and nativity scenes
receive pride of place on state lands and facilities without equal representation from Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu symbols? The honest answer is that there is no reason for Christian ceremonies or insignia to receive any state-sponsored preferential treatment. And being denied such prioritized benefits does not constitute discrimination, much less persecution. The fact that many Americans believe otherwise, and are willing to fight tooth and nail over small-minded concerns like manger scenes and Christian prayer in public schools, merely demonstrates how the American church is still trying to capitalize on the historical momentum generated by past centuries of Western Christendom, even as that momentum grinds to a halt. This explains the oddity of a country like the United States, which has never had an established state church and hence never officially participated in Christendom, nevertheless experiencing a culture war where Christian people assume that they are justified in imposing their religiously based moral code, spiritual sensibilities, and religious symbols on the rest of the nation.

“We should not be the least bit surprised when non-Christian people resist the church’s efforts to exercise such power over them. Unfortunately, when the predictable resistance appears, the church typically responds by crying “persecution,” “discrimination,” and “anti-Christian bias” when, in fact, prejudice and suppression are working the other way around. The church frequently behaves like the worst sort of petulant child, crying “foul!” when Christians are the ones kicking every other player in the shins…

“…In fact, the truth of the gospel and the upside-downness of Jesus’s kingdom values appear to have nothing at all to do with the high level of hostility many Americans feel toward the Christian faith. The monumental national and ecclesial tragedy crying out for recognition is that the Religious Right has managed to obscure the central message of the crucified, resurrected Jesus beneath a never-ending soundtrack of over-heated partisan rhetoric lamenting the dangers of “secular humanism” and “liberal politics.” They have pursued a no-holds-barred strategy to reach their partisan goals and have successfully accomplished what can only be described as a demonic victory. They have blacked out the good news of God’s kingdom from public perception like a hellish eclipse of the Son. Such betrayers of God’s kingdom have no business complaining about their bogus ‘persecution.’”

Trump’s Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer, 2018 Was an Exercise in Idolatry and Faithlessness, as It Has Always Been

Rarely have I seen such a sorry sight as the rows of obsequious, evangelical sycophants lined up on either side of president Trump in the Rose Garden last Thursday.  Basking in the bogus allure of Oval Office access, partisan grins stretched from cheek to cheek, they all had deceived themselves into believed they were actually doing something for the kingdom of God.

Such is the delusion of the American, conservative church today.

Trump’s 2018 Proclamation for the National Day of Prayer is a typically bland pronouncement of nationalistic, idolatrous platitudes.  It is a tasteless porridge perfectly pronouncing the half-baked ideologies of American exceptionalism, nationalism, patriotism and civil religion that erects a spiritual wall of partition, separating so many from the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The gospel of American greatness is a false gospel. Its monuments are pagan altars where U.S. soldiers are sacrificed to the American Baal.  Watching the mindless smiles of these evangelical “leaders,” betraying their gospel responsibilities, fawning shamelessly over the man we call “president” reminded me of the apostate people described in Daniel 11:32:

“With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.”

How much more corrupted can people like Paula White, Pat Robertson, Robert Jeffress, Johnnie Moore and James Dobson become as they continue to violate the new covenant morality of God’s kingdom exemplified by the Lord Jesus?

When did Jesus ever loosen his grip on his Father’s scruples in exchange for political privilege?  Recall that Jesus faced this very offer as a demonic temptation. Yet, Jesus scorned the Oval Office, saying,

“Away from me Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

For too much of the world “making America great again” translates into “keeping them oppressed again,” oppressed by right wing dictatorships propped up by U.S. dollars; oppressed by American-made bombs killing poor, innocent civilians living in poor, desolate countries; oppressed by resource exploitation and environmental pollution at the hands of insatiable American corporations; and oppressed by heartless, economic manipulation as entire nations wriggle under the thumb of more World Bank “austerity measures.”

America has become the Whore of Babylon to much of the world and should be seen this way by all right-thinking disciples.  We are the

“…woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls.  She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.  This title was written on her forehead:





(Revelation 17:3-5)

When Christian Leaders Become False Prophets #courtevangelicals

Whenever I take long-distance road trips by myself, I tend to dial in Christian radio.  Not because I enjoy it, mind you.  I don’t.  Not by a long shot.

Rather, I use my driving time as an experiment in American religious ethnography — that is, the study of religious customs and culture.  (I readily confess. I am an academic nerd of the first order).

I am always struck by both the growing number of right-wing talk shows and news broadcasts, together with the complete absence of anything resembling progressive, liberal or even moderate news reporting.

