The Difference Between Truth and Falsehood is Supposed to Matter to Christians. When Did that Stop?

In my neck of the woods in NW Montana, talking with a new church acquaintance invariably includes a question about my devotion to Fox News.

When I say that I do not depend on Fox for my news information, that I

Rupert Murdoch, founder of the Fox network

watch Fox mainly for research purposes; and that Fox is not a reliable source for information about the world, the eyes of my new acquaintance invariably go wide, very wide.

“But Fox gives us the Christian perspective,” I am told in a variety of different ways. “It’s the source for the truth.”

“Not really,” I say. “Fox News has always been an outlet for partisan, Republican propaganda. Just as MSNBC serves that purpose for Democratic party propaganda.”

If they haven’t walked away from me by this point (which has also happened), I’ll offer some evidence.

“First, did you know that Rupert Murdoch got his start in American ‘news’ by answering President Reagan’s call for someone to spread Republican ‘talking points’ (double-speak for propaganda) to the American public?”

(No one has ever answered “yes” to this question. You can read an investigative account of the Reagan-Murdoch arrangement here, written by a real journalist. It’s not hard to find similar stories if you look.)

“Second, did you know that leaked Fox memos have revealed that the Fox News desk receives regular updates from the Republican leadership instructing them in the latest party talking-points, which they are required to repeat?”

“In fact, did you know that this practice continues today, as demonstrated  by a New York Times story revealing that the official White House talking-points for Fox News impeachment coverage, instructing them in how to discuss the day’s testimony, was accidentally sent to the Democrats?”

The truth is, Fox news has NEVER been about news reporting. It has ALWAYS been a propaganda arm of the Republican party. And it is a serious indictment of American evangelicalism that Fox has been elevated to such an idolatrous, ask-no-questions-please position.

The ONLY reason conservative Christians love Fox as they do is because it provides a daily dose of jingoistic reinforcement for conservative Christianity’s very conservative, Republican politics (which is another sort of indictment against the evangelical church).

Such information idolatry is referred to as confirmation bias. We all prefer to read and listen to the things that conform to and reaffirm what we already believe.

In other words, don’t challenge me, don’t make me uncomfortable, and never make me think.

The simple mantra for the devoted, Christian audience of Fox news clap-trap is: Don’t confuse me with the facts.

Such intellectual and moral laziness is evidence of the age-old human condition. It’s called sin. Nothing new to see here, EXCEPT when American Christians decide to place more of their trust and confidence in something like Fox than they do in Jesus Christ and his teaching.

Which is where vast swaths of the morally moribund evangelical church finds itself today. Frankly, it is impossible to be a Christian with such personal default settings at work in one’s life.


Because challenging me, making me uncomfortable, and causing me to think are three things that Jesus will always do to every disciple every day.

Let me share another story to illustrate my point:

A few months ago I was having a version of this Fox news conversation with the leader of my church small group leader. It was predictable, but became especially disturbing when he raised a few  issues that I had written about in my book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America (Eerdmans, 2018).

To give you the short version. Of course, I took issue with what he was saying, and I suggested that I’d buy him a copy of my book and we could make some time to talk about the issues. I assured him that I attempted to root all my conclusions in very careful Biblical interpretation,  so we’d also be studying scripture together.

Without a moment’s reflection, he immediately said, “No. I don’t have the time. Besides, anyone can make the Bible say whatever they want.”

Oh really?

I ignored the intended insult — a gross slap in the face to anyone who has spent the majority of their life speaking and writing about the historical aspects of the Christian faith — and that was the end of that.

Perhaps you are already thinking of the many obvious questions left hanging in the air. For instance:

Among all the abusive scripture-twisters in the world, which now apparently includes me, how do you decide which teachers and which “doctrines” to believe?

What are your criteria for selection and how do you apply them?

What role do historical evidence and logical argument play in your decision-making process?

How do you know that the things you believe right now are not the result of someone else’s sly ability to “make the Bible say whatever they want it to say”?

At the end of the day, Christians, of ALL people, must be hound-dogs for THE TRUTH.  We should all want to know the truth and nothing but the truth, in all things.

Believing in the necessity of Truth requires that we reject falsehood, whenever and wherever we find it.

Lies, of any type, regarding any arena of interest, should never find a place of comfort in a Christian’s life.

