
Discover Why Pro-Israel/Zionist Groups Fought to Stop You from Seeing This Documentary

President Trump speaking at the annual AIPAC convention in Washington, D.C.

I recently watched the four-part documentary about the pro-Israel lobby in this country called (of all things!) “The Lobby.”

Produced by Aljazeera, “The Lobby” goes undercover to explore the inner workings of pro-Zionist lobbying organizations such as AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and The Israel Project in the United States.

The Electronic Intifada logo

I encourage you to watch this eye-opening – actually, jaw-dropping – investigative report here at The Electronic Intifada.

The Israel lobby worked very hard to suppress this film and ensure that it would never appear on Western television.  For a time, they had succeeded.  You can read a bit of that story on the film’s webpage.  Once you watch this fine example of investigative journalism, you will understand why the Israel lobby was so determined to keep it buried forever.

How would you respond to learning that a foreign government was spying of you?  Yes, spying on you, personally.

Among other disturbing facts detailed in “The Lobby”, is the story of how the Israel lobby hires domestic spies to monitor the political activities of American citizens, including your use of social media, your voting record, political contributions and activism.  They note anything that appears to be anti-Zionist, anti-Israel and then send that information to the Israeli government.

At the heart of the Israel lobby’s propaganda strategy is the deliberate confusion of ant-Zionism with anti-Semitism.  Consequently, pro-justice,

BDS the New Antisemitism

pro-Palestinian, anti-apartheid activism is tarred with the scurrilous brush of anti-Semitism.  An utterly nonsensical confusion.  But, sadly, it often works.

If the powers-that-be feel you are sufficiently “threatening” to their pro-Zionist message in America, you may be targeted; victimized by a smear campaign, character assassination or any number of dirty tricks the pro-Israel lobby keeps in its propaganda arsenal.

University students, professors and even regular folks involved in the BDS movement are typical targets for the Israel lobby’s dirty tricks.

“The Lobby” highlights the personal stories of several activists who have suffered the hurtful consequences of these attacks.

If any other nation on earth were spying and attacking American citizens as extensively and as habitually as Israel, it would be front page news, complete with public denunciations and televised Senate hearings up the wazoo.

You will also learn about the political manipulation, money laundering, illegal campaign contributions, as well as AIPAC’s influence on U.S. foreign policy, all financed by one or another of the tentacles comprising the Israel lobby in this country.

The film is long.  Each of the four episodes is about 50 minutes.  But it is well worth your time.

The Pentagon Failed Its First-Ever Audit and Loses 21 Trillion Dollars

Yep, you read that headline right.  The Pentagon has been audited for the very first time, which is itself unbelievable, and it failed.  The books are a mess.  Nothing adds up.

Check out Lee Camp’s excellent article at the Greanville Post here.

The most important discovery is the fact that $21 trillion have gone missing over the past decade.  You can read the full story here.  Click here for an article in Forbes Magazine.

Have we heard a peep out of Congress demanding oversight hearings?  Not a word.

Any calls to delay Trump’s grotesque military budget until the American people are given answers to these looming questions?  Of course not.

Our government continues to shovel your hard-earned cash into the gaping maw of the military-industrial-surveillance complex like cheap coal into a bottomless furnace.

When will the revolution begin?

Meanwhile, Over at the Babylon Bee…Missionaries for Trump

Missions Trip Successfully Converts Entire Village Into Republicans

“UNDISCLOSED—A missions trip to a remote tribe in an undisclosed closed country has successfully converted the entire village into conservative Republicans, sources from the missions team confirmed Friday.
“After contextualizing the basics of right-wing beliefs to the culture of the tribe for several months, the missionaries finally made a breakthrough as they communicated to the group their need for conservative political philosophy to save them from their sins. Finally, missionaries gave a moving altar call Thursday evening, and the village elders responded in faith, accepting Republicanism as Lord of their life.

“The rest of the village soon followed.

“’When the people saw the glory of our savior Donald Trump, they erupted into spontaneous celebration,’ one of the American missionaries said in an emotional video uploaded to Facebook. ‘It was so great to see these people finally abandon their un-American culture and embrace the gospel of the United States, forever changing their eternity.’

“At publishing time, missionaries had confirmed there was still much work to do, such as converting the village into middle-class white people.”

If you are not familiar with “The Babylon Bee” check it out here.

Not only is this funny, it is all too true.

Years ago I was investigating the claim that missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators had worked with/for the CIA.  I discovered that it was true.

As I rummaged around old Wycliffe literature, I also discovered a lesson-planning book from the 1960s describing scenarios to be translated into native languages, once the alphabet had been created, and then used to teach students how to read their language.