A few years ago I mentioned to a close friend that whenever the United States finally crosses the line and slips into a dictatorial, fascist state, our new American Fuehrer will have a large network of ready-made news media at his disposal, naturally complimenting the already servile corporate, mainstream news.

That fascist, propaganda outlet will be Christian radio, together with Christian television and online media.

I am no prophet, but my cynical musings continue to take shape. (Read this fascinating Politico article, “Church of the Donald: Never mind Fox. Trump’s most reliable media mouthpiece is now Christian TV”).

A few days ago, John Fea’s very fine blog, The Way of Improvement Leads Home, pointed out the development of Robert Jeffress’s “Path to Victory” website, which gives a good deal of attention to his many appearances on Fox News.

Jeffress is president Trump’s so-called “spiritual adviser” who, like many evangelicals today, has tragically confused the kingdom of God with partisan politics.  This confusion is a cancer that has spread all throughout American evangelicalism.  Sorting through this confusion is the primary motivation behind my book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America.

Jeffress has the gall to describe his  website as “a brand new ministry platform.”  Whatever it may be, however, it is not Christian ministry.  It reminds me, rather, of the false priests and prophets (who seem always to be in the majority, both in ancient Israel and in America today) condemned by the prophet Jeremiah.

“From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain…They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious.  ‘Peace, peace they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No. They have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush.” (Jeremiah 6:13-15; also 8:10-12)

Again, I cannot help but recall the many ways that this very same confusion once worked to extinguish genuine Christian witness in Nazi Germany.

No, Trump is not Hitler.  But history does repeat itself.  Trump has successfully normalized abominable, inhumane, ignorant behavior, ideas and policies in our public discourse.

Men like Robert Jeffress are normalizing the betrayal of gospel truth for 30 silver pieces of glad-handing, White House receptions, photo ops and D.C.  gossip about the many ways in which evangelicals continue to serve as the best useful idiots inside the beltway.

FADA Will Legalize Religiously-Based Bigotry

22 Republican senators (including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Orrin Hatch), led by Mike Lee (R-Utah), are trying for a 3rd time to shepherd the “First Amendment Defense Act” (FADA) through Congress.

Using the 1st amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion, FADA would codify legal discrimination against members of the LGBT community, as well as anyone having sex outside of marriage.

It is an “anti-discrimination” law that would legalize discrimination.

The bill’s language is classically Orwellian.  It states that FADA will “ensure that the Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action” against those who excuse their own discriminatory actions as a requirement of their religious faith.

In other words, under the guise of “protecting opponents of same-sex marriage,” FADA will legalize discrimination against LGBT people, including heterosexuals guilty of fornication.

There are so many things wrong with this effort, both in its motivation and execution, it is hard to know where to begin.

Not too many years ago, identical “religious liberty” arguments were the foundation stones supporting racist Jim Crow laws throughout this country.  Business owners could legally refuse service to black people and get away with it, because their discrimination expressed a “deeply held” religious conviction.

The passage of time has not improved the fatally flawed logic behind FADA.  Nor has it sweetened the discriminatory stench clinging to its proponents.

Neither can it hide the blatant avarice lying at the root of this legislation.  For it is largely motivated by the love of money.

Reading the bill reveals that, without exception, every example of potential, government “discriminatory action” – the threats to religious freedom that FADA aims to defend against – concerns maintaining an organization’s tax exempt status or other government financial benefits.

In other words, the goal of FADA is to ensure that no one will lose their religiously-based tax breaks, while exercising their right to indulge in religiously-based discrimination.

What hypocrites religious people can be, especially when fighting to protect the preferential status granted by a government tax exemption.

Such people, who insist on defending their place at the public trough, should be expected to keep the same public rules as everyone else.  If they don’t like it, there is a simple solution:  surrender your tax exemption.

Furthermore, the renewed push for FADA is another example of the Religious Right’s persistent lust for social and political power.  It is a quest for control.  Not simply to have a place in the public square, but to control access to the public square.

It is another chapter in the Right’s continuing desire for a new age of Christendom.  In Christendom, the Christian church holds sway over who is in, who is out, and who plays by which rules.  As expressed by FADA, Christians would implement a bizarre misapplication of church discipline to those living outside the church. (I know, my theological slip is showing.  I do believe that the ancient, and entirely Biblical, prohibition against same-sex intimacy is correct and remains legitimate.)

Granted, the courts will continue to have difficult debates on the legal status of the numerous, and highly variable, religious freedom claims brought before them.  But there is no Biblical foundation to the claim being made by certain Christians that faith in Jesus requires them to have no business dealings with LGBT people.

That is a self-righteous distortion of Christian witness.