The real problem was not this man’s single-minded devotion to one particular news network, but his refusal to investigate (much less admit) the possibility that he was being deceived (and welcoming it!).

His attitude really was, “Don’t confuse or challenge me with unwanted evidence.”

Even worse, he refused to investigate God’s word with an interested brother in order to discover if he might learn something new (and have fellowship with a new friend).

I am sorry, but all of this adds up to a dangerous, wide-spread disinterest in standing up for the Truth — absolutely THE WORST position any follower of Jesus Christ can ever take.

And it is all on national display in every Fox interview with president

The mass suicide at Jonestown when everyone drank the poisoned kool-aid.

Trump, his defense attorneys (including the one who says he is a Christian), and elected, Republican officials ad nauseam.

While the evangelical church is drinking it all up like the kool-aid served at Jonestown.

The Republican Strategy: Lie, Distract, Repeat (Pound the Table, if Necessary)

Yesterday, I posted an explanation of Step One in the Republican strategy for defending Donald Trump — LIE.

Lie through your teeth, boldly. Spread falsehoods and misinformation whenever possible. Twist the words of your opponent. Or, better yet, put words never spoken into his mouth.

After all, who will know the difference? The majority of viewers don’t pay close enough attention to spot the lies when they occur. Many are so highly partisan that they will believe anything spouted by a member of their “team” and never bother to investigate it for themselves.

To illustrate this point, yesterday’s post focused  on one of Trump’s defense attorneys, self-professed evangelical, Jay Sekulow.

Unfortunately, Sekulow shows himself to be far too comfortable with lying

Jay Sekulow

for anyone claiming to follow Jesus of Nazareth, as illustrated by only one of  the many possible video clips available online.

But lying is only step one.

The Second Step is distraction.

Distraction is easily accomplished by changing the subject or going on a tangent (often an emotional tangent) about seemingly related, but materially irrelevant, information.

Since this is the Republican’s only “defense” option, you will see this step on display any time a Trump defender speaks about the case against the president.

So, let’s return to Sekulow and watch his mastery, not only of the art of deception, but also of distraction.

Pay attention to Sekulow’s arguments. Let’s review. He insists that:

  • The aid to Ukraine was eventually released
  • Trump’s aid to Ukraine was superior to President Obama’s
  • Ukraine defensive capabilities were not affected by the delay
  • Obama temporarily withheld aid to Egypt
  • Trump also withheld aid from other countries
  • He concludes by asking for the whistle-blower

The obvious question is: What bearing does ANY of this have on rebutting the impeachment charge accusing Trump of offering a quid pro quo for his own personal benefit?

The answer is — NONE. But Sekulow is trusting we won’t notice.

However, a careful listener will observe:

  • No one has denied that the aid was eventually released. The accusation is that it was only released after Trump’s scheme had been revealed publicly. So, what’s the  point?
  • Obama’s aid packages have nothing to with anything in this conversation. This is mere deflection. He is hoping we are like the dog suddenly distracted by the squirrel.
  • Ukraine’s defensive ability is irrelevant to the point at issue. (Personally, I don’t buy the Democrats’ emphasis on how the aid delay posed a threat to US “national security.” This is political establishment balderdash.)
  • So what if Obama once withheld aid from Egypt? Foreign aid is regularly conditional, with government sanctioned conditions built in. Trump’s aid delay was not approved by anyone outside the Oval Office. Again, what’s the  point?
  • So, Trump also withheld aid from other countries. And…?? Notice that Sekulow has nothing to say about whether those delays were matters of official US policy or more instances of Trump’s personal quid pro quos. Perhaps more investigations should begin…
  • Concluding with an off-handed remark about the whistle-blower is an instance of throwing red meat to the masses. After the extensive testimony presented by multiple witnesses to the House committees, and the Democrats many requests for witnesses to appear before the Senate, the whistle-blower has become almost irrelevant.

Notice what Sekulow has accomplished with this speech.

He speaks forcefully with confidence, like a good attorney should. He gives the appearance of having command of contrary evidence, demonstrating the president’s innocence. The image is compelling.

BUT when you listen closely at what Sekulow says and think about it, you see that it has all been a grand parlor trick. Nothing he talks about has direct bearing on the facts in evidence. Sekulow’s “facts” fail to undermine the Democrats’ presentation of the evidence because his facts (which may well be entirely true!) are not relevant to the actual charges brought against the president.