One lesson went like this, complete with cartoon characters in frame after frame:

Traditionally, an Indian went fishing.

Caught a fish.

Took it back to the village in order to share the catch with everyone.

This is bad.

Instead, when you go fishing.

And you catch a fish.

Bring it back to the village and sell it for money.

Then you have money to buy new things.

And your neighbors learn that they must work to earn more money for themselves.

I kid you not.  Think about this…

When the U.S. Ruins a Country, It’s Survivors Have a Right to Asylum

President Trump and his base are in an uproar over the so-called caravan of Latin American refugees applying for asylum at our southern border, despite the fact that this is  perfectly legal.

These poor people are asking to apply for legal asylum — something allowed by U.S. law.  Yet, we see them gassed and shot at by U.S. border “security.”

Personally, I think that there needs to be a new question added to all asylum petitions:  “Are you fleeing a country where the U.S. government has sponsored a coup, overthrown a leader, meddled in elections, trained death squads, supported a dictator, imposed economic sanctions or manipulated the economy?”

Chris Hedges

Anyone who can check that box — which is anyone and everyone fleeing any country south of the U.S./Mexico border — deserves automatic asylum in this country.

If you are curious as to how U.S. foreign policy helped to create the current migrant “crisis,” watch Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges interview Professor Dana Frank here.  She details just some of the ways in which the 2009 overthrow of Honduras’ democratically elected

Professor Dana Frank

government, perpetrated by the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton as its premier cheerleader, led to the catastrophe that has now engulfed Honduras.

America owes not only asylum, but reparations and continuing support, to every man, woman and child now hoping to find a new life north of the border.

Should a Foreign Government Have the Power to Censor Your Political Actions?

The BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement is an international campaign that “works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.”  You can learn more about it here.

I have participated in BDS campaigns for a long time.  It was begun by several Palestinian leaders and modeled after earlier, international BDS campaigns that successfully targeted South African apartheid.

History tells us that BDS can work to bring important social and political transformation.  And it is working, slowly but surely, to shed light on Israel’s dehumanization of Palestinians.

Here are two important points concerning BDS in the US:

First, did you know that 26 states have passed anti-BDS laws (and who knows how many local municipalities) making it illegal to do business with anyone involved in BDS activity?  Similar legislation is pending in another 13 states.

BDS activism is also a new excuse for Israel to blacklist visitors, barring them from entering the country.

Most recently a speech pathologist in Texas lost her job for refusing to sign a new contract demanding that she forswear any BDS activity.  As a Muslim American, she refused and was terminated. (Learn more about her story here and here).

Listen to her story below:

Second, several members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are trying to sneak a last minute provision called the Combating BDS Act  into an upcoming appropriations bill.  This act would criminalize any activity that lobbied state or local governments to divest from Israeli-based products or goods.

The bill is being opposed by several Jewish organizations (here and here) as well as the ACLU (which is a great organization, despite the objections of the Religious Right) as well as Senators Bernie Sanders and Diane Feinstein.

This bill is unconstitutional.  And American Christianity is supposed to like the Constitution, right?

Please call your congressional representatives and tell them, whether or not you agree with the BDS movement, that it is just plain wrong for a foreign government, in this case Israel, to pay off U.S. lawmakers so as to limit our rights to free speech, freedom of association, and the freedom to lobby our own elected officials in any way we wish.

What would you think if you heard that China or Russia were funding such a campaign in Congress?

White Woman Threatening Police is NOT Shot!

I have noted a number of similar stories over the years.  This is the latest.

I have noted a number of similar situations over the years.  Last year I saw a story about a drunk, white man threatening traffic in his neighborhood with a high-powered, hunting rifle.  Again, the police found a peaceful way to apprehend the man without using their guns.

Honestly, now, what are the chances this woman (or the man I describe above) would have been shot if she/he were black?

Don’t get me wrong. I am in total agreement with Mr. Maxwell’s commentary.  I am happy to see police officers use non-violent methods, that do not include a firearm, to remedy such situations.

I am afraid, however, that any American who follows the news in this arena will have to agree that when a black person behaves in a way even remotely similar to this, she/he will be shot by the police.  We have seen it time and again.

BlackLivesMatter, folks.

Of course, white lives matter, too.  But the fact is that white people are not arrested, harassed, shot, injured or imprisoned (unjustly) in this country at anywhere near the rates of black people  It is a simple fact

Every Christian, every Christian church, every person of conscience needs to vocally support this movement, in whatever ways you are able.

