Excellent Yemen Analysis by Lawrence Wilkerson, What Corporate Media Isn’t Saying

Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is an honest man of deep integrity, intelligence and straightforwardness.  He was Gen. Colin Powell’s chief of staff in the last Bush administration and is now a Distinguished Professor of Government & Public Policy at William and Mary.  His  recent article in the New York Times, “I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again” illustrates his depth of conscience.

I always try to read and/or listen whenever I come across anything from  Wilkerson.  So, given my recent posts on the catastrophe unfolding in Yemen (here and here), I am sharing an 18 minute interview with Wilkerson available on the RealNews (an excellent source of information I look at regularly).

Col. Wilkerson discusses vital topics: the Saudi Arabian bloodletting going on; US involvement; the famine; Pentagon malfeasance; Iran and more.

Please take a few minutes to hear a man of conscience discuss American culpability in the poorest Arab-speaking country in the Middle East. (I was hoping to post the video here, but it is too large. So, click the link above.)

The bipartisan bill (SJ Res 54) that will help to end the war in Yemen could come up for a vote as early as today (3/20/10).  Call now if you haven’t already.

Call 1-833- STOP WAR. 


US War Machine Puts Profits Above Yemeni Lives

Both White House and Pentagon officials are scrambling in order to defeat the bipartisan bill (SJ Res 54) that wants to end American’s illegal military activity in Yemen.

Recall that the US has helped Saudi Arabia create the largest humanitarian crisis in the world right now. A few weeks ago, I asked you to call your elected officials in support of SJ Res 54, insisting that the US stop arming the Saudis in violation of the War Powers Resolution of 1973.

We are the largest weapons supplier to the Saudis government, which means billions in profits for the US military-industrial complex. Not long ago, Pentagon officials openly admitted that THEY HAD NO IDEA exactly how, when or where US bombs and missiles were being deployed!

But US military strategy is not the point.  MONEY — profiting from another war — is the point.

When the Pentagon now warns that withdrawing US support for the Saudi slaughter in Yemen will damage our relations, what they really mean to say is that American weapons manufacturers will make less money than they had otherwise hoped.  After all, Saudi Arabia is one of our “best” customers. President Trump recently announced a $350 billion arms deal with them.

There is a lot of profit to be found in butchering innocent men, women and children in the poorest nation in the Arab world!  A gruesomely devilish calculus when measured against the tens of thousands of innocent Yemenis that continue to suffer death, injury, malnutrition and starvation in yet another illegal, American proxy war.

We cannot allow Trump’s war machine to win this contest.  Innocent lives literally depend upon the outcome of this vote.  If you called previously, THANKS!  Please take a moment to call again, while we still can.

Call 1-833- STOP WAR Today.