The goal of such distraction is to confuse the audience, just as magicians do with their dramatic antics.

Sekulow, like every other Trump defender, is tossing dust into our eyes and hoping we won’t notice as he picks our pockets.

A meaningful defense would be able to take the same body of evidence gathered by the House committees, now being presented to the Senate, and provide a superior, more cogent, comprehensive explanation of the behavior demonstrated by that evidence to have actually taken place.

And THAT, my friends, is the one thing I have yet to hear a single Republican be able to do.

Instead, all we hear are more lies and distraction.


“The Lack of Integrity Among Republican Members is Stunning”

Marjorie Cohn is emeritus professor of law at Thomas Jefferson School of

(150320) — WASHINGTON D.C., March 20, 2015 (Xinhua) –Marjorie Cohn, professor of Thomas Jefferson School of Law .

Law and former president of the National Lawyers Guild (an organization that once saved my legal bacon).

Today she was interviewed by The Real News and asked about her view of the ongoing Senate impeachment trial. Her legal insights are informative, helpful, and very troubling for those of us who are concerned about the permanent damage Trump’s presidency may create for America’s future.

At one point she marvels, “The lack of integrity among Republican members [of Congress] is stunning.”

I’m no lawyer, but she took the words right out of my mouth. The interview is 14 minutes long.

Lying and Perjury are Contrary to Sound Doctrine, 1 Timothy 1:10

In addition to its historical significance, the primary reason I decided to write a few posts about Trump’s impeachment trial is because of ongoing heavy investment of evangelical Christian energies into the president’s defense.

The overwhelming majority of white evangelicals continue to support Trump, regardless of his behavior. The majority of conservative Christians are equally (if not more) conservative in their politics. Which means that their major source of political information is Fox News.

I have no idea what percentage of American viewers are watching the Senate trial, or how many watched the witness testimony collected in the House committee hearings. But I suspect that few Americans watch the testimony and arguments live and in full.

Rather, public opinion is formed by the short clips and editorializing provided by favorite news stations. Again, for conservative Christians this source of information is gained overwhelming from Fox.

One of President Trumps defense lawyers is Jay Sekulow, an evangelical

Jay Sekulow

Christian and media darling of Fox News. He is Fox’s natural go-to guy for commentary on the Senate trial proceedings.

Sekulow is also the host, with his son, of a radio/television talk show broadcast on various Christian media outlets. I  listen to Sekulow’s program regularly.

There is nothing particularly “Christian” about it. Instead, Sekulow’s show serves as one more supposed news outlet, like Fox, that exists to repeat Republican  party talking-points.

Which is why I am saddened, but not surprised, to see Sekulow and others on Trump’s defense team stand up on the Senate floor and lie to the American people.

I cannot believe that they do not know exactly what they are doing. Deliberate lying is the only way to describe Sekulow’s behavior.

While all of Trump’s legislative supporters are doing it, Sekulow claims to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. And THAT makes Sekulow’s lies especially abhorrent.

Lying is one thing, but lying deliberately in defense of a favored politician is inexcusable for anyone who claims to follow Jesus Christ.

I will mention only two examples to illustrate Mr. Sekulow’s problem:

First, Sekulow’s opening statement to the Senate repeated the Republican complaint that the president was denied due process during the House investigations, saying that Trump and his lawyers were shut out of the committee hearings. Watch Sekulow repeat this charge here (beginning at the 1:00 minute mark).

This is an oft repeated Republican lie.

This lie has been repeatedly rebutted by the Democratic impeachment managers. In fact, you can watch a news report below describing the Judicial Committee’s invitation to President Trump, asking him to attend their meetings in November, 2019.

I remember watching a segment of the House investigation where they explained that the president had been invited to tell his side of the story with his own lawyers present (calling Jay Sekulow!) so they could cross-examine witnesses!

Yet, Sekulow and others repeat this lie shamelessly. The fact is that Trump declined the invitation and instructed everyone in the Executive branch to ignore all Congressional subpoenas.

Second, Sekulow was interviewed yesterday about his upcoming strategy. He said that he intended to rebut the Democratic charge that the president had solicited Ukraine for a “quid pro quo;” that is, you scratch my back (by announcing an investigation into the Bidens) and I’ll scratch yours (by releasing the hold on the weapons that you want).