The apostle Paul confronted this very misapplication of church discipline in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13.  Some members of the church misunderstood Paul’s earlier warning to remain separate from “sexually immoral people.” They mistook him to mean that they couldn’t do business or associate with people outside the church who lived at variance with Paul’s ethical teaching.

However, every Greco-Roman city in Paul’s day was filled with people living any number of alternative, “immoral” lifestyles (as defined by Christian teaching). It was virtually impossible to conduct any type of successful business, including Paul’s own ventures as a traveling tent-maker, without striking deals with such “immoral” customers.

Here is Paul’s correction to the Corinthian mistake:

I did not mean for you to stop associating with the people of this world who are immoral…In that case you would have to leave this world…What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.

Only a racist, discriminatory, judgmental religion fears compromising its moral values by allowing the faithful to rub shoulders and do business with those unlike themselves.

The 1st amendment already protects that sort of religious bigotry.  There is no law against being a religious white supremacist.  But neither should there be a law guaranteeing the tax-exempt status of religious bigots who trample on the laws protecting equal access to the public square for everyone else.

Gerson (1) vs. McKnight (0)

Michael Gerson, a Wheaton College graduate and former speech-writer for President George W. Bush, has written a very good article in The Atlantic magazine (April 28th issue) entitled “The Last Temptation.”

Gerson offers a valuable critique of both (1) the damaging Faustian bargain American evangelicals have made with the Republican party, and (2) the (now forgotten) history of 19th century evangelical social/justice activism.

Gerson laments the ephemeral, and largely reactionary, nature of evangelical social action today.  He says, rightly I think, that “[evangelicalism] lacks a model or ideal of political engagement—an organizing theory of social action…[in contrast to Roman Catholicism which] developed a coherent, comprehensive tradition of social and political reflection.”

Curiously, Scott McKnight responded to Gerson with a critical post at his blog Jesus Creed. The post is called “What Gerson Got Seriously Wrong.” McKnight begins by calling Gerson’s arguments “belabored” and “tired.”  But he takes particular offense at Gerson’s comparison of evangelical and Catholic understandings of social activism.  McKnight insists that evangelicals indeed DO have “an organizing theory of social action.” It can be found in the writings of Francis Schaeffer, who was embodying the political theology of Dutch theologian/politician, Abraham Kuyper.

But Gerson is right and McKnight is mistaken.

Let me note a few points:

First, McKnight’s arguments strike me as an odd example of straining at gnats – and bogus gnats, at that – while swallowing camels.  He focuses on a small part of Gerson’s critique while ignoring the greater substance of his article. Why the lucid restatement of a case that begs for frequent repetition should be called belabored and tired, is beyond me.

Second, McKnight’s reference to Kuyper and his American, evangelical

legacy actually underscores the oddity of McKnight’s defensiveness.

To begin with, Kuyper’s name and legacy is not widely known throughout American evangelicalism.  In fact, McKnight covertly admits as much himself.  For Kuyper’s programmatic book, _Lectures on Calvinism_, was not the book being assigned as required reading for Wheaton students when Gerson was there.  Rather, the assigned text was Niebuhr’s _Christ and Culture_.

The reason for this was simple. Kuyper’s work had minimal influence in this country beyond the Dutch Reformed church.

For McKnight to lift up Francis Schaeffer as the emissary of Kuyper’s social/political theology – a system that does indeed offer a positive alternative to the reactionary, negative politics practiced by evangelicals today – is simply not true.

Francis Schaeffer was the faithful disciple of Cornelius Van Til, not Abraham Kuyper.  Van Til is best remembered for his presuppositional epistemology.  Van Til insisted that, since Christians and non-Christians do not share the same presuppositions about life, it is impossible for us all to share in the same goals.   Schaeffer’s oppositional, us/them mentality bleeds through almost every page of his writings.

Actually, Schaeffer’s main contribution to evangelical political engagement was his laser-like focus on opposing abortion.

And, in my opinion, Gerson is absolutely correct when he includes evangelical anti-abortion folks – Schaeffer’s activist children and grandchildren – as among the most reactionary, negative, self-pitying Christian forces today.  It was Francis Schaeffer, not Abraham Kuyper, who expressed a social/political world-view that started American evangelicalism’s journey down the road of unethical, accomodationist, anti-gospel political expediency that we find ourselves traveling today.

Finally, Gerson highlights some crucial problems with today’s evangelicals.  His historical survey is an important reminder of where our evangelical roots truly lie. It should be applauded and disseminated widely. Professor McKnight’s complaints, however, are petty in comparison to the task now facing the American church, as described by Gerson.