Biden Appointee Admits He No Longer Supports the First Amendment

Ben Norton

Ben Norton has a good article at The Grayzone Project about Biden’s transition team member heading the US Agency for Global Media. His name is Richard Stengel.

Below are a few, deeply troubling excerpts:

“Richard Stengel, the top state media appointee for US President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, has enthusiastically defended the use of

Richard Stengel

propaganda against Americans.

“‘My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the chief propagandist,’ Stengel said in 2018. ‘I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, and they have to do it to their own population. And I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.’ . . .

“Stengel has proposed ‘rethinking’ the First Amendment that guarantees the freedom of speech and press. In 2018, he stated, ‘Having once been almost a First Amendment absolutist, I have really moved my position on it, because I just think for practical reasons in society, we have to kind of rethink some of those things.’ . . .

“Stengel’s appointment appears to be the clearest signal of a coming escalation by the Biden administration of the censorship and suppression of online media that is seen to threaten US imperatives abroad. . . .”

Read the entire, disturbing article here.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