Sekulow strangely insisted that this charge is phony because the first article of impeachment never says anything about a quid pro quo. What Sekulow fails to mention, however, is that the article explains, in plain English, how the president’s request of Ukraine amounted to an actual quid pro quo.

Watch this clip with Jake Tapper exposing Sekulow’s lie by putting the actual article of impeachment on the screen explaining how Trump’s quid pro quo worked, without using the words themselves (beginning at 1:40).

These two examples are only the tip of the iceberg of egregious lies constructed by the Republicans and repeated on partisan “news” programs by lawyers, like Jay Sekulow, who are willing to deceive the public with a straight face.

I am sorry, but this is not the behavior of a Christian lawyer.

“It’s Like We Are Witnessing the Death of Democracy”

Yesterday, Democracy Now began their coverage of the Senate impeachment trial with a discussion of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s newly devised procedural rules for the trial’s conduct.

In short, these rules limit the trial to less than one week.  By comparison, Andrew Johnson’s impeachment trial lasted for two months. Bill Clinton’s Senate trial took a full month.

In addition, McConnell’s rules for Donald Trump’s impeachment trial prohibits both the admission of relevant documents and the calling of witnesses to testify.

Journalists are also banned from the Senate during the “trial.”

Furthermore, the entire time permitted for each side to present their cases is restricted to three days (an expansion from the original limit of two days).

Think about this:

How many trials have you heard of where the judge ruled, before the trial began, that no documentary evidence or witness testimony will be allowed, all arguments must be finished in three days, no matter what, and all journalists are banned from the court room?

I’ll tell you — NONE, for the simple reason that what is happening now in the halls of Congress is not a trial.  It is a Republican orchestrated farce, as ANY fair-minded person has to admit.

Kristen Clarke

Amy Goodman’s 18 minute interview with Kristen Clarke and Rick Perlstein helps to place the current Senate travesty in historical context.

Ms. Clarke is a civil rights attorney and the Executive Director of The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Mr. Perlstein is

Rick Perlstein

an American historian and journalist who has written several books about Richard Nixon, including his impeachment investigation, and Ronald Reagan.

In my view, their insights into the farcical events now unfolding in the US Senate are ominous warnings about the twilight years of American democracy.

I Never Imagine I Would Miss Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater

Republican Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell

As Trump’s impeachment trial approaches, Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, continues his draconian measures to prohibit any new evidence from being including in the Senate proceedings.

Unlike past impeachment trials, which have allowed additional witnesses to be called (in fact, during the Clinton impeachment Republicans insisted they be allowed to call new witnesses), McConnell is refusing to permit additional witnesses to testify before Congress.

He has good reason to fear for his president, but his actions only contribute further to his reputation as the most corrupt Republican majority leader in recent history.

John Bolton (Photo by Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

John Bolton (former National Security Adviser who referred to Trump’s Ukrainian quid pro quo scheme a “drug deal” he wanted nothing to do with) and Lev Parnas (Rudy Guliani’s business associate who operated as Rudy’s “fixer” in coercing Ukrainian government officials to yield to Trump’s demands) have both said they are willing to testify if asked.

Rudy Giuliani has coffee with Ukrainian-American businessman Lev Parnas at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, U.S. September 20, 2019. REUTERS/Aram Roston/File Photo – RC18E5EEDD00

Furthermore, a boatload of new documents have also been handed over to House investigators which not only confirm the previous House testimony against Trump, but adds new information as well.

For instance, copies of whatsapp messages reveal that one Robert F. Hyde, a Republican congressional candidate from

Former ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch

Connecticut, had the US ambassador Marie Yovanovitch “under physical, and possibly electronic, surveillance.”

At one point, Hyde suggested that he could increase the pressure on Yovanovitch (who was working to end political corruption in the country) but it would require enlisting Ukrainian security forces — an obvious threat against the ambassador’s personal safety.

Here is an excerpt from an article in The Guardian explaining this section of the texts:

“In March 2019, Hyde wrote to Parnas, ‘Wow. Can’t believe Trumo [sic] hasn’t fired this bitch. I’ll get right in [sic] that.’

“The two men then exchanged a string of messages about the ambassador’s whereabouts.

“’She under heavy protection outside Kiev,’ Hyde wrote to Parnas, adding two days later: ‘They are moving her tomorrow.’

“’The guys over there asked me what I would like to do and what is in it for them,’ wrote Hyde, who has posted pictures of himself with Trump and Giuliani on social media. ‘She’s talked to three people. Her phone is off. Computer is off. She’s next to the embassy. Not in the embassy.’

“’They are willing to help if you/we would like a price,’ said Hyde.

“’Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money … what I was told,’ Hyde wrote in another text, to which, Parnas responded: ‘LOL.’”

The State Department finally removed Yovanovitch from Ukraine because, she was told, they had information indicating her safety was at risk.

Hmmmmmm. I wonder who was threatening her safety?

Remember the reconstruction of Trump’s Oval Office call with the Ukrainian president? Remember when he told President Zelensky that Yovanovitch “was going to go through some things”?

What a coincidence…

Lev Parnas has obviously struck a deal since his recent arrest and is talking freely with reporters. Watch this interview by Anderson Cooper where Parnas not only implicates Trump but states that Trump was in regular communication with him and Giuliani being updated on everything the two were doing in Ukraine.

Parnas confirms what honest observers have always known: Donald Trump is a liar. More than that, he is a pathological liar, and he lied when he said he didn’t know Lev Parnas.

But, never mind, because Mitch McConnell is working overtime to prevent any of these documents and witnesses and from contributing to Trump’s impeachment trial.

Why muddy the waters with more evidence of the truth?

And this explains why I find myself surprisingly “nostalgic” for men like Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater (I can’t believe I just wrote this sentence).

On the eve of Nixon’s impeachment proceedings in 1974, Senator Barry Goldwater (a fire-breathing conservative if there ever was one) led a delegation of his fellow Republicans to meet with Nixon in the Oval Office.

These three Congressmen told Nixon that he had lost all Congressional support. There was no way he could survive an impeachment process. His presidency was over, one way or the other. The meeting came to be called the “Goldwater moment.”

President Nixon announced his resignation the next day.

Senator Goldwater, whose politics I abhorred, represents a very different

President Nixon resigns on national television

period in the evolution of the US Congress. His was an era where party loyalties were not always allowed to eclipse the evidence of White House criminality.

Goldwater reminds us that highly conservative, Republican politicians can maintain their personal integrity in times of political crisis. Politics need not always blind its players to the facts.

Sadly, these are qualities of personal character are sorely lacking in today’s players. Mitch McConnell, Rep. Jim Jordan and their partisan ilk are political barbarians — clever and crafty, no doubt; but bloody barbarians, nonetheless — when compared even to a Manichean madman like Barry Goldwater.

And what about Nixon?

Nixon’s decision to resign his presidency revealed that even “Tricky Dick” had some semblance of shame. He knew when to quit, when it was time to stop lying.

Tragically, today’s White House occupant has no sense of shame whatsoever. He is a malignant narcissist hard-wired to lie. Lying is Donald Trump’s raison d’être.

And the nation’s Congressional barbarians have grown corpulent feasting at the White House trough.

Even Nixon and Goldwater are rolling over in their graves.

Liars Beat the Drums of War. Part 1

All governments lie.

That fact is a given and must be accepted by any adult who wants to understand politics and foreign relations in this world of ours.

For Christians who understand that their primary allegiance is to Jesus Christ, and that they are first and foremost citizens of the kingdom of God NOT their temporal country, embracing this truth need not be difficult.

Not only is the government of the United States not an exception to this rule, we in many ways we have perfected the practice of lying, deception and misinformation to a fine art — perhaps a crude, vulgar and vile norm would be a more accurate way to describe it.

The recent release of the Afghanistan Papers by the Washington Post is only one recent demonstration of this age-old truism about government lies. US military leaders, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, our intelligence services, and the vast majority of our elected politicians have all been lying to the American public about the 18 year long war in Afghanistan for….wait for it…the entire 18 years.

When interviewed behind closed doors, over 400 American leaders, both military and civilian, in nearly 700 separate interviews, confessed that the military has never had a coherent strategy for pursuing this wasteful war.  Nor did they have the slightest hope that the US could accomplish anything resembling “victory,” whatever that might look like.

In short, everyone admitted that no one in the US government had any idea what we were doing in Afghanistan.