For every white person in this country, such support is a minimal step that everyone can take towards loving our neighbor and treating others as we would hope to be treated ourselves.

Palestinian Mother Imprisoned for Posting on Facebook

Below is an excerpt from another recent story to illustrate what life is like for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.  It appears in Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

“Susan Abu Ghannam, 39, (see above) the mother of Mohammed Abu Ghannam, 22, who was killed by Israeli occupation forces in July 2017 as he protested against the imposition of electronic gates at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, was sentenced by an Israeli court to 11 months in prison on 17 December. Abu Ghannam was seized by occupation forces in early August 2018, only weeks after the one-year anniversary of the killing of her son. She was accused of “incitement” for posting about Palestine, politics and the killing of her child on Facebook, as prosecutors listed 40 of her social media posts. 

It should be noted that Israeli occupation forces attempted to steal her son’s body after killing him in an attempt to hold it hostage. The imprisonment of the bodies of slain Palestinians is used as a tactic to attempt to suppress Palestinian resistance and popular protest.”

You read the entire article here.

Blog Update

You may have noticed that my posting frequency has diminished significantly over the past month or so.  The reason is that Terry and I have been traveling.

First, we spent most of the month of November in the West Bank of Palestine and Israel.  I was continuing my research by contacting and interviewing the staff of 4 different human rights organizations in both Israel and the Occupied Territory.

I was humbled and encouraged to meet numerous men and women, both Palestinians and Israeli Jews, who are working for justice, peace and equality for Palestinians living in Israel and in the Palestinian Territories.

We also had a wonderful visit with our extended, adopted family in the Aida refugee camp.  The bonds of love and friendship grow deeper with each new visit, and we are beginning to feel as though we are coming to know  the city of Bethlehem beyond the typical tourist understanding.

A Palestinian child being arrested by an Israeli soldier.

Second, I have just returned from a conference in Philadelphia sponsored by the Quaker agency, the American Friends Service Committee (the AFSC).  Learn

Palestinian children held in military detention

more about their work here.

The conference was called “What Does Justice Look Like?  Moving towards a just peace in Palestine and Israel.”  You can read a bit about the conference and the speakers here.

It was a gathering of Christians, Muslims, Jews and others with a shared concern to break the chains of Israeli apartheid.

An 8 year old child arrested by an Israeli soldier

A majority of the conference speakers were Palestinian activists, mainly from Gaza.  It was an excellent opportunity to network with others who share a passion for this cause and to devise numerous action plans for continuing the work of pursuing justice for the Palestinian people.

I intend to return to a more frequent rate of posting now that I am back in NW Montana.

Thank you for continuing to subscribe and taking the time to read what I

Would you like your child to be treated like this?

have to say.

I understand that there is no particular reason why anyone should give two hoots about what I have to say about anything.

Nevertheless, I pray that some of my writing will help to move you closer to Jesus Christ, which in itself is always a step nearer to God’s renewed humanity, a true humanity that yearns to see justice done for the oppressed, freedom for the captives, and a place at the table for those left behind.

Ramallah Is On Lock-down

Terry and I were visiting Ramallah, the provisional capital of the West Bank in Palestine, only a few weeks ago.  We drove with friends from the Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem.

Along the entire route my friend pointed out the many, ever expanding Jewish settlements that spring up and grow like pestilent weeds in the Palestinian territories, taking more and more of EVERYTHING for themselves while leaving the native Palestinians with less and less.

Less water to drink.  Less land to live on. Less air to breath.  Less money to spend – on necessities.  Less freedom.  Less respect.

Israel’s goal is to strangle the life out of every Palestinian remaining in Palestine, until the Zionists finally have it ALL to themselves.

Today Ramallah is on lock-down.  Perhaps you’ve heard the news.

Israeli soldiers conduct a search for Palestinian suspects of a terror attack yesterday in the West Bank City of Ramallah, December 10, 2018. 6 Israelis were injured in the drive-by shooting attack, near Ofra. December 10, 2018. Photo by FLASH90

You may have heard about the attacker who killed one Israeli soldier and shot a pregnant woman, leading to the death of her baby.   A number of others were injured.  It was a horrible act of violence, deserving strong condemnation.

But there is more to the story that you may not have heard about.  This lamentable attack was carried out in response to the earlier killing of 3 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.  Very few news outlets have reported that piece of the story.  But that is par for the course when it comes to the news about Israel/Palestine.  (When you listen to the link above, be sure to notice the blatant assertion of racial privilege expressed by the female settler in the red head scarf.)

And of course, precious few reporters ever remind their viewers about the larger context of the violence that Palestinians must endure EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES.  For the state of Israel has imposed an extremely violent, racist, inhumane military occupation upon the entire population of Gaza and the West Bank.

