Another U. S. Coup Unfolding, This Time Against Venezuela

The U.S. has ramped up its hostilities against the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.  America’s clandestine

President Nicolas Maduro

attempts at Maduro’s overthrow have culminated in open calls for a coup against him.

To be fair, CNN did publish a report describing American involvement in the recent attempt to kill Maduro; see the article “US officials secretly met with Venezuelan military officers plotting a coup against Maduro.”

Juan Guaido has Trump’s support

Trump has publicly “recognized” an opposition leader, Juan Guaido, as Venezuela’s real president.  Guaida unilaterally declared himself president with American support, despite the fact that he has never run for president and has never been elected president.  (Wow, is that how it works?  Maybe I should declare myself president?)

Maduro, on the other hand, has achieved both of these things, with a significant majority of the Venezuelan vote.

John Bolton, the current National Security Advisor, recently called Maduro “an illegitimate” leader who needed to be removed from office.

President Trump has imposed crippling sanctions against Venezuela which have helped to devastate its economy.  Check out the State Department’s website listing U.S. sanctions against Venezuela going back to 2014.

Economic sanctions can be seen as an act of war.

Listen to Maduro supporters reject America’s anti-democratic shenanigans:

What is happening now is the culmination of a long-standing American attack against a country that (a) elected to install a leftist government by a popular vote, (b) to nationalize its biggest industries rather than watch its natural resources continue to be exploited for American corporate profits, and (c) to shake itself free of the American Empire.

But as any good slave should know,  shaking your fist at “the master” is always a no-no.  And the America master will not stand for such disrespect.

If you have not been following recent events in Venezuela or know only the things repeated by American-based media, then a good way to catch up and become properly informed is to watch this video by the journalist Mike Prysner.

Mr. Prysner, who has spent considerable time in Venezuela, unlike the

Mike Prysner attending a Venezuelan political meeting

typical U.S. reporter, thoroughly addresses and debunks the most common pieces of misinformation, aka propaganda, being spread about Venezuela’s current problems.

If you are as disturbed as I am by America’s oppression of innocent people around the world, and the the rank hypocrisy of our government’s claims to “defend freedom” around the world, then please watch the video above and call your elected representatives.

Tell them to leave Venezuela alone!

Author: David Crump

Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ

2 thoughts on “Another U. S. Coup Unfolding, This Time Against Venezuela”

  1. I really did not know this. Chavez and Modero are the people’s choice? Whose tool is John Oliver? I never have payed attention
    to him. Now seeing news reporting that our Admin is against Modero, i figure he is good . Am I understanding this right?

    1. I imagine that whoever wrote Oliver’s monologue relied on standard, mainstream media reports for their information. Mr. Prysner’s rebuttal is based on his first-hand experience in research and reporting from Venezuela. The US government has hated the Venzla government since Chavez was first elected in 1999. The first CIA-led coup attempt was in 2002. There have been multiple attempts since then, including assassination attempts against both Chavez and Maduro. I suspect there are two driving motives: 1. Venzla has the largest oil reserves in the world, and 2. the US govt continues to despise anything having to do with socialism and will not tolerate it in the Westn hemisphere. For a good source of ongoing coverage of Venzla, I recommend the news site

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