Yet, when speaking in public we heard lie after lie after lie — “we are moving toward victory,” “our new strategy is working,” “we see light at the end of the tunnel.”

All the lies have been revealed in black and white.

Yet, not long after the publication of these Afghanistan Papers, General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held a press conference where he deliberately mischaracterized the information contained in these interviews and then glibly dismissed their significance out of hand.

Watch the oh-so noble general continue spinning more public lies in the video below:

The US corporate media perpetuates US government lies by repeating them mindlessly, without challenge or correction. Major developments that indict our government by uncovering the truth are conveniently ignored by the corporate press.

Truth remains unreported because real journalism is dead in this country. The American people may well be the most ideologically narrow, as well as the most thoroughly propagandized population in the “civilized” world.

Of course, the truth is also ignored by the bought-and-paid-for money grubbers in Washington DC whose silence indicts them, too, as co-conspirators in the deception of the American people.

How many major, investigative reports have you seen about the Afghanistan Papers on corporate news programs?

I have not seen any.

Has anyone heard even a hint about a possible Congressional investigation into the negligence, gross malfeasance and moral decay festering at the heart of our military-industrial-security complex laid bare for all to see by the Afghanistan Papers?

I haven’t.

We, the American public, including the Christian church, must share in this  corporate guilt.

We are a major portion of the gullible and/or disinterested public that conveniently believes the government lies, ignores contrary evidence, and cheers patriotically for the endless bloodshed unleashed by America’s selfish addiction to imperial power around the world.

More Wise Analysis from Caitlin Johnstone

For my money, Caitlin Johnstone is one of the sharpest political bloggers working today. Below is an excerpt from her most recent post, “Full Scale War is Avoided and Trump Goes Right Back to Warmongering.”

The United States and Iran entered into a direct military exchange for the first time ever with the drone assassination of General Qassem Soleimani last week

President Trump makes statement on Iran reprisals

and a retaliatory strike from Iran via surface-to-surface missiles upon two US military bases on Wednesday.

As usual it was the less powerful nation who exercised restraint, with Iran skillfully targeting the bases’ military capabilities but taking measures to successfully avoid any casualties. The two nations de-escalated back down to their previous high level of dangerous hostilities with an understanding between them that neither side wants a full-scale war. Both sides played “chicken” and both sides swerved, and they know that about each other now.

So that was a relief. We were all forced to hold our breath and hope against hope that cooler heads would prevail after the senseless assassination of a sovereign nation’s top military official, and they did. A full-scale war that would have dwarfed Iraq and Vietnam in terms of death, destruction and destabilization was averted.

And then Trump immediately went right back to warmongering…

The entire piece is well worth reading. Just click on the title above.

When Fake Christians Wear Red Shirts at Presidential Rallies

Trump speaking at a Minneapolis campaign rally

President Trump spoke yesterday in Minneapolis to loud applause supplied by a large crowd of supporters, many wearing bright, red shirts emblazoned, “make American great again.”

If you didn’t see the speech, check out the excerpts and excellent response provided by The Young Turks here.  It’s well worth watching.

I also encourage you to read my book, I Pledge Allegiance: A Believer’s Guide to Kingdom Citizenship in 21st Century America, if you haven’t already.

In the course of his rambling diatribe (the longest he has yet given), the president mocked and ridiculed individual Democrats and members of the House.

He targeted more lies and slander against Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali refugee from Minnesota.  Rep. Omar and her family already receive around the clock security protection because of the regular death threats she receives, week in and week out, as she does her job for the people of Minnesota who elected her.

Omar also receives a surge in the number of threats against her life every time Trump mocks her in public, as he did again last night.

Trump then expanded his racist threats against the entire Somali refugee community in Minnesota, leading the crowd in cheers and applause as he bemoaned the horrible presence of hard-working, brown-skinned families finding refuge from their own war-torn country (partly facilitated by the U.S. military) in the bosom of white America.

The audience cheered again when the president promised that he will protect the good, white people of Minneapolis from the inconvenient threat of more dark-skinned refugees from Africa moving into their city.

How many of these red-shirted fans applauding Trump’s grotesque, racist drivel claim to be Christians?  How many say they are evangelicals?

Well, it’s long past time to draw the line, folks.

