Discover Why Pro-Israel/Zionist Groups Fought to Stop You from Seeing This Documentary

President Trump speaking at the annual AIPAC convention in Washington, D.C.

I recently watched the four-part documentary about the pro-Israel lobby in this country called (of all things!) “The Lobby.”

Produced by Aljazeera, “The Lobby” goes undercover to explore the inner workings of pro-Zionist lobbying organizations such as AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and The Israel Project in the United States.

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I encourage you to watch this eye-opening – actually, jaw-dropping – investigative report here at The Electronic Intifada.

The Israel lobby worked very hard to suppress this film and ensure that it would never appear on Western television.  For a time, they had succeeded.  You can read a bit of that story on the film’s webpage.  Once you watch this fine example of investigative journalism, you will understand why the Israel lobby was so determined to keep it buried forever.

How would you respond to learning that a foreign government was spying of you?  Yes, spying on you, personally.

Among other disturbing facts detailed in “The Lobby”, is the story of how the Israel lobby hires domestic spies to monitor the political activities of American citizens, including your use of social media, your voting record, political contributions and activism.  They note anything that appears to be anti-Zionist, anti-Israel and then send that information to the Israeli government.

At the heart of the Israel lobby’s propaganda strategy is the deliberate confusion of ant-Zionism with anti-Semitism.  Consequently, pro-justice,

BDS the New Antisemitism

pro-Palestinian, anti-apartheid activism is tarred with the scurrilous brush of anti-Semitism.  An utterly nonsensical confusion.  But, sadly, it often works.

If the powers-that-be feel you are sufficiently “threatening” to their pro-Zionist message in America, you may be targeted; victimized by a smear campaign, character assassination or any number of dirty tricks the pro-Israel lobby keeps in its propaganda arsenal.

University students, professors and even regular folks involved in the BDS movement are typical targets for the Israel lobby’s dirty tricks.

“The Lobby” highlights the personal stories of several activists who have suffered the hurtful consequences of these attacks.

If any other nation on earth were spying and attacking American citizens as extensively and as habitually as Israel, it would be front page news, complete with public denunciations and televised Senate hearings up the wazoo.

You will also learn about the political manipulation, money laundering, illegal campaign contributions, as well as AIPAC’s influence on U.S. foreign policy, all financed by one or another of the tentacles comprising the Israel lobby in this country.

The film is long.  Each of the four episodes is about 50 minutes.  But it is well worth your time.

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