But, hey…it seems that the Palestinians don’t have enough sense to simply lay down and die quietly, as the Israeli government would like.  Believe it or not, they actually resist and occasionally fight back, in an extremely modest sort of way.  Imagine that!

With an Israeli boot pressed against their throat, strangling the life out of them, the uppity, ungrateful (and, of course, as we all know, “inherently violent”) Palestinian people have the unmitigated chutzpa to resist their occupiers!  Imagine that.  The gall of those people.

And the average Israeli says, “Why don’t you all just DIE already!  Or leave.”  (I am not exaggerating.  That’s the attitude.  Remember the words of the woman settler in the video above.)

So, Israel sends in more soldiers to kill more Palestinian civilians, to wreak more havoc, to tear apart more families.  To blow up more homes in repeated acts of collective punishment (which also violate international law, by the way).

Why?  Because the Palestinians rudely insist, “We will not lay down and die for you so easily, Israel.”

Today, I would not be allowed into Ramallah.  The beautiful, hospitable al-Azzeh family would no longer be free to share their home with my wife and I.  We wouldn’t be able to eat maqluba together while talking, laughing, drinking strong Arabic coffee and sharing our lives with each other.

As I write this post, Israeli soldiers, and rabid, illegal settlers from nearby outposts, continue on the rampage throughout the city.  No one is safe.  No Palestinians have any rights or protections.  Soldiers and settlers may attack anyone they see, kick down any door they choose, shoot at any car or whatever window that happens to tickle their fancy.

Yet, the anchors for U.S. news will continue to repeat the propagandistic lies written for them by the Israeli embassy describing how Palestinian “terrorists” have been attacking innocent Israelis.

Folks, in Israel today:  up is down, black is white, right is wrong and wrong is right.

That, my friends, is the Israel-Palestine “conflict” in a nutshell.

The “Rogue Journalist” Says It Like It Is

I have mentioned before that Caitlin Johnstone is one of my favorite bloggers and social, political commentators.  You should check  out her blog here.

Like me, she too developed recurring bouts of sustained nausea (mine was accompanied with cramps, groaning, eye-rolling, and periodic laughter)

Caitlin Johnstone

over the endless, collective lying sessions the nation was forced to endure during the funeral and burial services of former president George H. W. Bush.

Why did ever single network repeat the same mindlessly patriotic pablum, most of which was misleading, about this American war criminal?

Johnstone’s analysis is entitled, “How Plutocratic Media Keep Staff Aligned with Establishment Agendas.”  I have copied an excerpt below:

It is an obvious fact that mainstream media outlets are owned by the extremely wealthy, as has been the case for a very long time. Owning media is in and of itself a profitable investment, “like having a license to print your own money” as Canadian television magnate Roy Thomson once put it. So when it comes to the news media outlets which form people’s perceptions of the world, what incentive would a powerful plutocrat have to platform anti-establishment voices on those outlets and help sow ideas which upset the status quo upon which said plutocrat

has built his empire? It certainly wouldn’t make him any more money, and if anti-establishment ideas like socialism, anarchism, non-interventionism or skepticism of government agencies gained popular footing in public consciousness, it could upset the foundation of the plutocrat’s dynasty and cause him to lose everything.

“Plutocrats have put a lot of energy into influencing government policy in order to create legislation which ensures the continued growth of their wealth and power. A whole lot of maneuvering has had to happen over the course of many years to create a political system wherein government bribery is legal in the form of campaign finance and corporate lobbying, wherein deregulation of corporations is the norm, wherein tax loopholes are abundant and tax burdens

Jake Tapper

are shifted to the middle class, wherein money hemorrhages upward to the wealthiest of the wealthy while ordinary people grow poorer and poorer. What incentive would these powerful oligarchs have to risk upsetting that delicate balancing act by helping to circulate ideas which challenge the very governmental system they’ve worked so hard to manipulate to their extreme advantage? And how many incentives would they have to keep everyone supporting the status quo?”

I believe that Ms. Johnstone hits the nail squarely on the head.  I encourage you to read her entire piece here.

For followers of Jesus Christ who understand that their primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, last week’s display of over-the-top, lock-step homage to a man who once said that he “would never apologize for America.  I don’t care what the facts are” should have been disturbing, at least, repulsive, at best.

People like Caitlin Johnstone can help us to become better critical thinkers and more discerning viewers of the nationalistic propaganda we are subjected to on a daily basis.

I will talk more explicitly tomorrow about the many crimes against humanity committed by president George H. W. Bush.