And here’s the line:

People who follow Jesus will NEVER cheer or applaud for such wretched, verbal trash.

People who follow Jesus will NEVER endorse the inhumane policies – like closing our doors to refugees and asylum seekers, separating families and kidnapping children at the border – that are produced by this man’s dark and evil heart.

As I now listen to Trump speaking at the “Voters Values Summit,” he is

Rep. Ilhan Omar

again falsely accusing Rep. Omar of saying things that she has never said. And he is being applauded by the audience!

We are witnessing the complete apostasy of American evangelicalism.  It’s happening before our eyes.

If you or your friends voted for Trump in 2016 and now regret that decision, hallelujah!  Confession your foolishness.  Ask for forgiveness for facilitating the rise to power of this latest anti-Christ now spewing his putrid filth onto the American stage.

Pray for wisdom to do better next time as a well-educated voter.

But if you or your friends plan to vote for Trump in 2020, if you too applaud at his rally speeches, then you must face the truth.

You have driven the Holy Spirit from your heart, if, indeed, you ever knew Him.

You, too, are a racist.

You have become an idolater.

Your conservative politics are more important to you than Jesus Christ.

You are cheering for a fascist, a blasphemer, a sexual predator, a racist, and a career criminal.

It is impossible to be an obedient follower of Jesus of Nazareth and persistently endorse such wickedness.

You may have known Jesus at one time, but no longer.

You have become one of the choked, blighted, dying seeds woefully described in Jesus’ parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20. You have lost whatever connect to the Savior you may once have had.

You have become like the pompous “miracle workers” condemned by Jesus at the close of his Sermon on the Mount. Despite their protests of devotion, he says to these people boasting of their “godly” accomplishments, “Get away from me, you evil doers, for I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23).

It is LONG past time for faithful pastors to speak up and to speak out against the evangelical apostasy occurring before our eyes.

Pastors, your people need Biblical teaching and education in the ethics of God’s kingdom. Hiding behind the pretense of avoiding partisanship in the pulpit is and has always been a cop out.

The church desperately needs your help.

Where are the true, faithful shepherds who will risk giving offense by teaching the FULL counsel of God and emphasizing the radical, upside-down lifestyle demanded by Jesus Christ?

Within evangelical congregations, they seem to be few and far between…

The Counterfactual Narrative of Growing Christian Persecution and Expanding Marxism in America

For some reason, religious conservatives in America insist on viewing themselves as a persecuted minority.

Gene Veith complains regularly about the persecution of American Christians at Patheos. His most recent post in this vein is entitled “Dehumanizing Christians.”

Though he thankfully, and quite necessarily, exhorts Christians never to dehumanize anyone, the focus of his piece centers nonetheless on a supposed increase in the dehumanization of traditional Christians in this era of expanding “neo-Marxist” politics.

Veith’s arguments depend largely on a related piece by Alfred Kentigern Siewers at The American Conservative entitled “What Christians Face in a Neo-Marxist World.”

There is MUCH to be explored here, but I will limit myself to only two brief  points:

First, my current bedtime reading consists of Professor Jason Stanley’s book How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them (Random House, 2018). It’s a good book, not hard to read, and I highly recommend it.  Professor Stanley offers a boatload of historical material, both old and new, to illustrate his description of fascist politics and its affects throughout modern, western history.

Last night’s reading consisted of Stanley’s many examples of right-wing, fascist political parties expanding throughout Europe today.  An attentive reader can’t help but notice close similarities to the current atmosphere in American politics during this era of Trump’s presidency.

Stanley’s is not the first book I’ve read in the past few years discussing the history and characteristics of fascism — think of guys like Hitler, Mussolini and Franco.

I confess that I had a difficult time falling asleep as I contemplated, with a very downcast frame of mind, the many features of American public life that make this country overly ripe for our own slide into fascist territory.  In fact, some would say we have been there for some time.

So, here is a BULLETIN for Veith, Siewers, and similar conservative fear-mongers: the world is not threatened by the spread of neo-Marxism at this moment in history, neither are American Christians a primary target of extremist violence.

To begin with, there is no Marxist movement of any sort, whether neo, paleo, crypto, or psycho, in America today. Period.

