My First Book, “Feeling Like God”, is Now Back in Print

I am happy to announce that the publisher Wipf & Stock has agreed to reprint my book, Feeling Like God: A Spiritual Journey to Emotional Wholeness.

The original publisher, a small Canadian press, went out of business years ago, so the book has been unavailable for some time.

In my humble opinion, it’s a great book well worth reading!

I tackle the ancient theological question of whether or not God has passions, emotions, feelings that are part and parcel of his sovereign plans for the world.

My answer to that question is a resounding YES, in contrast to much of the orthodox, theological tradition which said NO. I approach this answer through a brilliantly composed (LOL!) integration of biblical theology,  an examination of Greek philosophy, a look at the early Church Fathers, illustrative  stories,and personal application.

What more could you ask for?

Publisher’s Description – “An engaging blend of biblical study, historical theology, and personal testimony, Feeling like God takes the reader on a journey to understand God as revealed in Scripture. It shows that following Jesus Christ necessarily means bringing our feelings to God, rather than trying to suppress them, and shows how expressing emotion is something central to what it means to be created in the image of God.”

CFIP Conversation with Journalist Ali Abunimah

You are invited to join the Christian Forum on Israel-Palestine this coming Tuesday (tomorrow, June 18) for our second conversation. This time we will be talking with Palestinian-American author and journalist Ali Abunimah, founder and senior editor of the Electronic Intifada.

You won’t want to miss it!

Use this link for the livestream and to view the recording after the fact: