The organization Just Foreign Policy has been advocating for the Yemeni War Powers bill to be passed by Congress in order to stop the genocide now occurring in that country.
Yemen has become the scene of the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.

See my previous posts here, here, here, here . We have soldiers and intelligence assets on the ground. The US also the largest arms supplier to Saudi Arabia, the principle antagonist in Yemen’s civil war.
American money, arms, and soldiers, directed by our president and an acquiescent, do-nothing
congress, have helped Saudi Arabia to turn Yemen into a slaughter house where innocent men, women and children are butchered every day.
Please read the latest call for action from Just Foreign Policy reproduced below and make those three phone calls. Thank you.
“The House goes out on recess this week. If a Yemen war powers bill is going to be introduced in the House before recess, that decision will be made today. If no bill is introduced, we’ll have no Congressional vehicle in August to respond to the threatened Saudi-UAE escalation of the war. The UN has warned that ten million more Yemenis will be pushed to the brink of starvation if the U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen does not end this year.
“The actions today of three Representatives will be key:
Ro Khanna: (202) 225-2631
Adam Smith: (202) 225-8901
Ted Lieu: (202) 225-3976
“Please call their offices now, in that order. When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like:
“’I urge you to move forward with the introduction of a Yemen war powers bill in the House before recess. This will deter Saudi-UAE from escalating and pressure them to agree to the UN peace deal. If Saudi-UAE escalate, the bill will give grassroots activists a vehicle for response.’
“When you’ve made your call[s], please report so here.
“The UN and aid groups have warned that if the U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen is not ended this year, another ten million Yemenis will be pushed to the edge of starvation. The UN envoy has said he is close to a deal that would stop the Saudi-UAE assault on Hodeida and return the parties to peace talks. Thus, if the UN envoy is successful in his efforts, it could spare millions of Yemenis from being pushed to the edge of starvation. The crucial thing needed to end the war is more U.S. pressure on Saudi-UAE.
“That is why the question of what Members of Congress do now is so urgent. What Members of Congress do now to increase pressure on the Trump Administration and Saudi-UAE to end the war is the only variable apparent on the scene that appears to have any chance of sparing millions of lives in Yemen.
“In particular, the introduction of a House war powers bill before the recess would give us a vehicle around which to organize public opinion to pressure Congress. Without such a vehicle and without such organizing, past experience indicates that the worsening of the U.S.-Saudi imposed humanitarian crisis in Yemen is a tree that falls in the forest without making an effective sound in the U.S. The worst developments are occasionally reported in mainstream U.S. press. But the attention is not sustained. The last time the issue received sustained attention in the U.S. was in March, when Senators Sanders, Lee, and Murphy introduced a war powers bill in the Senate and pushed for a vote. That is the kind of attention that we need in the U.S. on Yemen now.
“Urge Khanna, Smith, and Lieu to act:
Ro Khanna: (202) 225-2631
Adam Smith: (202) 225-8901
Ted Lieu: (202) 225-3976″
Please make the calls.