In fact, the United States does not have a genuine leftist, left-wing, authentically liberal political party any more, despite the faux warnings of people like Laura Ingram, Shawn Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

Leftist strains of American politics died as viable political options long ago, with the demise of leaders like Frances Perkins (FDR’s Secretary of Labor), Dorothy Day, (Founder of the Catholic Workers Movement), Eugene Debs (5

Henry A. Wallace (1888 – 1965), one of my political heroes

times presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America), and Henry A. Wallace (vice-president for FDR).

However, we DO face the very real and very dangerous threat of fascism. But conservative pundits will rarely, if ever, recognize the dangers posed by this problem because of their own authoritarian  instincts. (One of the great failings of the American church, in my view, is its strong preference for authoritarianism and social control over freedom and liberty, but I digress.)

The fascist threat has already expanded throughout central and eastern Europe, and it could easily emerge vestigially in this country too, like the creepy, embryonic crab creature that latches onto your innocent face and then bursts your bowels in the Alien movie franchise.

Don’t be too skeptical. Large sectors of the American public have thrown their arms around fascism more than once in our history. Recall Sinclair Lewis’ famous (purported) statement, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

The right’s fraudulent neo-Marxist label is merely the favorite boogeyman

If you have never read Sinclair Lewis’ novel, _It Can’t Happen Here_, I encourage you to do so. He predicts what American fascism will look like.

conjured up by conservative pundits in order first, to scare their followers and second, to smear whomever they wish to attack at the moment.

Notice, for instance, how the neo-Marxist “threat” is also the favorite whipping boy for another current conservative phenom, Jordan Peterson. (Personally, I can’t understand his popularity, especially in the church.)

Second, as numerous studies have documented, the greatest rise in domestic terrorism and politically motivated violence in America has come from the right wing, not the left.

In 2009, the Republican-controlled congress suppressed and eventually pressured the Department of Homeland Security to repudiate its own report warning about the growing dangers of extreme right-wing violence in American. (see here, here and here).

You can read the full DHS report here; it’s entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

Well, folks. What they predicted in 2009 is coming true in 2019.

I clearly remember the times when candidate Trump encouraged and even praised public violence at his campaign rallies.

Trump applauded those who punched his critics and pledged to pay their legal expenses.  I watched the coverage at the time. He stoked his followers’ anger at the news media, calling out specific journalists covering his campaign, and “blessed” anyone who would teach them aside in order to teach them a thing or two.

In 2018, the Anti-Defamation League published a report entitled “Murder and Extremism in the United States” documenting the sharp rise in politically motivated, violent crimes in this country. The report’s executive summary begins with this sentence:

“2018 was a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders: every single extremist killing — from Pittsburgh to Parkland — had a link to right-wing extremism.” (emphasis mine)

 I urge you to read the report for yourself. You will never hear about the dramatic increase of this problem from conservative pundits or cable news.

God’s people are called to deal in truth, which requires investigating the facts, all the facts. It means being honest; doing our best to critique our own biased tendencies; remembering that our primary allegiance is to God’s kingdom, not a political party, an ideology, or secular movement of any stripe.

We can never deal in fear-mongering or false accusations. The truth of the gospel is our standard of communication.

So, here are the simple facts:

First, neither Christians nor political conservatives are the primary, or the expanding, targets of politically or religiously motivated violence in America. To say otherwise is to perpetuate a myth.

The prize for being targeted by political violence goes to American Muslims, African-Americans, other people of color, and immigrants — including legal immigrants.

The bottom line is, white Christians need to stop their whining and abandon their self-pitying victim mentality. It is more than unbecoming. It is ungodly.

Second, you and I are about as likely to be harmed (whether physically, emotionally, psychically or rhetorically) by a rabid “neo-Marxist” as we are to be hit by an asteroid.  In fact, we are more likely to be struck by lightning.

If any of us (God forbid) is ever injured in an incident of domestic terrorism, the perpetrator, in all likelihood, will be a right-wing, ultra-conservative conspiracy theorist (who will probably imagine that he has been victimized by various and sundry neo-Marxist assailants.)

I firmly believe that Christian social and political engagement is important. But we need to understand what is actually going on in the world.  We dare no live in a dream world.

Such understanding requires stepping outside of the Christian media mis-information bubble, reading widely, studying broadly, and keeping our eyes focused on the kingdom of God.

Our only hope is in Jesus, and he never asks us to mislead others or to misrepresent the facts.